Chapter 2655

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
It's not that he wants to extort every trace of residual value from yalebin, but that he now understands one thing, that is, it's better to let yalebin do something than to let him idle.

People like yalebin, who are busy doing things all day, can live a few more years. If they are idle and have nothing to do, their health will collapse faster.

Looking at the performance of alebin at home, we can see that he doesn't know how to live a normal life. It's really better to let an old man in his eighties learn and adapt to the new life than to let him do what he wants and live the life he wants.

Gao Yang looked at yalebin and said expectantly, "teacher, you have to help me."

Alebin nodded with a smile on his face, but he hesitated soon after nodding.

Thinking for a moment, jarebin said to Gao Yang, "what are you going to do?"

Gao yangleng said, "how? I, I don't know, so I need your help very much, teacher."

Yalebin sighed, waved his hand to Gao Yang and said, "Gao, the black devil is already led by you. As long as there is a good bait, there is almost no possibility of failure. Especially if you still fail after you get the full cooperation with the devil, it means you are too bad."

Gao Yangshan was speechless, so he turned his eyes to grevatov, but grevatov gently shook his head, indicating that he had no way.

Yalebin continued lightly: "you should not know how to do it, but you don't want to do it with me. This won't work. Gao, you have to take responsibility. You also have to master the skills that a black devil should have as soon as possible. The most important thing is that you have to learn to do some things. I know you're not very familiar with the work of agents, but if you don't do it, you'll never be familiar with it."

With that, yalebin sighed and said, "I'm too old and my health is not good. You should learn to do a lot of things. Make a plan and put it into practice. You can ask me if you don't understand, but I won't work for you anymore. I want to enjoy a leisurely life and take a look around the United States."

After thinking for a moment, Gao Yang finally said, "well, as long as you are happy, you can do whatever you want."

Yalebin smiled and said, "I'm sure you can handle it. Are there any other problems?"

Gao Yang hesitated: "as a black devil, I want to know if you are familiar with cleaners, or do you know anything about cleaners?"

Jarebin became serious and said in a deep voice: "No, in the Soviet era, we never heard of the term cleaner. I think this organization should not be one with a very long history, otherwise the KGB will get some information. However, the energy and strength of this organization are amazing. I even feel scared. Think about it. A multinational organization is extremely secretive but efficient, It can even affect the FBI and CIA departments in the United States. What's this? It affects the national security of the United States. A new organization can't develop to this point in a short period of more than ten or twenty years. It's absolutely impossible. Therefore, I doubt that this is a multinational organization with a long history. It must be a new branch organization opened up in recent years Like! "

Gao Yang nodded and said, "yes, it must be. As far as I can see, the huge and efficient organization of cleaners is frightening. At present, we still belong to partners and have a very good relationship. We can even say that we would be finished long ago without the help of cleaners, but I always have fear."

Jarebin stared and shouted, "are you afraid?"

"Yes, because the cleaners' strength is too frightening. It can be said that if the cleaners want to kill Satan, they only need to sew a little leak in their fingers. Although our relationship is good at present, who is right about the future? I'm worried that Satan will become a puppet of the cleaners. As long as the cleaners want to, we really have no way to deal with the cleaners No. "

Jabin thought for a moment, nodded and said, "your worry is reasonable, but you don't have to think too much."

Gao Yang was surprised and said, "do you think the cleaners will not threaten us?"

Yalebin said with a smile, "no, since you can't resist, what's the point of thinking too much?"

Gao Yang's surprise immediately disappeared and said helplessly, "teacher, you are so funny..."

Yalebin said slowly, "but the cleaners remind me of an organization that used to be very influential."

It's inevitable to sell off occasionally. It's found that yalebin has a plan to sell off. Of course, Gao Yang has to cooperate.

"What organization?"

"There is no name. I said it is a very influential rather than a famous organization. To be exact, no one knows the name of the organization, except a few senior members."

"Well, go on."

Yalebin said slowly: "Think about it, the main business of cleaners is to eliminate criminal evidence. Intelligence and killer business are not connected. At present, the biggest intelligence work is the Cicero family, but the intelligence organization can not be monopolized by a family or an underground organization. The Cicero family is the largest, but it is far from monopolizing. There is also the killer. The killer group has never disappeared, but It's just not known by the world. Now the problem comes. Why doesn't that successful organization do all the three most important businesses in the underground world? "

"Yes, why?" he said in a low voice

Jarebin breathed and said: "It's not that I don't want to, but I can't, but I just can't now. In history, there was such an organization, intelligence, killer, elimination, and even the work done by your mercenaries. It was very large and efficient. It didn't belong to any country. The only trust was money. Such an organization once existed, but it was in the World War II that destroyed everything Disappeared. "


Alebin nodded softly: "Disappeared, such a behemoth would not be tolerated by any country, especially by the United States and the Soviet Union, who were the maintainers of the world order at that time. Under the combined attack of the two countries, the organization first split and then disappeared. The organization maintained the greatest mystery from its birth to its disappearance, so that no one could know the organization Your name. "

Gao Yang sighed: "it's a pity that he doesn't even know his name."

At this time, grevatov suddenly said, "in fact, there is not no trace at all. At least, well, maybe, just maybe, I really want to know the name."

Yalebin looked at grevatov in surprise and said, "you know? What's your name!"

Grevatov hesitated for a moment, and then finally whispered, "grey man, of course, grey man is just a nickname. The official name should be called rule guardian."