Chapter 1816

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
A phone number that can't be changed can find people, but it has to have enough technical strength.

For Gao Yang, as long as he needs it, he can easily locate a number in Ukraine, but this can only be because he has enough strength locally.

In other places, such as the United States or Britain, Gao Yang can't locate a number through the police station or any communication department. However, as long as he knows the number and has enough money, it's not impossible to find the desired target.

So it's really valuable for Brian to give a phone number that he won't change. It's much better than the Deyue address Gao Yang once spent a lot of money to buy from Justin.

"That's enough. Please give me your phone number, thank you."

"Remember the phone."

Gao Yang wrote down Brian's number in his little book, and then he whispered, "OK, I've written down the phone."

"What about Jefferson? You haven't said yet. Do you want someone?"

Gao Yang thought for a while. He didn't have time or hands to pick up Jefferson. He just wanted to have a retrial several times, and there was no need.

"Are you clear? How are your people's interrogation skills?"

Brian said discontentedly, "the people I brought out have full marks for their interrogation skills."

With a disdainful smile on his face, yalebin coughed loudly and said in a low voice, "then kill him. In a cruel way, tell him that I am very angry that he stole my things. Well, I want to see his body and ask your people to take a picture. I want to be able to see his face or other remarkable features and send the picture to a mobile phone. Is that ok?"

Brian smiled, "you're careful enough."

Gao Yang also said with a smile: "I can't trust you, but we can't be careless in our business, right? You take a call and send the picture to this number."

Gao Yang doesn't know what Jefferson who stole his cannon looks like, but kanchelski knows, so he tells Brian kanchelski's phone. Soon, Brian says, "OK, write down the phone, and I'll ask them to send you a picture."

He sighed loudly, smiled and said, "OK, that's it, Brian. One more question, you just said you were in heaven, so you must have found her? The result is good, right?"

Brian was silent for a moment, and then said in a very gentle voice: "yes, I found her. After countless hardships and lies, we can still meet. Thank God, thank you. I haven't seen a compassionate person for a long time. I must say thank you to you. Thank you very much."

He shouted loudly and said with a smile, "you're welcome. There aren't many people like me this year."

Brian suddenly said: "Are you with the black devil? The captain of the black devil, please tell him that he is a son of a bitch. In addition, tell him that Kate told me all the plans back then, so I know Kate confessed to me that all the plans they had arranged, but Kate revealed more to me than they planned. I I already know everything, but I'm still willing to do anything for Kate. He can't control everything. "

The corner of Gao Yang's mouth took a smoke, looked and listened to the hands-free alebin next to him. Alebin shrugged and didn't say anything, but looked very disdainful.

Gao Yang coughed twice and whispered, "well, I'll tell him."

Brian chuckled. After a short silence, he whispered, "I said I would help you do something to repay you. You chose a small thing. Therefore, I paid off the debt. Now we don't owe anyone. That's all. I think we'll never meet again in the future."

Gao Yang said with emotion: "are you going to retire completely?"

"Yes, we will find a stable place to enjoy the rest of our life."

Gao Yang said with a smile, "this result is good. It's over. I wish you happiness."

"Thank you. Bye, no, no, don't see you again. It's better to say goodbye to people like you. Please finally help me tell everyone of the black devil that they are a group of sons of bitches. Goodbye."

Tata shouted, "Brian, you son of a bitch fool, may you stop being so stupid for the rest of your life, goodbye!"

Gao Yang is sure that Brian heard Tata's cry, but he didn't scold back. He just smiled and said loudly, "black devil, I finally won the victory. Goodbye, black devil."

Brian hung up the phone, then alebin sighed and said with a smile, "let Brian think he is the ultimate winner. Let him and anasta kina live happily. It's a small compensation for his twenty years in the CIA's black prison."

Tata spread his hand, then put his hand back on the steering wheel and said indifferently, "just be happy. If it were me, I would hit him again."

Yalebin shook his head and said with a smile, "when I am old, my heart is much softer than before. Besides, anasta Jinna has also paid a great price. We should give anasta Jinna a happy ending. Well, we owe her."

Tata said disdainfully, "if it weren't for anasta kina, I wouldn't let Brian keep the illusion."

Gao Yang swallowed his saliva and said loudly, "isn't it? Brian thought he got the truth, but it's still false?"

Yalebin smiled and said, "it's obvious that Anna starkina revealed her identity and then leaked the plan again. Brian thought Anna starkina had confessed everything to him, but this is basically a part of the plan. We found the weakness in Brian's character and made the plan for his weakness."

Gao Yang said with a wry smile, "I thought anasta kina really fell in love with Brian."

Alebin said expressionless, "she was in love with Brian, otherwise how could she move Brian? Just, as a KGB, everything about herself must be subject to the overall situation, including emotion."

Gao Yang shrugged and said, "I see, so Anna will be so excited when she hears the news of Brian again, because her emotion is true. Wow, it's terrible. Do you have the means to control people's hearts?"

After Jabin's mouth wriggled a few times, he whispered, "it's not that we can control people's hearts, but that people at that time still had faith."

"Can you sacrifice everything for your country?" he said in a low voice

Jarebin nodded and said, "yes, just like me."

After a long silence, Gao Yang picked up the phone again and whispered, "Er, I should call. The news I just got is too abnormal. What do you think, alebin?"