Chapter 1682

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Gao Yang felt that this might be his last night in New York. If there was no accident, although he was very tired and late, Gao Yang didn't have a chance to sleep until more than 4 a.m.

He didn't go to bed until more than four o'clock. He was woken up again after seven o'clock. The reason for waking him was a phone call, and it was Jack.

Jack was embarrassed and said: "Sorry to bother you again, but I had to call you earlier, because I knew you were in a hurry and might leave at any time, so I could only call you immediately after getting the news. Well, Glock decided to cancel their exclusive cooperation requirements, that is, all conditions remained the same, and you can use any gun you want without any restrictions Occasion, any time. "

Gao Yang was surprised. Although his dream was disturbed, someone came to give him money, and it was not a decimal. At this time, he didn't get up anyway.

"So generous? No mistake?"

"Of course not. The decision made by Glock's senior management late at night has to be said that they are really sincere."

Gao Yang thought for a moment and then said, "well, I promised. As long as I don't show my face, it's easy to say anything, and my voice is completely different from usual. It's like picking up a million dollars for nothing. It's worth flying to Portland."

Jack smiled and said, "no, it's better than that. You don't have to come to Portland. Did I say they're in Portland? Ha ha, you can sign a contract in New York and shoot a short film in New York. Yes, they're all ready for you. You just need to call the phone number I gave you, that's it."

Gao Yang immediately smiled and said, "no problem, that's it."

"One more thing, I'll meet you in New York with Jerry before tonight. I can't let you run to Portland. We've booked a ticket. We should get on the plane in a while."

Gao Yang immediately said, "no problem. I'll wait for you. I'm glad you'll save me time. Bye, man."

Ye Lianna looked reluctant. After sighing, she whispered, "should you go again?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "no, I'm going out to shoot an advertisement, and then I'll come back. Don't worry, I won't go today."

Ye Lianna immediately relaxed. The time she spent with Gao Yang can only be counted by hours. It's precious for her to get together one more night.

When there is something serious, Gao Yang will never be lazy, and he will naturally get energetic.

After jumping out of bed, Gao Yang said with a smile, "I have to make a phone call and deal with things quickly so that I can come back early. Honey, you can sleep a little longer and go to class."

Ye Lianna shrugged her shoulders and said helplessly, "honey, today is Saturday. I have no class."

Gao yangleng for a moment, and then he hesitated: "if you don't have class, you may go with me. No, forget it. You're not suitable to show up with me now. It's not safe enough."

Ye Lianna wanted to go with Gao Yang, so her expression was very tangled. Gao Yang said apologetically, "sorry, we can't let others know our relationship now. It's impossible to expose it a little, so wait for me at home."

Ye Lianna sighed, "well, I'll wait for you at home and come back early."

Gao Yang called Glock and specifically came to New York to find his executives, and then he immediately left home.

It has to be said that the people of Glock company are very bold and energetic. In contrast, Gao Yang thinks colt should really go bankrupt. How to compete with Glock is not comparable at all.

Gao Yang met Glock's executives smoothly. After receiving the enthusiastic reception, he soon got the contract prepared by Glock company.

After a careful look, he found that there was no problem, but Gao Yang hesitated when signing his name. Then he raised his head and said to the humanity of Glock: "the confidentiality agreement is two-way. I don't want the public to know my name. I think you should know this."

After confirming and telling him again, Gao Yang signed his name, and then he got a million dollars of income after tax. Glock company was really generous when paying.

There is no nonsense, go straight to the theme and raise your anxiety. Glock seems to be even more anxious. Their shooting team is ready to shoot the advertisement. They sign the contract and take the money, and the advertisement starts shooting immediately.

It's an advertisement. In fact, it should be said that it's a short film, and it looks public welfare. Of course, although it doesn't mention selling guns at all, the effect of the advertisement can certainly be guaranteed.

"Guns are our partners. In evil hands, guns are evil. In just hands, guns are just. I urge everyone, but when you plan to use guns, please think about whether your use is correct. At any time, please don't use your guns for evil purposes. It's stupid, but if you encounter an ongoing crime, your life will be threatened When threatened, you will want to have a gun at hand. I'm the magic gun man. Please use the gun correctly like me and be attributed to evil. Don't do anything stupid, thank you. "

Gao Yang wore sunglasses, but no mask, but a baseball cap. He walked slowly all the way, finished the lines under his back, and didn't mention Glock's words in the whole process. However, when the short film ended, Glock's logo would naturally cover the whole screen.

The whole short film was shot at one go, and the whole process didn't take a few minutes. However, in order to achieve the best effect, Gao Yang shot it several times. Each time, he had to change the scene, not to mention the lines, so that Glock could choose the best one to play, and there were changes after playing for a period of time. Therefore, although the short film shooting was simple, it was still very tiring.

Finally, near noon, Gao Yang finished all the shooting and declined the invitation to invite him to lunch because he just wanted to go back quickly.

Gao Yang came by taxi, so he had to take a taxi when he went back. At noon, it was very difficult to take a taxi. After waiting for a while, Gao Yang, who was already very hungry, decided to cushion it first. Not far from him, there was a hot dog car that could be seen almost everywhere in New York.

Gao Yang walked over, stretched out two fingers, smiled and said, "two hot dogs."

After that, Gao Yang just glanced casually. Then his eyes stopped on a tramp not far from him. Then he stretched out four fingers and said loudly, "no, four hot dogs."