Chapter 2232

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Gao Yang is very worried about being shot by snipers, so he must move back and forth all the time.

The space of the shopping mall is very large. It's normal to sneak into a few leather hooded people from a corner. It's abnormal if no one enters the shopping mall from other places and comes to the back of Gaoyang.

Therefore, Gao Yang has been in a very tense state of alert.

A few minutes have passed since he called alebin. He is very relieved of the black devil's ability. As long as they have VX rockets in their hands, they will be able to play with these eggs.

Sure enough, it wasn't long before alebin called.

"Tata has contacted the other party with the package. If you are attacked within ten minutes from now, many people will be buried with you, so don't hang up. If someone implements electronic interference to cut off the signal and makes us lose contact, we will launch rockets immediately. If they send you away safely, please inform me in time, otherwise we will be on time Launch rockets. "

Gao Yang breathed a sigh of relief, stopped moving and whispered, "finally I can relax. My nerves are about to break."

Now, Gao Yang has thousands of people as hostages in the whole city of Rome. He no longer needs those injured leather hoods.

"Hey, doctor, take them with you. You can leave."

Gao Yang simply sat down, with a pistol in one hand and a phone in the other, looked at his doctor and waved his hand. He said casually, "let's go, you all go. Thank you for everything. In addition, I have to tell you that the meaning of saving this person is to save many people from dying. I hope it can make you feel better."

The doctor just raised his head. Without waiting for Gao Yang to finish, he continued to lower his head to give first aid to the wounded leather hooded soldier. At the same time, he said in a hurry: "I can't leave. I have to wait until the operation is completed. His blood loss is very serious. Can I stop bleeding and move him?"

After the nurse translated, Gao Yang smiled and said, "of course."

The nurse who acted as an interpreter stood up trembling and said, "can I go?"

"Yes, let's go, let's go."

The nurse turned and ran away. Then soon, a team raised their hands to signal the unarmed people to the door of the mall and carried away all the injured leather headgear.

Then, the negotiator came back. He went to the door of the mall and said to Gao Yang very depressed: "for the sake of who misjudged us, I was ordered to come here to communicate with you at any time."

Gao Yang said with a smile, "well, it's good to have a chat."

It was a chat, but no one meant to speak. Time passed quickly, but it felt very slow.

The doctor simply sutured the wounded soldier's wound, and then he shouted for a stretcher to carry away. Gao Yang and the negotiation expert watched, but no one responded.

Just then, the voice of alebin suddenly rang on the phone.

"It's coming to the ten minute deadline. Did you leave the mall?"

Gao Yang whispered to the phone, "not yet. I'm waiting for news here."

"Without any meaningful news, I decided to show my determination and launch the rocket in a minute."

Gao Yang panicked at once.

Gao Yang wants to threaten with VX, but he really doesn't want to use those rockets, because once those chemical weapons are used, it basically represents the death of both.


After a loud and low cry, aribin said slowly: "If we hesitate and don't use it as agreed, someone will misjudge the situation. Then you or Tata may die at any time. After giving the Italians enough time to find us, we may also die. In that way, we will lose all countermeasures. The consequences of using rocket bombs are very serious, I know, but the Italians are too slow and we have no choice."

Gao Yang looked at the negotiator in front of him and said angrily, "Damn it! Do you know what procrastination means? It means a lot of people die! We don't want to use chemical weapons, but we have to use them now. Do you want to see the result?"

The negotiator was also flustered. He obviously got some instructions there, so the negotiator shouted in a more flustered tone: "leave! You go now! We will ensure your safety and send someone to escort you. Don't launch! Absolutely don't launch!"

The time of the call has passed. Gao Yang doesn't know whether he can really leave safely. However, he decides to trust the negotiators for the time being, because thousands of people will die if the rocket is really launched, and no one can afford the consequences.

Gao Yang immediately shouted to his mobile phone, "don't launch! I'm leaving, wait for my news!"

Yalebin still said without any emotional fluctuation: "yes," yes, I'll start now. "

Put down the phone, Gao Yang said to the negotiator, "can I leave?"

The negotiator waved his hand and said, "hurry up!"

Gao Yang looked at Justin, suddenly looked at the doctor and said, "can you let him take care of him with the car? I'm worried about what will happen on the way."

The negotiator immediately looked at the doctor and said, "please help, it's related to many people's lives! Please!"

The doctor hesitated a little and nodded.

Waiting for the doctor to get into the ambulance, Gao Yang hurriedly closed the door, took the gun to the cab, and then backed out of the mall.

There are many police cars and people with guns outside. After Gao Yang reversed the car, the negotiator grabbed his window and said: "Don't get me wrong. They'll escort you away. The police car will make way for you. The armed personnel protect you. Don't get me wrong. We're worried that Mario may make an irrational move and get to the designated place. Please drive faster. OK, let's go!"

Gao Yang looked around and whispered, "I've never been treated like this before. Let's go."

The negotiator said something in a hurry on the walkie talkie, so several cars with flashing lights in front quickly drove out, and then pulled the special combat team's attendance car to keep up. At this time, the negotiator waved to Gao Yang and motioned him to follow up.

When Gao Yang drove up, followed by four or five attendance cars, Gao Yang's car was sandwiched in the middle.

Gao Yang picked up his cell phone and whispered, "I've started. The police car opened the way and the special forces escorted me. To be honest, it feels good. I'm only worried about one problem now. Will Tata be all right?"