Chapter 2738

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
The target has been selected Sirte City, which has no choice at all, because the treasure is here.

But it is not easy to get from Tripoli to Sirte.

If we want to go to war with the armed forces that control a city, we must have a certain amount of heavy firepower and logistical supplies. Otherwise, no matter how elite it is, it is also to send vegetables to others.

Let's put it this way. Even though Satan and angels are invincible in the world, they add up to less than 50 people. If there is no logistics supply, even if each of these 50 people carries 10000 bullets, they will soon be consumed and even the bullets will be lost. How can they fight and leave without paying in the end.

Moreover, it is impossible for everyone to carry 10000 bullets. According to the ammunition limit that a person can carry, an average of 3000 bullets per person will top the sky. Coupled with the weight of other individual soldiers, it is good to stick to it for one day after fighting.

Therefore, when we set out from Tripoli, there was a large convoy with four tanks, ten armored vehicles and twelve trucks pulling the necessary supplies such as ammunition and oil.

It's a long way from Tripoli to Sirte. In addition, any city in the middle is occupied by complex armed factions. If there is no face of ulyanko, this is the most basic transportation, which can defeat Gaoyang and Naite.

Why do we have to separate two parts of ulyanko, because Satan alone can't do it, that's why.

As an arms dealer, ulyanko's status is indeed very detached, because offending him has endless disadvantages. As an arms dealer, he must respond to attacks and challenges, and must be the kind that does not count life and death. This is the way for arms dealers to survive. If there is no extremely firm attitude, everyone wants to eat free food from military fire dealers.

Maintaining friendly relations with arms traffickers is the way to survive in this war-torn and volatile area. Therefore, armed factions, large and small, regardless of whether they have a trading relationship with ulyanko or not, will sell ulyanko a face. Even if they are not warmly received, they will never rashly attack this seemingly attractive convoy.

Of course, in Libya, the strength of Gaoyang's business itself is strong. Although the number is not too many, it is definitely a hard bone. Small groups of armed forces dare not fight, and large groups of armed forces are not cost-effective. These two very important preconditions ensure that Gaoyang can reach Sirte safely all the way.

Along the coastline of Libya, more than 40 kilometers away from Sirte, the tripartite coalition troops stopped in a very small village.

Moving forward is the territory controlled by AIS. If such a large team moves forward without saying hello, the only result is to start fighting, because ulyanko and AIs have no business contacts at all, so it is impossible to say hello in advance to show their intention.

The first pre war meeting was held in a small village where names would not be marked on the map.

"The areas controlled by ACE ACE are extremely closed. We can't get enough information. We can't find out the location of ACE ACE headquarters, so we can't launch a surprise attack. It's not technically difficult to use tanks and armored vehicles as a surprise force to attack all the way, but even if we progress smoothly, the enemy will be killed There must be enough time to respond, and our troops must not fall into street fighting. Ladies and gentlemen, my suggestion is to stay and wait for intelligence. Justin has sent people to collect intelligence from Sirte. "

Gao Yang finished his indirect speech slowly. Then he looked at Nate and ulyanko and said in a deep voice, "what do you think?"

Knight shook his head and said: "No, we don't have time to wait for Justin's information. You just said that the territory controlled by AIS is extremely closed, and Libya is not Justin's key area. Who still buys Libyan information? So Justin can't get the information we need in a short time. We've been waiting for a long time. If Justin can get the information, we've got it now , if he can't get it now, we'll wait in vain. "

Ulyanko rubbed his hands and said eagerly, "I'm worried when I think of those gold, so I don't think we should wait any longer. How about we try to contact ace directly?"

Gao Yang frowned and said, "is there a communication channel? Or a suitable middleman can send a message."

Ulyanko shook his head and said, "no, AIS is too crazy. It's a group of madmen and damn scum. Even as an arms dealer, I won't sell weapons to AIS. If I get involved with them, I'll die. This madman can't last long. I dare not become a public enemy of mankind, so I really don't have any suitable channels to use."

Knight said in a deep voice: "I have an idea. We can directly contact AIS of Sirte and claim to sell a batch of arms. We need to contact the defenders of AIS from the Sirte corridor first, let them report to the supreme officer, and then we can negotiate, so that we can directly meet with their command center and kill them when we meet!"

Ulyanko smiled and said, "then why not sell arms to them? It's better to say you want to do business with them for the reason of borrowing."

Gao Yang thought for a while and said, "this idea can work."

Ulyanko smiled bitterly and said, "but it's too risky? Guys, even if there is a chance to negotiate, the other party is not stupid. It's impossible to let a large number of our people pass, let alone our tanks and armored vehicles. Are you going to take out their headquarters by relying on a few people?"

Knight shrugged and said, "why not?"

Gao Yang also nodded: "Yes, why not? We have to talk about the amount of arms business with them. When we go to negotiate, we have to take some guards. Also, it is reasonable to ask them to go out of town for negotiation. They have a chance to do it. As long as we can catch a few valuable people, we don't have to ask where their core is. If it is If the enemy's supreme leader comes to negotiate, it will be easier to take everything directly. "

Ulyanko smiled and said, "this plan is very bold. I have a question now. What if it's not done?"

Gao Yang spread his hand and said indifferently: "It's not done? Even if it's not done, as long as we can ensure that the people who go to negotiate come back safely, if Sirte can't fight down, we'll withdraw and go back and find a way to fight again. Whose territory are we now? Forget it, no matter whose territory it is, anyway, someone stands in our way, stabs the horse honeycomb and runs away, no matter how many people there are."

Knight pointed to Gao Yang and said with a smile, "your idea is shameless, but I think it should be done!"