Chapter 2474

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
The ammunition consumption was very fast, because a large number of villagers living far away began to gather together with weapons.

In Yemen, or in any country in the Middle East, there is a very strange phenomenon, that is, the government army can't beat the government army, anyway, the government army can't beat the tribal armed forces, and the tribal armed forces are not the civilians who take up arms.

Therefore, don't think that the combat effectiveness of some villagers who have not received any formal training can be completely ignored. You know, fighting at the door of their home, these villagers who pick up guns are the most powerful. At least they are much stronger than the Yemeni government army and no less than husai armed forces.

The problem faced by Satan is that no matter facing the villagers or the soldiers of the crown army, they have to spend the same energy to deal with it. In this case, if they don't want to be taken away by the enemy's fire, they can only try their best to suppress the other party. In this way, the consumption of bullets naturally increases sharply.

But when Tata finally became familiar with Apache's control and flew back, the situation immediately changed.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I'm looking for a feeling. Now I'm back!"

With Tata's arrogant shouting, Apache helicopters began to pour fire on the ground. First, it must be machine guns, which are cheap and sufficient. First, greet a shuttle to the place with the most people.

Whether it is tarta as a pilot or a hammer as a weapon operator, there is no mistaking the word in their dictionary.

Moreover, the whole O'Hara Khan village has all stood on the side of the Shah. It is neither possible nor necessary to distinguish the villagers from the crown forces.

Helicopters passed by at low altitude and low speed, and rockets were fired continuously, which blew up a large number of enemy houses into ruins. Occasionally, an air-to-ground missile was mixed in the middle. In just one minute, the crisis of the assault team was completely solved.

Soon, Irene's helicopter came to the place where the battle was most intense.

"Tyrannosaurus Rex, this is Tata. Our heavy firepower has run out. Only some shells are left to deal with the emergency. Now you take over and clean the ground again. Over."

"Tyrannosaurus Rex understand, over."

After hearing the dialogue between Tata and Irene, Gao Yang said in the walkie talkie: "Tata, you raise the height and patrol around the village to prevent the enemy from escaping. Tyrannosaurus Rex saves ammunition. With the assault team, we have to start cleaning up the remaining enemies. We have to find the enemy commander. Over."

"Tyrannosaurus Rex understand, over."

There are only five people left in the assault group, and neither group 1 nor group 2 has arrived, but there is no need to wait for them. There are helicopters to provide fire support in the sky. They are strong enough to complete the next house search.

Gao Yang didn't change his gun. He made a few gestures. Li JinFang and Peter quickly approached. Raphael and Vasili were in a slightly backward position. Gao Yang held a sniper rifle. At the end, a key attack team took shape immediately.

Gao Yang looked at the house that had just been hit by the helicopter, then reached out to point to a house and whispered, "there must be people from the crown army. Find a living and ask the position of the enemy commander. Go!"

Li JinFang and Peter ran forward. Vasili and Raphael followed. Gao Yang was at the end. The five people opened a distance of about ten meters and rushed forward quickly.

The thermal imager on the helicopter is so powerful that Gao Yang doesn't worry about a sudden attack from behind them. Irene will give a warning in advance and even solve the threat directly for them.

Li JinFang turned over from the collapsed wall and entered the yard. In addition to four or five bodies, there were two struggling and crying enemies.

Peter quickly approached a wounded but undead enemy, pointed his gun at the wounded and shouted, "where's your commander? Speak quickly!"

The wounded looked at Peter and scolded angrily and quickly. Peter didn't want to waste time. He shot directly at the wounded, pointed the muzzle at the second wounded, and shouted, "where is your commander? Kill you if you don't say it, and let you go if you say it, three! Two! One!"

Bang, there was another shot. Peter quickly turned back and said to the four people guarding the half collapsed house with a gun: "no, if you're too hurt, you'll have a hard mouth. Find someone who isn't hurt!"

I feel like I'm going to die when I'm seriously injured. Of course, I don't mind being brave. I'm going to die anyway. It's better to die early than suffer.

Gao Yang bent his fingers and made a gesture. After counting down, Vasili was the first to rush into the half collapsed house. Then Li JinFang and Peter followed suit. Gunshots soon rang out inside, but soon Vasili grabbed a middle-aged man and came out.

Vasili found out that it was the villagers, not the soldiers of the crown army. He threw the man to the ground. Vasili was very angry and said, "he dares to shoot me!"

After kicking the villager heavily, Vasili said angrily, "say, where is their commander? I'll kill you if I don't say! My patience is limited. I'll give you five seconds. You'd better hurry up."

The villager shouted, but apparently didn't say where it was. Vassily shot the man in the leg without hesitation.

"Where is it? Where is it? I saw more than a dozen of them living in it. What I said is true!"

The villagers who were shot immediately changed their words and shouted. Li JinFang looked at Gao Yang, but Gao Yang shook his head gently.

Vasili shot the villagers and said angrily, "he's lying."

"Just now there were more than a dozen soldiers in the house who were going to rush out, and there were no officers. In this case, a prince would never live with more than a dozen ordinary soldiers. It seems that we have to ask someone again."

Vasili stood up straight and looked, raised his finger to a house and said, "where it looks relatively complete, there should be people living in it. I don't believe everyone is so determined. Let's go now!"

It was as easy as ever to rush in again. After killing the two people, Raphael found a crown soldier with a night vision on his head but unable to resist because of the injury of his right arm.

"Where is your commander? You have a chance to live. Don't waste it. Kill you if you don't say it. Capture you if you say it. Choose it yourself."

After Vasili finished his sentence with a vicious look, the soldiers of the crown army subconsciously looked in a direction. Vasili immediately pointed to that direction and said, "where are we? Let's go quickly."

The soldier looked stunned and then depressed. Vasili stepped back, shot the soldier in the head and said coldly, "I hate soft bone traitors most, so I lied to you."

Gao Yang coughed twice and whispered, "replenish the ammunition quickly. Let's go and find out his Highness the prince."