Chapter 1723

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Alebin put his crutch on the sofa, took his confession in both hands, and fell into meditation.

Gao Yang did not dare to disturb yalebin. He sat quietly beside yalebin, motionless and silent.

After a while, Gaoyang found that the situation was wrong, because yalebin snored slightly.

Gao Yang's eyes began to beat, and then he lowered his head with a helpless wry smile.

Fortunately, it didn't take too long, that is, a few minutes. Yalebin woke up after his head sank. He immediately coughed twice, then picked up his confession again, looked at it twice, and whispered, "if I remember correctly, bernesta street is very close to here."

Gao Yang raised his head and whispered, "ah, bernesta street? I don't know where it is."

Alebin smacked his mouth, shook his head, and whispered, "then where was goryanov killed and where was his home? You should know that?"

Gao Yang really didn't know, so he immediately said, "I'll ask right away."

After making a phone call, he said in a low voice, "his home is in Dnepr District, near the river crossing bridge."

Alebin nodded: "Dnepr District, that is Hedong District. Generally speaking, the immediate assassination task is to select the action personnel according to the principle of proximity. The person who executed the assassination of goryanov should be the team living on the East Bank of the river in the confession, with a total of 16 people. Well, according to the principle of quick revenge, we should solve these enemies first. However, we are in the southernmost part of Hexi, far from Closer to bernesta Avenue, I think it's better to solve these enemies nearby. It's also 16 people. "

Gao Yang stretched out his hand and said, "you decide, whatever you say."

Yalebin nodded and whispered, "OK, go and put these bodies together, put Collins and his family together, write the fate of the traitor in blood, put the people of Deyue together, and write the death of the enemy with blood."

After that, yalebin smiled and said, "you are the boss, but you won't let me do these things?"

Gao Yang stood up and said with a smile, "I'll go. Of course I'll go."

In fact, the body doesn't need to be placed. Only Collins's body needs to be placed properly. When he lifted Collins, he was stunned to find that Collins was still slightly twitching and he wasn't dead.

He jumped high, and yalebin said slowly, "cut off his trachea, but don't cut it completely, so that he can get some oxygen when he tries to breathe, but he still has to die after all, just a little more pain."

But although he was used to seeing corpses, writing on the ground full of brains still made Gao Yang feel very disgusted. Looking at Collins who was still twitching from time to time, Gao Yang felt that killing people was so accurate. These black demons were more like killers than number 13.

When Gao Yang put the corpse on the ground and wrote with a piece of cloth dipped in the blood that had not yet solidified, yalebin suddenly said, "wait a minute, stop, your words are really ugly."

Gao Yang stopped and said, "writing is not my strength, and Russian is even worse for me."

"It's time for you to practice your handwriting, really," jarebin said loudly

After writing the ugly font on the ground, Gao Yang went to the bathroom to wash his hands carefully. Then when he came back, he found that alebin was leaning on the sofa and asleep again. To be exact, he was taking a nap.

Gao Yang is actually worried that someone will come back at any time, but seeing that yalebin has always been very confident, he didn't mention this topic. However, after yalebin fell asleep, Gao Yang thought and pulled out the gun, but he didn't go out. He thought it better to stay where he was.

Gao Yang looked at his watch from time to time. When four hours passed, that is, yalebin ordered the five people to rest. Just four hours later, the five people came out of several bedrooms silently.

Sometimes nodding, waking up for a while, and then nodding again, alebin opened his eyes on time and looked at the five people standing in front of him. He shouted, "are you awake?"

The five black devils shouted together, "very awake, captain."

Yalebin took the crutch, then stood up with a little effort, and said loudly: "go to bernesta street, first bring the mouse nest close to us, Tata, Lebedev, rostowski, you go first, the boss and I will come later, let's go."

The five people dispersed in response. Jarebin smiled at Gao Yang and said, "let's go, but we can slow down."

"OK," he said loudly

When going out with yalebin, Gao Yang ran to Collins first, reached out and touched Collins's carotid artery to confirm that Collins was indeed dead after a long period of pain. Although he thought Collins would die anyway after four hours, Gao Yang was not at ease if he didn't confirm.

It would be funny if Collins was miraculously saved at last, and Gao Yang never wanted such a thing, so he was not afraid of trouble and had to make sure that Collins was indeed dead.

Seeing Gao Yang's move, yalebin stopped his feet and said curiously, "what are you doing? Do you think he can survive after being cut off his trachea four hours?"

Gao Yang stood up and said with an embarrassed face, "well, I may be too careful, but I always think if you want to kill someone, you'd better make sure he's really dead."

Yalebin stretched out his thumb and said with a smile, "good habits. No matter how confident you are, it's best to confirm. Miracles often occur in the world, and we don't want miracles to happen to the enemy. Keep your good habits."

Back in the car, he raised his voice and whispered, "are you going now?"

Yalebin looked at his watch and whispered, "yes, but the speed can be slower. Give them an hour for investigation. I think one hour should be enough, so go slowly."

Gao Yang drove slowly. Yalebin looked at the scenery outside the window. Then yalebin suddenly said with emotion: "I've been here. It's a big change. Unfortunately, I'm not going in a good direction. It's more advanced than before, but it's more dilapidated."

Gao Yang didn't pick up yalebin's words. He just continued to drive slowly. Occasionally yalebin would say something that he had been here before.

When Gao Yang drove to his destination, he soon saw a black devil standing by the road. He looked very lonely and ordinary. But when he stopped the car next to the black devil and pressed the key to lower the glass on the side of yalebin, the old man lay on the side of the window and whispered: "The preliminary investigation has been carried out. There are about ten people here, and several others have gone out. Shall we do it now?"

After thinking for a short time, yalebin immediately nodded and said, "yes, do it now and try not to make a sound. We still need to wait for the rest to come back. Go."