Chapter 2087

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Gao Yang and his wife floated on the sea for several days, crossed the Suez Canal, got off the boat in the Gulf of Aden near Berbera, and transferred to the skeleton Gang to pick up their fishing boat.

Driving a fishing boat to pick them up, Gao Yang is still a veteran who taught the company at the beginning. They are all old acquaintances.

Speaking of it, the soldiers who were trained by Satan, especially the soldiers of the teaching company, are now unusual. They are all officers. As long as they live to the present, even if they are disabled, they will all stay in important positions as long as they can't move. It can be said that the skeleton Gang's army is brought out by their commanders and officers in important positions.

After a few hours of bumpy greetings on the ship, when we finally arrived at Berbera port from the channel, we could see a large number of people standing on the wharf from a distance.

When the boat came to the shore and put on a board to let Gao Yang get off the boat, it was still a white shirt. Mayd, who looked no different from before, extended his only arm long ago.

Not many people admire Gao Yang sincerely, and mayd is one of them.

Mayd really has a saint level heart and an idealist who pursues perfection. In fact, he is not very capable. His heart is not hard enough and his hands are not hot enough. It's better to be a flag and mascot. If he is in power, he will be killed by others sooner or later, but mayd is really a pure noble person, But people have to respect him.

Mayd is getting thinner and thinner. Compared with Abu, who is wearing an army dress next to him, what did Gao Yang look like when he first met mayd, and what kind of mayd is now. His baby face still has no dignity, but it seems a little more mature than before.

He hugged mayd, patted mayd on the back, smiled and said, "Hello, my brother, I didn't expect you to pick me up in person. Shouldn't you be very busy now?"

Mayd said with a smile, "I'm very busy, but no matter how busy I am, I have to pick you up. By the way, please review our military band and our honor guard."

Gao Yang looked back. Sure enough, there was a military band standing straight and in good formation.

Abu came forward and shook hands with Gao Yang. As the No. 2 figure of the skeleton Gang, Abu is now in a high position, so Abu looks more dignified than before. He also saluted before shaking hands.

A dignified face shook hands with Gao Yang. Abu put his Scepter under his arm and turned to the military band and said loudly, "play!"

The military band played a piece of music. Gao Yang couldn't hear what it was. The musicians were amateur, but at least it was normal to listen to the music. It wasn't the kind of military band that was out of tune.

Mayd smiled and said to him, "long live Somalia, our national anthem."

The National Anthem of Somalia was a little short, and the music was soon finished. Then the musicians played a song that they couldn't understand. At this time, mayd waved his hand and smiled, "review our honor guard."

The crowd flashed to both sides and made way. At this time, Gao Yang found that there was a red carpet on the ground.

He swallowed his saliva, looked at his T-shirt and shorts, raised his voice and said, "you didn't say earlier, how can I do this image? Wait for me."

Gao Yang has no military dress or suit. Who comes to Somalia to bring a suit in summer.

Gao Yang hurriedly opened his bag, took out a quick drying shirt and a quick drying tactical pants, put them on himself, and returned to mayd again.

Gao Yang really doesn't understand these etiquette. He has seen them on TV, but fortunately, the skeleton Gang hasn't seen them on TV. Even if someone does something wrong, no one can see it anyway.

Seeing Abu standing next to mayd, Gao Yang quickly waved to Li JinFang, so Li JinFang stood behind Gao Yang's side, and Abu was a little behind mayd's side.

Raise the gun and pay attention to the ceremony. Although the action is not neat, it is also good. In Africa, it is definitely a first-class level, and the action is obviously Chinese style.

No way. Li JinFang was the first person to help the skeleton Gang transform from wandering soldiers and scattered bravery to the army.

As soon as mayd left, he held high and respected the military salute. Abu and Li JinFang also respected Li and reviewed the small honor guard of the skeleton gang.

It looks crude and simple, and may still be full of mistakes. However, the prototype of a country and the first national ceremony held by a country are here.

Gao Yang was filled with emotion. Judging from this ceremony, mayd and others have begun to regard themselves as the masters of Somalia. It's his guest. His identity is a little special.

After reviewing the honor guard, he came to the end. It seemed that it was time to play the national anthem, but where would Satan have the national anthem? So this was a ceremony that everyone didn't understand and fooled around. Gao Yang didn't know how to go on.

At this time, the dignified Abu put on a full smile, patted Li JinFang on the shoulder and said with a smile: "this is the first appearance of our newly formed military band and honor guard to meet you."

In fact, Gao Yang doesn't care about these false rites at all, but I have to say that it's cool to be treated with national rites.

Li JinFang nodded and said with emotion: "thank you."

Mayd pointed to Abu and said with a smile, "it's all his idea. How about it?"

Gao Yang nodded repeatedly and said, "it's good. It's really good. The most important thing is that I can enjoy it. It's even better."

Abu shouted, "I said, our friendship is different. We don't care whether it's good or bad this first time, but this first time, we must leave it to you."

Mayd smiled, then made an invitation gesture with one arm and said, "let's go to dinner. Let's talk while eating."

Yalebin and Clooney were also in Berbera, but they didn't meet. Gao Yang was eager to see yalebin, but he must have been invited by mayd first.

Mayd and his acquaintances in Satan greeted each other warmly, and so did Abu. He had a good chat with Frye and treble. Judging from the current situation, Abu has not changed much.

Satan in Berbera's employees, only two people, Ludwig and Li Qiu as representatives came, gathered around them, held out his hand, smiled and said: "you two are coming, have a meal later, and then we'll see you."

Ludwig nodded, then looked at mayd with a tangled face, and Li Qiu said with a guilty face: "boss, mayd may tell you something later. I hope, well, you can listen to us first."