Chapter 2202

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Makeup is not ********. If you can go wherever you want with makeup, it must be pure nonsense.

A human face is naturally the most recognizable feature, but in addition to the face, there are too many things that can be used as a person's characteristics, such as body posture, such as eyes, such as fingerprints, and so on.

However, makeup is useful for Gao Yang. As long as it doesn't attract special attention and no one stops him for iris detection and fingerprint detection, he can easily muddle through. Why? Because Gao Yang has practiced for a long time in the hands of a group of FBI agents under Murphy, and has forcibly changed his pace and posture characteristics. As long as he is combined with superb makeup, he can avoid most conventional identification methods.

Of course, if it attracts other people's attention, it's no use to make up and hide again. As long as you catch people and test everything, it's enough. However, it's enough to be unobtrusive.

Vasili is putting on makeup for Gao Yang, which is also a disguise, but the black devil's makeup is simpler than that used on the 13th. Hang up his eyebrows, pull down some glue near the corners of his mouth, create wrinkles on his face, and then wear a black-and-white hair cover, and Gao Yang becomes an old man.

If he came to make up for Gao Yang on the 13th, he could completely change Gao Yang into a different kind of person, whether black or white, but it would take a lot of time, and Vasili's make-up was no more than half an hour.

He put on his hair cover, looked at his face in the mirror, raised his head and said, "OK."

Vasili looked at Gao Yang carefully for a while, nodded and said, "now try walking. There's no problem. Just fill some age spots on your neck and hands."

Gao Yang stood up, slightly hunched over and walked back and forth. After a few steps, Vasili shook his head and said, "it's a little too much. This is an old man over 80. He can walk almost. Speed up his pace and straighten his back a little."

After several adjustments, Vassili finally nodded and said, "well, don't forget your identity."

Ivan hurriedly said, "have you fixed your makeup? Take photos as soon as you have fixed it."

Gao Yang stood up and Vasili shouted, "clothes! Don't forget to change."

Ivan said, "the date of the passport is November. Now the clothes are obviously too thin. Find a thick one."

Yalebin said slowly, "put on my coat and get some hair."

Gao Yang put on yalebin's coat, sat down and took a picture, and soon a passport was made. Vasili took the passport, looked at it, nodded and said, "no problem."

After taking off his coat and returning it to yalebin, Gao Yang took up his passport, looked at it for a few times, recited his false name, and then said, "OK, let's go."

Alebin looked at his watch and said, "forty minutes, Vassili, you're slow. Let's go now."

Gao Yang escaped his pistol, handed it to Cui Bo next to him and said loudly, "take good care of it. Don't play around."

When several people were about to act separately, Gao Yang's phone suddenly rang. He immediately connected the phone and said, "it's me."

Big Ivan said in a hurry: "someone has sent me a new message. The original words are as follows. Frank helped Claudio take over as a parent. At all costs, at 6 p.m., he convened Cicero family members to meet at Mario's house for internal cleaning. Mario is dead. Lorenzo has been notified of this news. Please tell Justin and Cesare."

After listening to big Ivan, Gao Yang immediately said, "who's calling? Is it chessare himself?"

"No, I didn't say anything else. I just hung up after saying that."

Gao Yang felt his head was a little big. He said in a deep voice, "it's not just us. It's complicated and troublesome. What should we do?"

Big Ivan said very seriously: "we must not let Claudio or Lorenzo rise to the top, so the war can only continue, which is very disadvantageous to us. We should help Justin rise to the top at all costs. I will do my best to help you with everything you need."

Big Ivan undoubtedly said nonsense, but he was trapped in South Africa and couldn't leave. That's all he could do.

After hanging up the phone, Gao Yang looked at the people: "Lorenzo also got the news. In addition, at 6 p.m. this afternoon, important members of the Cicero family will have a meeting at Mario's house. At that time, if anyone refuses to accept it, the man named Frank will get rid of him."

After that, he shouted loudly and said, "who is frank and what means does Lorenzo have if he wants to argue with you?"

After a long breath, Justin said in a deep voice: "frank, he is Mario's personal bodyguard. I only know that I have been with Mario for many years, but I don't know that Frank will have such an important position. As for Lorenzo..."

After frowning and thinking for a long time, Justin shook his head and said, "I don't know what he can do. I don't even know how much strength he has. From the beginning, Lorenzo didn't seem to have the intention to compete for the position of parent. He has been very silent. He didn't oppose me or Mario. He's just a bystander."

Gao Yang immediately looked at Ivan and said, "you tried to kill Lorenzo. Why didn't you have a chance?"

Ivan shrugged and said, "it's too tight to find it."

Gao Yang thought and said: "Now let's divide the problem into several parts. First of all, if Frank is asked to clean up the important members of the Cicero family, the key is whether he will completely grasp the problem. The key is that after some people in important positions are killed, the strength of the Cicero family will be greatly affected. That is to say, even if we succeed, Justin will take over a crippled situation Newspaper network, so in any case, we must stop Frank first and then make other plans. In that case... "

Gao Yang looked determined and said to Justin, "can you contact those people? If you can, you must show up and tell them not to go to the meeting. While stopping frank, you can win some people's support for you. Besides, you are an orthodox successor. Maybe there are many supporters left by your father."

Justin thought and said, "yes, that's all."

Gao Yang smashed his fist and said, "as for other things, whether Lorenzo or Claudio, there is only one thing we can do. There is no other way to kill anyone with you. As for how to say it is appropriate, you must know?"

Justin nodded, "I know how to buy people's hearts. Frank won't succeed."