Chapter 2213

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Justin has money and status, but he is not a person who lives in dignity. Everything he does is made by himself. He has drilled through the rainforests in South America, waded through the deserts in Africa, and experienced fatal and dangerous moments. Without these experiences, he would not have his current status, nor would he be chosen as the successor of the Cicero family.

But he ran five or six kilometers at a time, not to mention rarely exercising. Justin, who is in his forties, can't run down even if young people in their teens and twenties come. Of course, except for athletes, but the problem is that few athletes are not, so Justin can't do it. He can really kill himself.

But with the warm encouragement of Gao Yang and the encouragement of caring, Justin broke through his own limit and ran all the way down.

"Come on, come on! I'm sure I'll be there in another 500 meters. I won't lie to you this time. I'll be there soon. I've seen the highway. Er, it's really here..."

A road really appeared on the horizon ahead. A car had just passed on the road. Mario saw it. Then he didn't know where his strength came from. He roared, tried his last strength, and staggered towards the road.

It was about four or five hundred meters. Justin didn't let Gao Yang care about him. He ran to the side of the road and lay directly on the ground.

"Ho, Ho, Ho..."

Justin had no strength to speak. He pointed hard at the road behind him.

Gao Yang looked up into the sky and behind him.

Zhensheng is still in the sky, and there is no trace of anyone behind him.

Anyway, Tata and Vasili are people in their 60s, and there are inconvenient yalebin and hammer to take care of. It's really unrealistic for them to catch up with Gao Yang.

Gao Yang raised his gun and turned it back and forth, so that the helicopter didn't dare to shoot them unscrupulously.

"Car, car..."

Gao Yang didn't bow his head and said with embarrassment: "Well, Justin, I'm sorry, we can't stop the car. You have to think so. If we get on the car, I can't shoot again. If I can't exert pressure on the enemy, they can shoot at us at will. If they shoot very close, we will be sieved. Therefore, we can either wait for Tata's support or we can only continue to run."

Justin hasn't been moving. Gao Yang can't help turning his head and looking at him. Then he sees Justin staring at him with incredible eyes.

"Sorry, don't look at me like that. I don't want to lie to you, but I have to give you some motivation. If you want to despair, we can't run so far."

Justin rolled his eyes and fainted. Gao Yang said impatiently, "don't pretend to be dead, brother. You can't deceive me. You should have fainted just now. You're just pretending to be dizzy. You should know that I'm an expert. Don't let me continue to smoke you."

"Ho Ho, Ho Ho, ho ho..."

Justin opened his eyes, looked at Gao Yang's back, made a series of strange sounds, and closed his eyes again.

Justin closed his eyes and said vaguely, "anyway, I won't run away. I won't run away if I die. You'd better kill me."

Gao Yang said helplessly, "I'll let you rest for a while, five minutes, no more."

At this time, two helicopters in the sky suddenly swooped down together. On both sides of Gao Yang and Justin, the enemy's intention is very obvious. When they stop, shoot at close range from both sides at the same time, and they will certainly hit them.

If it's an armed helicopter, you don't have to say anything. It's dead, but it's a civilian helicopter that can only shoot high with the side of the fuselage. This dive is an opportunity for the enemy, but it's also an opportunity for high.

Gao Yang raised his gun and fired a shot very quickly. Then he directly threw away the sniper rifle in his hand. With his left hand, he pulled the muzzle of hk417 that had been behind him. After pulling hk417 in his hand, he picked it up and shot a few points.

After the two planes flew at the same time from less than 50 meters from his left and right sides, Gao Yangji said happily, "you are saved! There are no people who can shoot the enemy. I have shot them all! Dead!"

Justin immediately opened his eyes and said, "car, car!"

"Yes, we can stop the car!"

After that, Gao Yang picked up the sniper rifle, lost his middle finger to the helicopter in the air, carried the sniper rifle behind him and put hk417 in his hand.

This is not a main road, but it is also a relatively busy rural road. After waiting for a while, the car didn't come, but a large tractor suddenly ran over.

Looking at the tractor approaching, Gao Yang immediately ran to the middle of the road, holding a gun in one hand and extending his palm in his left hand to signal the tractor to stop. The tractor braked and stopped less than five meters away from Gao Yang.

The tractor is very big. It has only one front and no body. It is two shots in the air. It roars: "don't move, don't move, or I'll kill you!"

Justin struggled to get up and shouted in Italian, "don't move, don't move, stop where."

Gao Yang went to the tractor, opened the door with one hand, opened his mouth to an old farmer with a white beard, and finally didn't speak. He just waved his hand to signal the old farmer to come down.

Justin gasped, "don't come down, don't move."

After looking at Gao Yang, Justin shouted, "I can't drive a tractor."

"Neither will I."

"Then go up!"

Gao Yang dragged Justin onto the tractor painted white, then jumped up from the other side, grabbed the door and said to Justin, "let him drive faster!"

The old farmer muttered something to Justin. Justin shouted, "drive, drive the tractor, go ahead! How fast you drive, this is not robbery, no, this is robbery! Give me your water!"

Gao Yang put away his rifle and pulled out his pistol. The old farmer muttered tremblingly and started the tractor. Gao Yang grabbed the rearview mirror and looked up into the sky. Then he got into the body and closed the door. He was afraid of falling down after opening it.

The carriage of the tractor was not big. After the three people went in, the old farmer driving the tractor was squeezed in the middle and was still shivering. Gao Yang looked at the GPS in the tractor and said in surprise: "the tractor has GPS? Great."

Justin drank half of the old farmer's bottle of water, took a breath, shook his head and said, "no matter what you think, I just want to say that I love the product of civilization. I'm going to buy myself a tractor, just this model."