Chapter 1634

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
In another room, when he thought Morgan couldn't hear him, Bob said impatiently, "man, how did you do it? I mean, how did you take out the gun like a magic trick?"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "well, it's a long story."

Bob said excitedly, "it must not be easy, right?"

Gao Yang sighed, shrugged and said, "I can only say that the process is very tortuous and complex. As for how difficult it is, you know the process of finding this thing is the most difficult part. If it is really taken out at the end, it doesn't seem to be particularly difficult."

Bob nodded repeatedly, like a chicken pecking rice, and said loudly: "Yes, I know, I know. In my impression, my father will attend the gun exhibition as long as he has a gun exhibition. It's for this gun. Looking for this gun is the most action I can remember with my father. I always thought that the responsibility of looking for this gun will eventually fall on me, and I really think I can't find it."

After that, Bob patted Gao Yang's shoulder and said in a deep voice, "you don't know how much my father paid to find it. In my life, I always have a little obsession. There is no doubt that the gun is my father's obsession."

Gao Yang smiled, "I'm glad to find the gun for him, but I'm really worried about his heart now."

Bob waved his hand and said loudly, "his heart is very good. He's just a little too excited. You know, when will he leave this time? If we have time, we'll play for a few days. By the way, how can it be just you and the others?"

Gao Yang sighed and said with a bitter smile, "the others can't come because they are injured."

Bob said curiously, "are you injured? How many are injured? Do you have any big action? Why so many people are injured."

Gao Yang said with a wry smile: "don't ask, and don't mention it to anyone, and it's very important."

Bob smiled bitterly and said loudly, "it seems that you are in trouble again. Well, I understand. I won't talk nonsense. What about Irene? Is she okay?"

Gao Yang shrugged and said, "I was hurt. I thought you would ask her first."

Bob shook his head, looked bitter and said, "forget it, I've given up her. I think of Irene. My left face still hurts. It's not good for me to find a girlfriend who can beat too much, not to mention I can't fix her."

Just then, Morgan quietly appeared at the door with the gun Gao Yang had just given him.

Morgan looked very calm, completely without the excitement of just completing his dream. He stood at the door and said to Gao: "Gao, come out with me, Bob, and you, come with me."

Gao Yang walked over without talking. Bob stood up and said with a smile, "Dad, where are you going?"

Morgan waved his hand and whispered, "everyone, sorry, please sit here and we'll be back soon."

Bob drove. Gao Yang and Morgan Sat. after the three got on the bus, Bob whispered, "where are we going?"


Bob nodded and stopped talking, and Morgan still hugged the gun when he got into the car.

Without disturbing Morgan, Gao Yang remained silent until the car stopped at a beautiful and quiet cemetery.

When the car stopped, Morgan held the gun in his hand and said to Gao Yang, "come with me."

The cemetery had no walls and was not big. Morgan walked slowly to the path hidden in the woods, faster and faster, until he finally stood in front of several adjacent cemeteries.

After stopping, Morgan turned to a tomb next to him and said, "this is my mother's graveyard. This is my father's graveyard."

After that, Morgan turned around, raised the gun, cried loudly and said, "Mom, your gun has been found, Dad, I have fulfilled your wish, mom's gun has been found, have you seen it?"

Gao Yang and Bob were silent, and Morgan suddenly squatted down, held a gun and began to cry after comforting his dead parents.

Morgan is not as calm as he appears.

"It's been 60 years, father. It's been 60 years since you vowed to find the gun. Now you finally found it. Finally found it. Mother, do you see? The best memory of your childhood has now been found, found!"

Morgan cried loudly, cried loudly and quietly stepped back two steps, while Bob stood forward. Morgan, who wanted to pull one knee and kneel, finally didn't move. This is a moment when he needs to vent the heart knot and regret of his father and son for decades. If Morgan wants to cry, let him cry.

After crying and talking for a long time, Morgan stood up and smiled with tears: "mother, father, I want to tell you that this gun is very good and well preserved. I brought bullets and I fired two shots. Listen."

Morgan took out two bullets from his pocket, slowly filled the bullets into the chamber, raised the muzzle to the sky and said loudly, "Mom, listen to the voice you are familiar with and always miss."

After that, Morgan fired a shot. It was very smooth and loud. Morgan said happily: "the gun is very good and the action is very smooth. This gun is perfectly preserved. Mom, I will use it to hunt, just as you want."

Morgan fired another shot, and the sound of the shot echoed in the cemetery woods.

It's certainly not appropriate to shoot in the cemetery, but this is Morgan's family cemetery, and it's to comfort his parents with the sound of gunfire. Of course, there's no problem in this case.

After firing two shots, Morgan smiled very happy. He turned and waved to Gao Yang, "come here, come here."

Gao Yang walked over. Morgan held Gao Yang's shoulder in one hand and shouted in front of the cemetery: "He is Gao Yang, my friend. He helped me find this gun. I tried hard for a long time, but there was always no result, and this guy's luck was always good, but I really didn't expect him to bring this gun back to us. Mother, father, look at him. It's this guy. I became a collector in order to find this gun, and this guy can always bring me meaning Unexpected collection, ha ha, father, now look at the collection cabinet you left, you will be surprised, because there are many good things you can't think of, real good things. "

After laughing, Morgan turned to Gao Yang and patted him on the shoulder.

Morgan just patted Gao Yang on the shoulder and smiled gratefully at Gao Yang, but he didn't say thank you.

I didn't say thank you. It's very important. It's really important.