Chapter 2591

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Both hands should be hard, but this information is obviously the more important one. Even if Satan is ready for the attack, he doesn't know where to attack without information.

Therefore, the focus is obviously on the black devil and Justin who can provide information.

Gao Yang thought that the black devil would be the first to get information, because those people in tarta must be trying to sneak into the military camp hospital, or even have sneaked in, but unexpectedly, Justin, a professional intelligence dealer, was the first to send information.

"I bought an informant and got key information. Last night, I sent him to the hospital. A middle-aged and elderly man, a white man, was shot four times in his body and received a butt on his head. So far, he hasn't died, but the situation is very dangerous. He may die at any time. The man's fatal injury was in his chest and abdomen. The bullet penetrated a man and then changed its direction, which made him not die immediately, But it's still dangerous. "

Gao Yang's heart suddenly tightened. He said in a harsh voice, "is the news reliable?"

"It can't be guaranteed to be 100% reliable. This is an informant and a medical worker temporarily bought by my people. So far, we can't identify whether this person is a real medical worker or whether Shah deliberately spread false information through this person, so as to achieve the effect of fishing, you know."

Facts have proved that money can easily solve many things. For example, the black devil needs to sneak in to get information. Justin, an intelligence dealer, is thousands of miles away. He can command remotely and buy money to get the information Gao Yang urgently needs.

However, facts have also proved that many things cannot be completely solved with money. For example, Gao Yang knows that the hammer is not dead, but he can't confirm whether the hammer is dead or not and whether it is a trap until he has been personally investigated by the black devil.

"OK, do you know where my man is? The specific location, the tightness of guarding him and protective measures."

"An operation was performed in the emergency room of the GCC coalition military barracks hospital, and now it has been sent to the intensive care unit, but the medical conditions of the military barracks hospital are limited. In addition, the intensive care unit is located on the north side of the westernmost end of the second floor of the military barracks hospital. In fact, there are not many escort forces, and there should be no more than ten people. This is all the information we can get."

"Thank you, this information is very important," he said in a low voice

Justin said seriously: "Another important thing is that both the Shah people and the UAE people attach great importance to this person. They should try their best to save his life. Therefore, it is likely to mobilize high-level doctors from other places to perform the second operation on that person, but this is only the guess of the informant. I suggest that before I find out whether the informant's words are credible or you don't send someone to obtain them in person It's best not to act rashly before key information. According to my experience, this matter is indeed a trap. "

"Thank you. Please continue to search for detailed information and keep in touch. Bye."

After hanging up with Justin, Gao Yang pushed the gun and ammunition he put on the bed. After making a small space, he spread a map on the bed and drew a red circle on one of the buildings with a red pencil.

There is no table, otherwise Gao Yang doesn't have to look at the map in bed. In fact, there is nothing in his room except a bed.


With a loud cry, Joseph immediately pushed the door in.

Time is too tight. Gao Yang wants to split himself in half, so he wants Joseph to help.

"You're ready, aren't you?"


Gao Yang heaved a sigh. After quickly repeating the information just delivered by Justin, he said in a deep voice: "help me nail the two maps on the wall. Then, according to your professional protection experience, analyze the enemy's guard force arrangement and formulate the attack route. If there is updated and more detailed information, I will inform you in time."

Joseph nailed two maps to the wall, a map of Aden and a satellite map of the barracks.

While Joseph was staring at the map, Gao Yang picked up the phone and walkie talkie, and then said in a deep voice, "if you want to think, I'll go out and make a few calls, and then report your combat ideas to me when I come back."

Hurried out of the door, Gao Yang looked at no one left and right, immediately raised the walkie talkie and said, "the earth calls the moon base, received, please answer, over."

Soon, Tata whispered, "lunar base received, earth, please speak, over."

"Rover No. 1 survived and has completed the first maintenance. This message signal is disturbed and cannot be confirmed. Please send a rover repair shop to investigate."

"The lunar base understands that it has sent exploration vehicles No. 2 and No. 3. At present, there is no news back. Please wait patiently. Over."

Gao Yang was a little impatient. He whispered, "the earth understands. He wants to change the communication mode and ask if it is convenient for you. Over."

"Convenient, over."

He breathed loudly and picked up the satellite phone. After a moment, Tata called.

"What's the matter? Where did the news come from? Is it reliable? Grevatov and Vasili have mixed into the military camp, but they can't get close to the hospital, let alone the hammer."

Gao Yang hurriedly said, "the information given by Justin was obtained by buying informants. I want to tell you the detailed information. Please write it down."

After Gao Yang said the detailed information sent by Justin, Tata said in a deep voice: "this information is very valuable. It is very likely to be a trap, but it is worth the risk. I will inform them both immediately."

"Hold on, you three are not allowed to act without authorization. The others are already coming. They will arrive for support soon. First, keep in touch."

Hung up the phone, Gao Yang looked at his watch, then picked up the walkie talkie and changed it to Satan's internal communication frequency and said, "are you ready? Hold a battle meeting when you are ready."

Satan is a small but fully functional mercenary regiment. It takes a little time to change many people from professional positions to new roles set up to strengthen assault. It takes a little time to change weapons and equipment.

To attack a large military camp with at least thousands of people puts a lot of pressure on Gao Yang, and it seems that the hope of success is not great. However, it is certainly impossible to give up halfway when things come to this step. It is said that at all costs, we can only use all means.

But just then, just after the call with Tata, within a few minutes, Tata called again.

"The hammer is still alive! Grevatov confirmed it himself!"

The hammer was really alive, and the expected miracle happened.

For a moment, Gao Yang was a little stunned, because he confirmed that the hammer was still alive, which means that the rescue operation is no longer just planning and preparation, but will be implemented soon.