Chapter 2147

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
When anger doesn't help, big Ivan will be calm.

"This is another all-out war. The movement will be great and the consequences will be serious. However, for us, we are not particularly worried about the counterattack from the Cicero family. They are intelligence traffickers. Intelligence traffickers can only influence the war secretly, but they don't know how to lead the war."

After slowly saying that, big Ivan whispered to the man standing in front: "whether the ram is dead or alive, Mario must pay the price. Ivan is short of manpower. Send my bodyguards out."

The man called aliosha was shocked and said in a hurry, "this is absolutely not possible!"

Big Ivan waved his hand and said with a smile, "I'm a hostage here, but even if there's no one around me, who dares to move me? Americans will protect me. They can't afford the consequences of my death. Ivan lacks really capable people and gives him all the people who protect me."

Aliosha said firmly on his face, "it's absolutely not, absolutely not! I don't agree!"

Big Ivan didn't speak, but the sun looked at aliosha. Aliosha swallowed his saliva, then clenched his teeth and said firmly on his face: "you said to give me all the security work. I'm in charge of everything. Either you change people or you have to do as I said. Your bodyguard must not leave, absolutely not!"

Big Ivan sighed, shook his head and said, "aleosha, you are too stubborn. Well, give half of them to Ivan. Is that ok?"

After thinking for a moment, aliosha said in a deep voice: "one month at most, one month at most. No more really can't."

Big Ivan waved his hand and said, "you arrange people and let them start right away. In addition, mark Ivan owes ram a favor and McGee, arrange them in the team of in and out."

Aliosha said curiously, "mark Ivan owes ram a favor? How can it?"

Big Ivan sighed, "I asked Mark Ivan to protect the ram, but he was shot. If it weren't for the ram, he would die, so he owes the ram a favor and give him a chance to pay it back. Also, where are the lion and medusa?"

Aliosha whispered, "I don't know where it is, but I can contact Ivan. Ivan has always been in touch with them. They have a personal friendship. Maybe let Ivan contact?"

Big Ivan said with a smile: "you call. The lion owes me a life. These killers don't pay attention to this, but at this time, they must let him return it to me. Tell the lion that he won't owe me anything if he does it for me."

Aliosha nodded and said, "OK, I'll contact them now. The lion and medusa are killers. They need a clear goal. Then, what are the goals and boundaries?"

Big Ivan breathed slowly and said: "Anyone close to Mario in the Cicero family is the target, as well as Mario's friends and Mario's men. There is no boundary. Let them kill people. But one thing, don't fool me with small fish and shrimp. I'll be unhappy. After one year, they won't owe me anything anymore. Tell the lion the original words."

Aliosha leaned over and said, "yes, I remember. Tell the lion and medusa the original words. Sir, there is another question. If the ram is not dead and is taken hostage by Mario?"

Big Ivan said in a deep voice: "I will always contact Mario, always contact, and get ready to go first. If I can confirm that the ram is alive, I will suspend the operation and take rescuing the ram as the main goal, but if the ram is dead, I don't have to say anything..."

When he picked up the phone, Ivan couldn't help dialing Mario again. Although he knew that the phone must be off, he couldn't call Mario.

At the other end of the phone, Mario took the phone that had been turned off, looked at a confidant in front of him, and said darkly: "big Ivan reacted very strongly. I didn't expect him to respond so soon, and he was really angry."

"Sir, we must pay attention to big Ivan's words. Should we... Re-examine the way we treat rams?"

Mario hesitated, shook his head and said, "no, no, you can't just let the ram go. Only through him can you find the damn bastard."

"But Sir, if big Ivan is really angry, the consequences will be really serious. What does big Ivan say?"

Mario smiled, made a careless expression and said, "what can he say? Warn me and tell me that the consequences are serious. It's ridiculous. What's his qualification to warn me, as if I'm really afraid of him."

"Sir, not answering the phone will certainly not solve the problem. Turning off the phone will only interrupt the communication channel with big Ivan. I don't think this is a good choice. I think maybe you should explain the situation in detail with big Ivan. If ram is really important to big Ivan, you will only completely annoy him."

Mario waved his hand and said with a smile: "No, you don't understand. It's just a mercenary. How important can it be? Why is big Ivan angry? Because I detained the ram introduced by him without saying hello and would eventually kill the ram. In this way, I really did wrong, but then again, it's just a mercenary. What's the matter if I kill it? Big Ivan is angry because I hurt him It hurt his face, that's all. "

With that, Mario's self-confidence came back. He crossed his legs leisurely and said with a smile: "I can't let the ram go, so if I answer big Ivan's phone but don't let him go, the situation will be completely frozen, but if I don't answer his phone, there will be room for relaxation. When I finish everything, I can apologize to big Ivan and tell him that my phone is dead. I will give him face, apologize to him, give him money and give him all the information he wants, On the premise that big Ivan's face is preserved, will he turn against me for a mercenary? Dare he? He won't and dare not turn against me for a mercenary. "

"However, if we finally kill the ram, maybe big Ivan... He will really turn his face. If we can, I suggest keeping the ram alive. After we get what we want, we can release him and return him to big Ivan. This is appropriate."

Mario thought for a moment, nodded and said, "well, what you said is also reasonable. There's no need to really harden the relationship. Go and tell the doctor to suspend the trial and prepare to take people away. We must leave here."

"Maybe he has reservations about interrogation methods? What do you think? After all, he won't be too happy to give it to big Ivan, a disabled man."

Mario sighed, hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "but it will take a long time, but, well, tell the doctor not to waste the ram and let him take some special ways."