Chapter 1629

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Gao Yang has no clairvoyant eyes or ears, so everything that has happened is inferred, that is to say, they can only guess what the United States plans to do.

Now, through hunter, speculation has become a reality, and reality is more exaggerated and dangerous than speculation.

What did Hunter say? Big Ivan must die, because the United States never wants to do 9 / 11 again. This sentence is by no means casual. It has a lot of connotation. What does it mean? This shows that big Ivan not only has the ability to cause harm to the United States, but also is likely to be taking action, and the United States is also trying to prevent this.

The more the United States attaches importance to it, the more difficult the situation of big Ivan will become. The trouble is that big Ivan has carried the pressure. Fortunately, it is only by holding high this pair of small shoulders. Now he has shouldered this heavy burden for big Ivan. What is a critical moment and what is the top of Mount Tai? That's it.

Many things don't need strong reasoning ability. As long as they are not idiots, they can draw a conclusion. The United States attaches so much importance to big Ivan. Can a failure stop the United States? How possible!

For a mercenary regiment, the death of more than 20 people at a time is almost the end, but for a country and the world's largest superpower, it's a fart. The butter knife is elite, there are few people, and the death of several is a great loss. But can it really be a matter for the whole United States?

Without butter knives, the United States can send three dogs. Without three dogs, the United States can send red oil knives, black oil knives, four dogs, five dogs, eight clawed octopus and so on. In short, for a little Satan, the United States is not an object that can be defeated. It will never be able to open, miracles are impossible, and miracles are impossible.

Gao Yang nodded silently and sighed: "You said what I haven't had time to say. In fact, what we need to worry about is not the three headed dog, nor the butter knife, but the United States. They have a steady stream of troops to send out. We are close to the destruction of the whole army at one time. Now we have completely lost our combat effectiveness, and the black devil is almost dead. Do it again, and the scale is larger. Ha ha, it feels great !”

Cool? Cool! It's so cool!

Taylor murmured to himself: "this is the end of fighting against the national forces. There is no possibility of victory. Victory once or twice, even if it is won a hundred times, the final result is still dead..."

Gao Yang patted Taylor on the head and said with a sad face: "win a hundred times? If I can win once, I want to kneel down and thank all the gods. OK, if you don't participate, you don't know how powerful the butter knife is. This time the black devil helped block the gun, but the black devil is dead! Where do you want me to find the most powerful group of people in the world!"

The 13th sighed and whispered, "what should I do?"

Gao Yang straightened his suit collar, twisted his tie, bent over and patted his knee, and said firmly on his face: what can I do? What else can I do? Recognize advice“

After saying that, Gao Yang said helplessly, "I always said that I can't intervene in Zhengzhi and don't be hostile to any national forces. I don't even dare to be an ally with national forces. I knew that you can't get rid of these forces until you die, but now it's better. Alas, you can't hide. It's called people in the Jianghu. They can't help themselves."

The 13th said seriously: "You're just venting your emotions, but you don't give any feasible solutions. You're the boss. You have to give us a specific direction to go. If you say you want to die, we'll go firmly along the road you pointed out until the end of death. If you point out a way to live, we'll go... Forget it, you and I both know it's impossible, but you have to clearly point out a way now, you Yes, boss, it's your responsibility. "

Gao Yang looked at No. 13 and said firmly, "who said I can only show you a dead end? I ask you, am I big Ivan?"

"Of course not."

"That's great. I'm not big Ivan. Why do I have to die for big Ivan? I'm so great? I just said, recognize counseling. Do you know what recognition counseling is? Specifically, I don't pretend to be big Ivan, no longer bear the burden for Andre, pat my ass and go to be my gun god ram. What do Americans want me for? Do you think I deserve to be sent by Americans What butter knife, three headed dog or something? "

On the 13th, he was stunned, then subconsciously nodded and said, "yes, you are not Ivan at all. The current situation is entirely due to the firepower you actively attracted."

Gao Yang clapped his hand and said loudly, "right!"

But the 13th frowned and said in a deep voice, "but will you really do this? Will you recognize... What did you say in Chinese just now?"


"People counsellor, well, I don't know much about the word, but I know the meaning of the word now. The question is, are you really a person who is used to people counsellor? You're not. You always shout loudly, say what you're timid and say what you're afraid of, but I know you're actually a very proud person. You're not an easy loser, and you never admit defeat! So I doubt you can do it."

"Yes, it's advice, not advice. There's a little difference between the two words. One is accidental, and the other is often... Bah, why do I tell you this? You just don't pronounce correctly."

After waving his hand unhappily, Gao Yang looked at No. 13 and said, "I think I'm really counselled. When you say so, it seems that I've never recognized counsellor. I haven't fought with heaven, earth, wild animals and people. I haven't fucking counselled!"

After the gnashing of teeth, Gao Yang changed his face and said with a bitter smile: "But this time it's different. I really don't want to admit it, but I can't take my brothers to die. I have a good relationship with big Ivan. I'm willing to help him, but I can't take all my brothers to die because of my personal relationship. I promised Andre. I really don't want to break my promise, but I can't take my brothers to die..."

After that, Gao Yang took a deep breath and said to No. 13 and Taylor: "so, we haven't actually reached a dead end yet, have we? We've been hiding well. We just need to heal quietly and do nothing. When everyone can take action, where to go, everything is over, right?"

Taylor whispered, "boss, you, you..."

Gao Yang shook his head and sighed, "stop talking. I know what you want to say. In fact, I'm not so particular about it. I can't do such a thing by dragging the whole family and brothers and friends together for promise. Therefore, don't worry about me. Even if I admit counseling, I'm not so painful. Well, it's not particularly painful."