Chapter 2754

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Tanks and armored vehicles drove away overnight, leaving Satan and a batch of ammunition.

"Everyone is ready for clothes. Once we receive the news, we will change our clothes and pretend to be the enemy. Now we need to defend the whole hospital and wait for the angel and ulyanko to complete the work on Abu Hadi."

For the battle to occupy a room, of course, the action time can be accurately calculated in seconds, but this is related to the competition for a city. Satan never makes any particularly detailed plans. At most, he will draw a bottom line, set a basic goal, flash when it is completed, and flash when it is not completed.

As long as it's a battle, there will be all kinds of accidents. The plan is too detailed and worthless, and the fault tolerance rate is too low. If every step must be completed very accurately and accurately to ensure victory, it's fighting for luck.

We are not sure how long to defend or how many enemy attacks to defend, so the defensive pressure is still relatively large, and Gao Yang has to act cautiously.

"Everyone cheer up and take turns to rest in two groups. If you can't stick to the end, you must evacuate as soon as possible, so the vehicle must not be destroyed by the enemy. We must pay attention to this. Well, who is still sleepy? Go to bed now and stand with me on the first shift. Who has any problems?"

Albert, who had just woken up from his sleep, yawned and said loudly, "I'm not in good shape. I'm still a little sleepy. I have to go back to sleep, but I want to know what happened and why only we are left here."

Gao Yang briefly introduced the matter, and then he said loudly, "as long as we get to the airport, our treasure hunt can basically declare victory, so we must hold the enemy here and create favorable conditions for friendly forces."

Cui Bo said strangely, "where is Nate going so smoothly? It's strange. Is it still Nate? When did he become so good at negotiation?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "it's not that knight has become able to negotiate, but that his needs are just consistent with the wishes of the Sirte brigade. This is called instant cooperation. Well, the two on guard go to their respective positions, and the others go to bed."

Gao Yang also wants to stand guard. He and Joseph arrive at their position, sit down and monitor the dark city outside with a night vision.

Sentry is a very boring thing, but the pressure is relatively high, so it won't make people sleepy. Moreover, there's really nothing to say about the process of sentry. The two-hour sentry time is over and someone else is replaced until dawn.

At dawn, everyone has to get up, because ace basically has no night fighting ability. If they are eager to recapture the hospital, they are likely to attack at dawn.

At dawn, the enemy did launch an attack, but less than 100 people launched an attack that was almost suicide.

The enemy had one more tank and two self-made armored vehicles.

Ulyanko left late at night with his armored forces. They couldn't hide the eyes of the enemy, so they thought that with the addition of tanks, it should be enough to capture the hospital, but in fact, it was just a fatal illusion.

Peter destroyed the tank with an anti tank missile and Taylor destroyed the self-made armored vehicle with a rocket launcher. Then, the enemy's action failed. After leaving dozens of bodies, he didn't even show up all morning.

It is a great challenge for AISI to fight with Satan or angels, which can cause great casualties although there are few people. It is even a very rare way for the whole of Libya.

The two sides dispatched thousands of people respectively, and the battle of killing and injuring more than a dozen people in a fierce battle in the afternoon is the norm. Therefore, attacking a hospital that seems to have no people at all, but just left dozens of bodies, almost more than half of the casualty rate, makes the mob used to the ultra-low casualty rate unbearable.

An army with more than 30% casualties can continue to fight. This will to fight alone is definitely the trump card in the trump card, but such an army will never appear in places like Libya.

Throughout the morning, Gao Yang, who was always worried that the enemy might send artillery, did not wait for the enemy's attack, but waited for ulyanko's call.

"Attack! The enemy troops at the airport have all fled. The Sirte brigade and knight have just entered the airport. They have checked one side. The airport is empty, but the aircraft takeoff and landing control system has been destroyed, the oil depot has been used, and there is feces everywhere. However, the good news is that the airport shells are intact, and there is basically no damage. They just need to pad a few craters You can take off and land the plane. "

This is great news. Gao Yang's biggest worry has not appeared. As long as the airport can be used, the next things will be much easier to do.

Clenched his fist, waved it, raised it high and whispered, "is it going well?"

"Very smoothly, we arrived at Abu Hadi at dawn and launched an attack at 10 a.m. I asked people to escort the prisoners to the airport. In front of AIS and all the Sirte brigade, we swept them all with machine guns, and then let people go down. Whether they were dead or not, they might have never seen such a scene. In short, our enemies were frightened Ran away, and our friends were frightened. They are very good now. "

After thinking about it, he said in a low voice, "have you discussed what to do next?"

"Not yet. I just checked the airport."

"Don't come back again. Let Knight bring the Sirte brigade. You let them take the heavy equipment, but you keep the airport with all the infantry. We must not let the Sirte brigade in. This place must be controlled by us."

"I understand. I left 50 people stationed at the airport."

"When do you expect to launch an attack on Sirte?"

Ulyanko whispered: "it's impossible during the day today, mainly because our people are too tired. My people haven't rested since yesterday. I have to let them sleep for a while and have a good meal. In the evening, it's unlikely that the Sirte brigade will attack, so we'll get tomorrow as soon as possible. Is there a problem with you?"

Gao Yang subconsciously looked up at the outside, and then he said with a smile: "I have no problem here. It's a little fun to stick to tomorrow. If it's convenient, let Knight contact me and tell me the characteristics of important people in Sirte brigade, or we can formulate a way to indicate the target. If knight can't contact me, it doesn't matter. We can always tell who is the commander."

Ulyanko whispered, "where is the treasure? There is Gaddafi's villa here in Abkhazia. If necessary, I'll take someone to occupy the place first."

"The airport! The most important thing is the airport. You don't need to pay attention to any other place, but you must occupy the airport, that's all."