Chapter 2782

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Satan started like a thief. At five o'clock in the morning, one by one slipped out of his house, met, and then rushed to the airport quietly.

Tommy is still far away in Serbia. Frye should still be asleep. Satan left quietly.

The atmosphere is still very relaxed. When you get on the bus, you make up for sleep when you are sleepy and start chatting when you are not sleepy. The distance from the starting point to the airport is not very close, but there are few cars in the early morning, so the speed is still very fast.

It took an hour and a half to get to the airport, and the plane Morgan helped find was ready.

Simon has been waiting beside the plane. Although Morgan helped find the plane, he won't come to see Satan off. Simon is the only person who can represent Morgan.

Simon's face has always looked very serious since it was repaired, because only half of his face will move when he smiles, and the other half of his repaired face has no expression and looks very strange.

Since it was ugly to laugh, Simon naturally avoided laughing.

He held out his hand and shook hands with Gao Yang briefly and vigorously. Simon said solemnly: "the plane can take off. The route has been coordinated. You can land directly in Baghdad in the name of transporting and protecting the oil field PMC, but after leaving the airport, you have to find your own place to stay."

"The foothold has been found. Big Ivan is still strong in Baghdad. You don't have to worry about that," he said in a loud and deep voice

Simon nodded and said with his characteristic serious expression, "I wish everything goes well."

"Thank you. Bye."


Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "board the plane and start."

Men don't need too emotional parting scenes. Gao Yang gets on the plane first, waves to Simon, and turns into the cabin.

After arranging the big bag, I found a seat at random. When everyone got on the plane, the cabin door closed immediately, and the Boeing 747 just used in Libya took off immediately.

The Boeing 747 is very big, and Satan is certainly far from being able to fill the plane. We all find a comfortable position. Now we can sleep and do whatever we want. After all, we have to fly for a long time. We have to find something to do.

Satan these people have been together for too long, and there is nothing new to talk about. Like ordinary people, mercenaries can do only a few things during long-distance flight. When the plane enters the level flight cruise phase, Gao Yang closed his eyes and felt a little confused. He couldn't sleep when he was going to sleep, so he took out his mobile phone and put on his headphones, Start listening to music so that you can relax.

Gao Yang's favorite is rock and roll, but he found that rock and roll was too dry. After he couldn't listen to it at all in his current mood, he began to listen to classical symphonies. After all, ye Lianna studied music, and Gao Yang always had to be affected.

The relaxation effect of music is still very strong. Gao Yang is sleepy when he listens. After all, he didn't sleep all night, and what he does is labor-intensive.

Feeling sleepy, Gao Yang untied his seat belt, stood up and went to the toilet. He had to go to the toilet before falling asleep so as not to wake up. He liked to prepare everything as much as possible in advance. He always had this habit.

When he reached the door of the toilet, Gao Yang opened the door, but found that the toilet was occupied. The door was locked from the inside, so Gao Yang naturally turned around and unscrewed the door lock of the opposite toilet.

Open the door and enter the toilet. When Gao Yang was about to close the door with his backhand, there was a sudden inspiration.

Gao Yang didn't see anyone going to the toilet, which made him feel something wrong. When he just walked to the toilet at the tail, he saw all Satan sitting in their own positions, that is, no one should be in the toilet at the moment, so naturally he couldn't lock the door from there.

The crew has their own toilet, and even if the toilet is out of service, it will only be a sign of out of service, not an anti lock indicating that someone is inside.

Gao Yang immediately walked out of the toilet, walked a few steps forward, made a gesture to the people who didn't sleep, then pulled out his pistol and crept back to the locked toilet door.

Li JinFang didn't draw his gun. He also walked to Gao Yang with light hands and feet, lowered his voice and said, "what's the matter?"

Gao Yang Nuo chin toward the toilet, whispered: "there are people inside, not our people."

Li JinFang squeezed his fist and whispered, "I'll break the door. Be careful and try not to shoot."

Gao Yang made a gesture to the other people who stood up and motioned them not to shoot. Although they were all holding pistols, the penetration of large military pistols used in aircraft was still too strong.

At this time, Joseph waved his hand again and again, and then he whispered, "I'll ask the crew members, and then take the key to open the door. Don't break the door by force. Everyone step back. Using the key is faster than breaking the door by force. I'll be right back."

Joseph hurried to the cockpit. Of course there would be no stewardess on this special plane. If you want to find someone, you can only find someone who drives the plane.

Soon, Joseph came back with the key, and then he whispered, "no one in the crew is inside, and the toilet can never be locked. I'll open the door, and you and Toad are ready."

Gao Yang nodded, and then stood on one side of the toilet door with Li JinFang. Joseph slowly inserted the key into the key hole and suddenly rotated, while Gao Yang suddenly pushed the door with a gun in one hand.

When Gao Yang pushed the door, Li JinFang was about to rush in, but the door was blocked by something after only half of it was opened and could not be opened any more.

Seeing the situation behind from the crack of the open door, Gao Yang couldn't help exclaiming, "Frye!"

Frye sat on the toilet with a big bag in his arms and a big bag under his feet. The plane toilet with extremely compact space was full, and the door could not be fully opened.

Frye, sitting on the toilet, was equally shocked to see the door suddenly opened.

Seeing Gao Yang standing outside the door, Frye raised his hand and waved it. Then he smiled flatteringly at Gao Yang and said, "Hi."

Gao Yang's sense of amazement can be imagined. He subconsciously dropped his pistol and stared at Frye for a moment, and then his amazement quickly turned into anger.

"Get out of here!"

Sooner or later, Frye suddenly pushed the door back. After slamming the toilet door, he shouted inside, "I'm not going out! Falk! How did you find out so soon?"

Gao Yang pushed the toilet door hard. Frye pedaled the door, so he slapped the toilet door vigorously and shouted angrily, "Why are you here!"

"Why can't I be here?"