Chapter 1860

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Satan's current situation needs joint training, not only because he recovers from his injury, but also because Satan has added several people.

Jesse Lee is still hurt, but when he is well, he needs to practice together to integrate into Satan's combat system.

James also needs to practice together, and there is leibrov.

Gao Yang didn't intend to bring leibrov into Satan because leibrov belongs to the technical arms and the individual combat ability of infantry is very poor. However, Gao Yang feels that he really needs a real artillery, especially a very excellent artillery commander. Therefore, leibrov has to take him even if he is not suitable for individual combat.

There is also Jerry Emil Yuna. The friend sent by Jack can't only be used as a cook. Gao Yang plans to investigate. If jerry can be regarded as a qualified infantry, take him. If he is really unqualified, let him get rid of the idea of being a mercenary and go away.

Jerry hasn't come yet and Jesse Lee hasn't recovered from his injury, so for the time being, he can only take leibrov to start training.

The first is physical training, the simplest running. Andy Ho's training plan. He is not a trainer, but he knows everyone's physical condition and increases the amount of exercise as much as possible without harming his body.

Satan's people haven't run together for a long time. Gao Yang enjoyed running around his residence and in the surrounding farmland.

However, yak and the 13th are very dissatisfied. They are not ordinary soldiers. Their duties basically do not touch the front battlefield.

Before running far, yak shouted, "boss, boss, I'm an intelligence officer. Do you think it's necessary for me to carry out physical training?"

The 13th said discontentedly, "even if I need to restore my physical ability, I prefer a person."

"You two are enough. Run honestly. You only need to run two kilometers, and I need to run twenty kilometers!"

Leibrov is also running. His sweat has wet his clothes and carried a full set of infantry equipment, which makes it difficult for him to run. He is not sick or injured. He feels that it is enough to torture him to run five kilometers. However, considering that Gao Yang needs to run twenty kilometers, he feels that he is not very tired.

"I don't understand why the boss needs to run 20 kilometers. Is it necessary?"

Albert gasped, "because he can run too much. A short distance doesn't mean anything to him, okay?"

"How can you run?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen him, but I heard he can run all day. He can run two marathons."

"Are you serious?"

"I said, I heard."

Irene turned her head in disdain and said, "if our boss doesn't load, he can run three marathons. Don't doubt it. That's what he did."

When the people behind him discussed how good Gao Yang can run, Gao Yang only felt happy. He hasn't run for a long time.

Gao Yang has no chance to exercise his endurance and long-distance running ability during this period. He can run by training, but if he doesn't use this skill all the time, it will degenerate or even disappear.

Gao Yang doesn't want his housekeeping skills to degenerate too fast or even disappear completely, so he has to practice. That's why others run five kilometers at most, but he needs to run twenty kilometers.

Soon, several people stopped. They all recovered soon and were not suitable for running too far. Running up to two kilometers was the limit, and then several people stopped at three kilometers.

Finally, only Gao Yang, Albert, leibrov, James, Li JinFang and Irene were running. Their physical conditions allowed them to run five kilometers a day.

Less than five kilometers, leibrov was out of breath and couldn't run. Albert was even worse. His footsteps began to falter. Li JinFang and Irene were nothing. Although they were tired, they must not reach the limit. As for Gao Yang, he just served the appetizer.

After kicking Albert hard on his ass, he shouted, "asshole, you should lose weight!"

Albert staggered forward, gasped heavily and said hard, "don't look at me fat, but I can run five kilometers. Now, I'm stepping back. Ah, I'm going to die. I'm going to be tired."

Albert shouted that he couldn't stop, but he didn't mean to stop, because he really needed to exercise. If he was lazy in training, wouldn't it be hard for his life.

Finally, Albert couldn't run. He waved and said helplessly, "give me your gun."

Without running a few steps, Li JinFang shouted, "forget it, give me your backpack."

After another run, Irene said helplessly, "give me your helmet and everything else."

Gao Yang, they are not fully armed. At least they don't wear bulletproof vests. If they run five kilometers in heavy bulletproof vests, it is estimated that Albert will die. However, heavy bulletproof vests are only worn when they can take vehicles to enter the battlefield, or street and indoor warfare. It doesn't affect anything if they don't wear them in training.

Finally, Albert and leibrov almost reached the end step by step.

"After running every day, you degenerate too much now."

Gao Yang dropped a word, ignored Albert who had completely collapsed on the ground and began his own running.

Albert has reached the age of sports ability degradation. With the growth of age, his sports ability must be getting worse and worse, but Albert's physical strength and endurance should not decline so fast. Therefore, he lacks exercise during this period. As a medical guard, he wants to save people on the battlefield. As a result, he can't run fast and move, which is very deadly.

Gao Yang found that his own degeneration was also very serious. After running ten kilometers with load, he felt that he couldn't run any more.

The limit is too much ahead of normal, which is a very dangerous signal, which means that Gao Yang has degraded badly in the long-distance running, which he used to be very good at.

Yemen also has a hot and dry desert climate, but Gao Yang is still adapted to this climate. When he hunts on the grassland, it is also hot and dry in the dry season, so Gao Yang has always been very confident in his endurance in the desert, but as it is now, his confidence will hurt him.

Gao Yang is very glad to find out first. It seems that the injury and long-term rest have really had a great impact on Satan's members. However, as long as they can find out the problems, their foundation is still there, that is, they have degenerated after not practicing for a period of time. As long as they step up training, they can recover soon.

Finally, Gao Yang held his teeth to the end and ran 20 kilometers more difficult than in the past.