Chapter 2500

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Gao Yang was invited into Knight's command post.

The command post is very simple, but very tidy. Recently, the civil war in Ukraine has been very lively. In particular, Donetsk can maintain a clean environment, which shows that the situation of angels is good. At least they have the leisure to keep clean.

"Please sit down."

After asking Gao Yang to sit down with a serious face, Knight immediately sat opposite Gao Yang. Then he crossed his fingers, put his hands on the table and said in a deep voice, "you said there was good coffee?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I remember I just gave you a lot of coffee not long ago and finished drinking it? In fact, there's something I'm very curious about. I'm just curious. Can't you even afford coffee now? Not at all!"

Knight said faintly: "there are many of us. Coffee, a good refreshing thing, is more useful in war. However, in any place where there is a long-term war, coffee, a non necessities of life, will become a luxury in the city. It is not necessary to transport coffee that is useless and expensive for war through the front and blockade."

He breathed loudly and sighed, "it's terrible. You can't even afford coffee."

With that, Gao Yang suddenly thought of a big event and said solemnly, "no! I didn't bring you sugar!"

Knight's eyebrows stirred a few times, then he raised his head and said proudly: "sugar, I still have..."

Gao Yang smiled with relief and then stretched out his hand to Knight: "in fact, the last time the wizard went to Yemen, he should have brought more coffee back."

Knight nodded sympathetically, "yes, he should bring more back."

Gao Yang didn't hurry to get down to business, but Knight didn't mention it. He just couldn't keep talking about the topic starting with coffee, so they soon fell into a situation of nothing to say.

After looking at each other for a while, Knight finally said, "my time is precious. Tell me your purpose."

Gao Yang was not in a hurry to get down to business. He said casually, "how are you here? Is everything going well?"

Nate shook his head and said, "it's none of your business, so you can say your business."

At this time, leibrov finally brought the gift and divided it into six small cans of coffee. After leibrov put the coffee on the table, Gao Yang stretched out his hand and said, "taste it. It is said that it is all the best coffee in Yemen. It used to supply the Shah royal family. Now it has been intercepted by the husai armed forces since the war. It belongs to the same level as what was given to you last time. It should be."

Nate picked up a jar, opened it, smelled it carefully, then nodded immediately and said, "good!"

After smelling all the six cans in turn, Knight picked up two of them and smelled them for a long time. Finally, he looked at Gao Yang and said, "very good coffee, but... It's too little?"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "try it first."

Nate slowly covered all the six cans, and then he said calmly: "In fact, I prefer Jamaican coffee. Yemeni coffee is not very in line with my taste, but these have their own characteristics. They have their own unique taste because of their origin. Therefore, these coffees are rare because of their origin, and special because of their scarcity, but we can't say that these coffees are really good."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "rare things are expensive, unique taste and rare output. That is good, especially good. You can taste the taste that others can't taste. That is the top coffee. Even if the taste is not what you are most used to, it's like tea drinkers who encounter extremely rare famous tea. How can they do without tasting it? This truth is too simple. You can't scare me."

Quietly, knight and Gao Yang had a round of confrontation. Knight didn't say anything more, but said loudly, "wizard, make coffee, this."

After the wizard nodded at Gao Yang and then took all the coffee away, Knight continued to maintain his posture and said in a deep voice, "now you can say the purpose of coming here."

Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "don't worry. Let's talk after drinking coffee."

So Knight stopped talking, and Gao Yang passed the time picking up topics such as the good weather today.

When the coffee came up, Nate took the cup. After the wizard filled him with a cup of coffee, he closed his eyes, smelled deeply, and then sipped.

"Why don't you put so much sugar?"

"Any coffee with too much sugar will lose its due taste. Of course, you can't put too much sugar in the first taste."

"Oh, since you know this truth, why do you put too much sugar in your coffee?"

"It has nothing to do with you."

Gao Yang smiled, picked up his cup and took a sip of coffee. Then he looked at Nate and said, "so, what's the taste?"

Knight took a long breath and said with a deep face, "yes, very good. Now you can say your purpose. It's impossible to force me to make concessions by relying on coffee."

Knight broke Gao Yang's purpose of insisting on talking after drinking coffee, but Gao Yang was not in a hurry. He put down his cup and said to knight, "I need a batch of artillery, really good artillery."

"You have an artillery platoon. For you, there's no need to expand your artillery scale so quickly?"

Gao Yang spread his hand and said helplessly, "the whole army is destroyed."

"The whole army is destroyed?"

"Yes, almost the whole army."

"Yes, yes, no, no, what is almost?"

"Only four people survived, and the rest, together with all their equipment, were destroyed by a cluster bomb."

Knight's eyebrows beat a few times unconsciously, and then whispered, "that's really bad."

Gao Yang spread his hand and said, "so I came to you for artillery again. Don't get me wrong. I'm not asking you. I'm just notifying you. It's the easiest thing to find from you, so I came. If you don't give me people, I can easily find enough excellent and enough artillery with money. You must understand this."

Knight said quietly, "then why do you want to come?"

He shrugged and said indifferently, "come and see your old friend. By the way, I'll give you something to drink."

Knight rolled his eyes and said, "we are not friends, let alone old friends."

Gao Yang leaned back, pointed to Nate and said, "you said we were friends. You said it yourself. Make it clear that I don't lack your friend very much, but I must remind you that you may have Alzheimer's disease before you get old."

Nate found that he couldn't get any advantage from talking to Gao Yang, so he drank his coffee a little sullenly and said angrily, "get down to business. I don't have the patience to talk nonsense to you."