Chapter 2766

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
If there are tens of billions of dollars behind the door, will it be too easy to open the door.

Just like the common electronic access control, stick the door card up and the door opens. Such a simple door can be opened as long as there is a key.

At best, the encryption specification of this chip is higher, harder to copy and harder to crack by force, but this is not the key. The key lies in the setting that it is easy to open and take out the things in the underground warehouse quickly.

Therefore, Gao Yang now feels that this is not a treasure, but a secret base hidden under the airport, which is more likely to be a large number of arms or important combat equipment, but not full of gold and money.

Still, Libya does not have so much gold stored in a warehouse of more than 10000 square meters.

But if this is a secret military base, why is it hidden in Gaddafi's watch? This doesn't make sense, so Gao Yang still retains some hope.

It took five minutes for all the doors to land to the end. At this time, we can see clearly that the whole wall is a door. The outer layer is cement. After one meter of cement, there is a 20 cm thick steel plate behind the cement. No wonder we can't see anything unusual when smashing with a hammer. It's really too thick.

Both sides of the gate combined with cement and steel plate are serrated, which is used to make large gears push up or down. The two sides extend into the crevice for more than one meter. It is difficult to explode even with explosives.

When the door completely landed flush with the ground, a wide passage was exposed inside. It was dark and could not see anything. At a glance, people felt scared.

Wuliyangke said in a quick voice, "go in and test the oxygen content."

Ulyanko took two confidants, one of whom ran in quickly with an air detector. After a moment, he said loudly: "the air index is normal. I suspect there are vents connected to the outside world. There is a lot of space here. Even if it is completely closed, it is enough for us to breathe for a long time."

Ulyanko said excitedly, "let's go in!"

Gao Yang hurriedly said, "don't worry. We can't all go in, guys. What if the door is closed? So someone must stay outside."

Gao Yang looked around at Satan's people. At this time, groliov said, "I'll stay, Raphael, you also stay. Others are free."

When Gao Yang goes in, groliov stays outside for safety, and Raphael has to wait outside, because he is good at blasting. If the door closes again and can't be opened, he has to blow the door open.

Morgan left Simon, ulyanko left one of his confidants, Nate left one of the angels, and he brought one.

After quickly arranging the left behind people, Gao Yang drove five cars and went in directly along the passage.

Needless to say, I was looking forward to and nervous. I drove quickly through the long underground passage. When the car lights lit up the first batch of visible objects, my heart cooled.

It was a box, a box piled like a hill, and Gao Yang was too familiar with those boxes because they were full of bullets.

Gao Yang wanted to say it on the walkie talkie, but he soon gave up the idea. He won't be busy reporting the bad news.

There is a very wide road in the middle of the ammunition box, which is enough to accommodate trucks, and Gao Yang also saw several loaders.

Obviously, this is a large underground Arsenal.

When the car stopped, people got out of the car and looked at all kinds of boxes around. No one spoke.

Finally, ulyanko said weakly: "from what we see, they are bullets, AK rifles, RPGs and rockets. They are stored in different categories. Oh, damn, there is no gold..."

As an arms dealer, ulyanko was not interested in these arms, let alone others.

Although Knight needs arms, he needs money more now, but his demand for arms is not very urgent.

Morgan sighed slightly and said, "the roads here extend in all directions. Let's check separately and see what they have."

The three cars, choosing one direction respectively, began to drive forward.

Soon, Morgan said on the walkie talkie, "I found a lot of grain. It should be wheat."

But ulyanko said weakly in the walkie talkie, "arms, arms, FAK! I've never been angry because of so many arms with sharp knives."

Gao Yang's car was full of women except him, and what he saw were all arms, heavy and heavy machine guns and bullets. He saw only so different.

Just then, Catherine suddenly said, "what's that?"

Gao Yang slowed down. He wanted to drive over, but he stopped. Then he grabbed the walkie talkie and said loudly, "URI, come and have a look at this. I think you'd better come and have a look."

Ulyanko said lazily, "what?"


"Missiles, see later."

"No, you'd better come right away! Because these missiles seem different."

In the middle of the warehouse, there are six missile launch vehicles parked next to the supporting vehicles of the missile launch vehicles. However, the missiles on the six missile launch vehicles look unusual.

Just then, Knight said in an excited voice: "I found several separate compartments. It seems that the safety level is very high. Will there be anything else in them? Come and have a look."

Gao Yang whispered in the walkie talkie, "no, URI, you'd better come here first."

Knight said in surprise, "it's just a missile. I think I found a safe house. Don't you think there will be anything precious in it, such as gold."

Libya already has scud-b ballistic missiles, which is not surprising. However, Gao Yang's surprise is the missile warhead he saw.

Gao Yang took a breath and whispered, "URI, I'm familiar with scud-b warheads, but they're different here. They're much smaller than conventional warheads. Guess what warheads?"

The conversation in the walkie talkie suddenly stopped, and soon, ulyanko's car came.

Ulyanko jumped out of the car. He quickly ran to Gao Yang, stared at the missile on the missile launch vehicle, and then stretched out his hand to cover his mouth.

"It's not really a nuclear warhead, is it?"

Gao Yang asked the question carefully, while ulyanko slowly nodded and whispered, "nuclear warheads, and I also know who sold them. Yes, this is the nuclear warhead sold by big Ivan, but this thing should not appear here, should not..."