Chapter 2304

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
The army is a group that lets women go away, because women do have many inconveniences in many aspects, and women's kicking is also in a congenital weakness.

Even if women enter the army, they are mostly engaged in medical care and civilian work. Further, they are nothing more than working as tank drivers, pilots and other weapons operations.

As for the work that needs to fight the enemy face-to-face in the front line, women are very, very rare, but there is almost no exception. If a woman can stand in these posts that exclude women, then she must be very excellent, and she is an extremely excellent one.

There is no doubt that the sniper is a front-line arm and needs to compete face-to-face with the enemy. Phoenix contact can appear on the battlefield as a sniper and has achieved results, which can show her ability.

However, phoenix contact can run to the enemy's territory alone and kill three enemies on its side with the enemy's gun, which is not just a matter of ability.

First of all, Phoenix Contact must be cruel enough. People who are not cruel can't do such a decisive thing. Then phoenix contact must be smart enough. She needs to know that the target of revenge will patrol from that line and when the reinforcements can arrive as soon as possible.

Don't underestimate the ambush of U.S. military patrols. People who want to do this in Iraq don't know how many people are going to die in a year, and they can't succeed a few times. As for Phoenix, she not only succeeded, but even had time to find a replacement for the dead. It's impossible for people who are not smart enough to complete this kind of thing.

Tough, smart and capable, Phoenix did something that ordinary people dare not think of, and made it.

When Murphy said that Phoenix had done this, Gao Yang was surprised enough. He didn't even believe what Murphy said.

But Murphy now says that it is more difficult and incredible for Phoenix to kill the last person who violated her for the second time. How can this kind of thing be convincing.

"Let's hear how Phoenix killed the last person."

Gao Yang is really interested.

Murphy said seriously, "the process of killing the last person is incredible."

Gao Yang couldn't help leaning forward, because he really wanted to know what a great thing Phoenix has accomplished.

Then Murphy said very seriously, "the most incredible thing is that no one can think of how Phoenix did it!"

Gao Yang almost fell forward.

Concentrating on being scared, Gao Yang said angrily, "Falk! You're kidding me. What does that mean?"

Murphy said faintly, "I said, there were four people invading Phoenix at that time."


"Three have been killed by her. Although everyone thinks the Iraqis did it, we know that's what she did."

"I doubt that, but let's take it as such. Go on."

"So it's normal to think that Phoenix did it when the last person died?"

"This doubt is still very reasonable, and then?"

Murphy said reluctantly, "I can't find out, or even think of how Phoenix can do it, because in my opinion, it's impossible, but no one will have a motive to kill the last one except Phoenix. Don't worry, let me tell you why it's not debatable."

Murphy made a face to tell a story and said in a deep voice: "after being violated, Phoenix Contact's first choice is to report to the chief, hoping to get fair treatment and punish the bad guys, but this matter was not talked about, so phoenix contact set out on her own, and she killed the three people.

No one thought Phoenix did it, but the rest thought it had something to do with Phoenix, but no one would believe him, so this guy took the initiative to ask for transfer. He was originally in Baghdad, but he applied to be transferred to other places to continue his service. He succeeded. There was a large-scale military operation in Mosul, and he was transferred to Mosul. "

Gao Yang spread out his hands.

Murphy said in a deep voice, "on the night that the guy was transferred to Mosul, he died in his barracks and was killed with a knife."

Gao Yang was puzzled and said, "are you sure Phoenix did this? Mosul is 300 kilometers away from Baghdad, and Phoenix stayed in Baghdad. A man who died in Mosul, do you think it was someone in Baghdad?"

Murphy smiled and said, "I don't believe it, right? I don't believe it, but the guy was stabbed in the throat and in the heart. Moreover, he was castrated. In his barracks, he died silently on his bed. There were three other people in the same room with him, but no one knew when he died, no one heard, no one saw, no one knew."

Gao Yang took a cold breath and said, "it's fucking impossible! Are you telling ghost stories?"

Murphy shrugged and said, "listen to me. This matter has a great impact. The people in the dormitory have been investigated for a long time. The conclusion shows that they are innocent, but the sentry said that a woman once entered their camp, a strange female soldier, but he didn't stop the strange female soldier from entering the camp because it must be his own."

Gao Yang said foolishly, "Falk, it's really impossible."

Murphy continued to smile: "then the problem returned to Phoenix. Her comrades in arms said that she did disappear all day because she was performing routine tasks, setting up sniper positions at high places to monitor the streets, and then she returned to the camp beyond the specified time. Her comrades in arms once thought she was missing and launched a search."

Gao Yang shook his head and said, "it's outrageous, man. What you said is outrageous."

Murphy looked at Gao Yang and said, "except Phoenix, no one who has reason to kill died in his barracks. The person who has reason to kill him disappeared all day. The sentry saw the emergence of a strange female soldier. Are these factors not enough to prove that Phoenix killed this man?"

Gao Yang angrily said, "this is bullshit evidence. It's just your guess."

Murphy said faintly: "I have been in the FBI for many years, and I have handled many cases. Believe me, after excluding all suspects, the last person left must be the murderer. No matter how unreasonable and incredible, the murderer is the murderer."

Gao Yang pointed to Murphy and said, "I'll ask you a question. How did Phoenix get to Mosul 300 kilometers away and return to Baghdad after killing someone? I'll answer this question."

Murphy sighed and said, "I don't know. I can't think of it, but I'm sure Phoenix did it, because only she has enough reason to do it."

Gao Yang shook his head and said, "I am willing to believe that Phoenix did it, because she is my person now. If she is really so powerful, I will be very happy, but I still can't believe it, because it's too difficult to do it, at least one person can't do it."

Murphy said in a deep voice, "well, how about asking her? This question has really bothered me for a long time. I really want to know the answer."