Chapter 2745

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Although he was not sure what hamashani was like, Gao Yang felt that since the old nest had been dug out and there were only 30 people, ACE ACE of Sirte had to kill them all to relieve his anger.

So there may be hamashani among the people who came just now. After all, it would be unreasonable for the supreme commander of this kind of battle not to be present.

Now Satan has the most powerful long-range precision shooting ability in the mercenary world. There are three gold lettered signboards: ram, rabbit and crow. Who dares not admit it.

If hamashani could be killed, it would be much easier to fight and lose all the commanders. As Knight said, the vertical command system is conducive to power, but once the command system is destroyed, the remaining soldiers will become pigs and sheep to be slaughtered.

Ali was taken to Gao Yang. Gao Yang didn't look at Ali, but whispered, "what does hamashani look like and what characteristics does he have."

"Hamashani, his beard is very thin and short, and he wears a military uniform..."

Gao Yang was really angry. At the same time, he was helpless, but he could only say very depressed: "do you recognize people by beard?"

"When you ask him about his characteristics, he is different from others..."

He breathed loudly and said in the walkie talkie, "rabbit, crow, do you hear me?"

"The rabbit understands."

"The crow understands."

"Find hamashani and kill him."

He breathed loudly and searched carefully in the sight. He found several very easy targets, but he didn't shoot.

If you want to kill the enemy's commander from a long distance, you must at least make the enemy commander feel that he will not be exposed to the sniper's muzzle. If you shoot too many people, but shamahani dare not show up, it will be difficult to snipe him again.

"The beard is thin and short, Falk! What's the characteristic!"

Although there is a sight, it is still impossible to distinguish the beard of the target from three or four hundred meters away. There is no such thing at all.

Most of the enemies outside are wearing military uniforms, so it is impossible to make a preliminary screening from clothes, but at this time, Gao Yang found that in a narrow gap between the two buildings, several figures passed quickly one after another.

Gao Yang immediately pointed the muzzle of the gun at the air raid and immediately said in the walkie talkie: "I just saw the crowd suspected of being the commander. At my ten o'clock position, where are two broken precast slabs, rabbits and crows, pay attention to both sides."

"Got it, got it."

Gao Yang pointed the muzzle of his gun at the place where he had just seen the suspected target. The enemy is now hiding behind the bunker. He can only have a chance to shoot when the enemy appears again.

Just then, Knight said in the walkie talkie, "we have searched the third floor and killed Mustafa. It has been confirmed from the prisoners. I will continue to search and attack. Over!"

"Ram, yes, well done, over."

After that, Gao Yang didn't speak again, but continued to focus on where someone might appear.

In this case, it is difficult to ambush because there are many buildings in the distance. The enemy may just pass through the two buildings quickly, but it may also enter the building and secretly observe from a certain place. Therefore, we can't focus on one place. We have to focus on the possible location of the enemy and observe the nearby area as much as possible.

The distance is far enough, so the field of vision is big enough. Gao Yang swings the muzzle back and forth, moving back and forth with the focus of his field of vision.

Suddenly, Gao Yang found that someone seemed to be moving behind a window in the house he had been focusing on, so he quickly pointed the muzzle of the gun at the muzzle.

It's daytime. It's very difficult to find the enemy hiding indoors, but the man is too close to the window, which provides enough light conditions for Gao Yang.

He didn't hold a gun, but he had a telescope in his hand. Only half of his head was exposed. He lay on the edge of the window and looked out.

Gao Yang felt that even if the man was not hamashani, he could shoot, because from the observed situation, the man was worth shooting.

Gao Yang shot, but he found that at the moment of shooting, the target he aimed at had disappeared, but it was not the target that disappeared on his own initiative.

The target was hit, a blood mist burst out of his head, and then disappeared.

Then, Phoenix Contact said in a deep voice: "confirm to kill!"

Gao Yang was a little depressed when he let Phoenix Contact take the lead, but his depression soon turned into a surprise because he saw someone appear in the window in great panic.

Is it hamashani?

Looking at the panic of that group of people, if the position of the people killed is not high, no one believes it. Gao Yang fired two shots in a row, killed the two people he can see, and said quickly: "if it is hamasani, the enemy will bring him out, whether dead or alive, pay attention!"

Gao Yang's reminder was very timely. Almost as soon as his voice fell, two people ran out with one person and found their passage gap through Gao Yang just now.

Gao Yang fired a shot. He hit the front one, and TREB and phoenix also shot. I don't know which of them hit the back one, so the two people and the people or bodies they carried fell to the ground.

It was convenient to observe this time. Gao Yang looked in the sight and shouted, "Ali! Come and see if the body is hamashani! Give him a telescope!"

Ali was grabbed by his head and pressed on the sandbag. Then someone stuffed him with a telescope. After waiting for a moment, Ali whispered, "I can't see. He's wearing a military uniform and a black bulletproof jacket. I think..."

Ali hesitated while talking, suddenly stopped, and Gao Yang saw a man dragging the body on the ground, but before he hid in a safe area, he was shot down by Phoenix.

"It's hamashani. I can recognize the man just now. He is the escort of general hamashani. I know him."

It's almost certain. Gao Yang breathed a sigh of relief. Then he said on the walkie talkie, "RAM calls crazy wolf. We killed hamashani. It should be. Over."

Knight didn't answer immediately. After a while, he whispered, "well, then we're close to victory. It's going well. No one is hurt. Please observe the enemy's movements outside. Over!"

Knight could still hear the fierce gunfire as he spoke. He raised his voice and whispered, "do you need assistance? Over."

"No, if hamashani is dead, the enemy outside should be confused soon. Please pay attention and report. Over!"