Chapter 1650

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Gao Yang doesn't know how big this is, but he knows it will be a sensation.

If this is an ordinary terrorist attack, it is the kind that killed and injured several people and couldn't run away. It is a big news sensation all over the world. If more than a dozen or even dozens of people were killed and injured, the headlines of the global media must be this news.

Now, four gunmen are shooting at the crowd, but at the beginning of the attack, they were stopped by one person. What is this? This is a super sensational and eye-catching news, and it is also a favorite landmark event that will be fried around for decades.

The world needs heroes, and the United States needs heroes, but there are still too few real heroes. Now, in front of many people, in the era of super developed we media and images in every corner, it has freshly concocted a real hero for people all over the world.

The most important thing is that Gao Yang has shaped himself into a hero in a blockbuster.

Move the heroes in the blockbuster to reality, and then at least save more than a dozen lives. What do Americans think of such heroes.

At the thought of this, Gao Yang was cold all over, and his whole back was full of sweat.

Anyone can be famous, but Gao Yang can't.

Gao Yang has many identities in the United States, but all of them are fake. If no one checks carefully, he can stroll around the United States. However, any of his fake identities can not stand scrutiny.

If you become a dazzling hero staring at the halo, you will definitely be dug out by people for three generations. In this way, the problem will be very serious, and what Gao Yang stopped is a terrorist attack. The FBI will definitely take over this case.

Now the question comes. If Gao Yang is an immigrant, when did he come to the United States, what visa he applied for, who is his visa officer, whether he is a skilled immigrant or an investment immigrant? All these are well documented. It is easy to find obvious loopholes by the FBI and even by the people who are enthusiastically chasing heroes.

If Gao Yang is a descendant of immigrants, who is his father and where does his family live? What industry is there.

Everyone can't come out of thin air. There must be a growth track and a life track, but it's all blank unless he exposes his true identity.

If it's just revealed that he is a fugitive, even if the problem is that Gao Yang is a mercenary or one who has done a lot of big things and will die at the sight of the light.

Although he can never reveal his identity, Gao Yang has no choice but to be a hero, because if he doesn't kill the four gunmen, ye Lianna and he will die, so no matter how serious the consequences are, he has to be a really deadly hero.

Gao Yang, sitting in the police car, was confused. The policeman next to him looked adored and didn't listen to what he said. However, this performance was normal. He killed several people. It was reasonable to have a little psychological fluctuation.

Gao Yang's brain is running crazy. He is thinking about countermeasures and how to deal with the aftermath.

Soon, the nearest police station arrived, and the police station was also noisy. When Gao Yang was pushed in by the police, he found that every anxious and hurried policeman would stop after seeing him, and then nod with gratitude or excitement.

Some policemen will come to Gao Yang, reach out and press his shoulder, say thank you excitedly, and then leave in a hurry.

When he was taken to an office to sit down, he pushed the high-profile policeman with an apologetic look on his face and said, "I'm sorry, you're a hero, but we can't let you go until we have conclusive evidence. I'm really sorry to put handcuffs on you.

Gao Yang nodded and whispered, "it doesn't matter, I understand."

The policeman looked puzzled and said, "your voice?"

Gao Yang said with a puzzled face: "I don't know. I just shouted, and then it was like this."

Just then, a police officer hurried over and said loudly, "open the handcuffs, open the handcuffs, it has been confirmed that he is a hero rather than a suspect. We have received two videos, and there are many witnesses."

The policeman immediately opened Gao Yang's handcuffs. The Officer immediately stretched out his hand towards Gao Yang, and then said seriously: "Sir, on behalf of all colleagues and the people on the scene, I thank you for saving a lot of lives!"

Gao Yang had to say, "what I should do."

The policeman wondered, "what's the matter with your voice?"

"Sir, he yelled. I think he might have hurt his throat?"

The officer suddenly realized, and then immediately said, "I see. I've seen the video. The sound is really loud enough!"

After that, the police officer said enthusiastically, "do, please sit down. We need your cooperation to take a note. Our director went to the scene, but he will be back in a moment. He wants to thank you personally. The FBI will be here soon, so you have to wait a minute. I'm really sorry. We should take you to the hospital."

Gao Yang nodded and whispered, "it's okay. It doesn't matter. Where's my girlfriend?"

The police officer immediately said, "Oh, sorry, my mistake. I'll invite your girlfriend right away. By the way, your girlfriend is really beautiful and matches you very well."

Soon, ye Lianna hurried over, and then she immediately hugged Gao Yang. At this time, Gao Yang seemed to be comforting Ye Lianna and said in a thin, inaudible voice, "cry, don't say anything."

Ye Lianna cried with a loud cry, and then she really just cried and didn't say a word.

After a few words of comfort, the police officer said to Gao Yang, "Sir, I think your girlfriend may need psychological counseling. I think it's better to let her see a psychologist."

Gao Yang patted Ye Lianna. Ye Lianna just shook her head, then held Gao Yang and didn't give up. Gao Yang smiled apologetically, and then whispered, "can I comfort her and make a phone call?"

The police officer immediately said, "Oh, of course, of course. Sir, you are a hero, not a suspect. I must tell you this. You can do whatever you want. You and your girlfriend can stay here alone for a while. No problem."

When the policeman went out, Gao Yang immediately said, "just cry, pretend to be scared, and stay with me. Don't say anything, lest it doesn't agree with what I said. Now I'm going to make a phone call."

Ye Lianna whispered, "I was scared. Don't pretend. Call quickly. Gao, you're going to be famous this time. Isn't it troublesome? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pulled you..."