Chapter 2270

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Gao Yang couldn't help looking at Justin because he was involved, as if it was Justin.

Justin looked defeated. Even when he just came back from Iceland, he didn't look so bad.

Justin said to himself, "you mean Alfonso betrayed me from the beginning? Everyone thinks he's dead, but Alfonso's reward for betraying me?"

"Yes," Cesare said in a deep voice

Justin took a long breath and said, "I didn't expect that."

"What does Alfonso know? Will he pose a threat to us? I mean Satan," he frowned

Justin lost his mind and said, "no, I handled your business myself, Alfonso. He just managed the finance for me. He didn't participate in the intelligence."

Gao Yang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "that's good. You can chase him slowly."

Justin shook his head and said, "no, no, very bad, very bad."

Justin looked at Gao Yang and said helplessly: "Alfonso is a friend I grew up with. He is my most trusted person and my best friend. How can he betray me? He has nothing. I gave him a decent job and a very rich income. It is understandable if he is caught and can't stand betraying me, but how can he betray me at the beginning?"

Gao Yang also shrugged and said, "this kind of thing doesn't seem rare."

Cesare smiled with disdain and whispered: "this kind of thing is happening every day. Don't be too surprised. We continue to answer Mr. ram's questions. Yes, when you take the initiative to find Mario, we all think you are working for Justin and looking for a chance to start, so Mario is normal to deal with you."


Gao Yang couldn't help scolding. Cesare said with a melancholy face: "speaking of this, he came back to me again. In my opinion, Satan is Justin's last hope, so I must retain the last counterattack force for Justin. I must honor my promise and let him become the new parent of Cicero family."

Justin whispered, "did my father arrange it right?"


Cesare looked at Justin and whispered, "your father, he is a great man. The Cicero family has reached its peak in his hands, and you, you can't."

Cesare waved his hand and said with emotion on his face: "people, you can't be too proud. Mr. Cicero is the most powerful person I've ever seen, but he always maintains humility. No matter how big a career you have made and how high your position is in the future, you must maintain a humble heart."

Justin whispered, "yes, he often teaches us that."

"The world is the law of the jungle, and the underground world we live in is a man who eats people and doesn't spit bones. Mr. Cicero is well aware of the difficulty and danger of survival in this world. Behind the strength of the Cicero family is the hatred and coveted eyes of countless people. A proud man who doesn't know danger can't lead the Cicero family."

Cesare waved his hand and said: "It's meaningless to say all this. Your father told me that you are his chosen successor. Let me try my best to assist you. If Mario has no opinion, continue to be his good assistant. If Mario has any opinion, tell your father in time. Unfortunately, when Mario decided to usurp the throne, I was not in his plan, so I failed to inform your father in time 。”

Justin took a long breath and said, "we all know what happened later. I just wonder why you are willing to remain loyal to my father after his death."

Cesare looked at Justin and whispered, "I'm from Naples. My father was a very famous man in Naples. He was the boss of a gang. My father was not a Mafia, but he controlled more than half of Naples's waste purchase business. Then he died. Do you know how he died?"

Justin stood up and said, "gangster? That's dying in a gang fight or being killed by the police?"

Cesare smiled bitterly and said: "A 14-year-old boy shot my father in the face with a sawn shotgun. The child's gun was loaded with bird bullets. The bullets were wrong, so the first shot failed to kill my father. The child shot him in the chest a second time. Finally, my father lay in the hospital for several days and swallowed his breath in pain."

Cesare wiped his mouth and said, "do you know why that child shot my father?"

Justin said, "what else can it be if you are instructed?"

Cesare smiled bitterly: "That's right, but he's not a gangster, but a friend of the little bastard. Let's put it this way. A few little gangsters who make trouble all day in the street are too young to be legal age, so they won't be punished for committing a crime. They want to be the cruelest gangsters nearby. What should they do? One of them said, if anyone dares to kill the most powerful boss here, Of course he was the most powerful boss, so the little bastard went home, took his father's gun and killed my father. "

Justin said in surprise, "Oh, it's such a thing."

Cesare breathed out and said: "My father died, his best brother took all his money and took my mother. My father was soon forgotten, and after I was beaten several times, I ran to Rome. I was eleven years old at that time. This is a very tortuous story. In short, I met your father. He took me in for me to go to school and made me a graduate of a famous university Sheng, also came to Mario's side to work, that's all. "

Justin said in a deep voice, "so you are willing to do everything for my father. Even if he dies, you are willing to pay any price to fulfill your promise."

Cesare nodded and said, "yes, that's right. In addition, just like Alfonso ran away with your money, I'm in charge of Finance for Mario, so I'll help you get Mario's money. Compared with Mario's family property, the money you lost can only be regarded as pocket money."

Justin nodded numbly. Then he said nervously, "money is very important, but more importantly, did Mario spread the information of Satan and big Ivan for free?"

Cesare shook his head and said: "I don't know, not until I was discovered by him, but at that time I was already preparing to do it, mainly for big Ivan, but we didn't have particularly deadly intelligence to threaten big Ivan. As for Satan, Mario never regarded Satan as a great threat, and based on my understanding of Mario, he liked to find enough deadly opportunities to do it again."

Justin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "that's great. It seems that I don't have to worry about how to wipe Mario's ass."