Chapter 1620

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Gao Yang bent down, dragged one by one with Taylor and dragged the two people they had put down into the house, while Antonio was not idle and dragged the woman in.

Among the three people, the largest one looks nearly 60 years old, and the other is younger. She looks in her 40s, and the woman looks in her 40s. She is dressed as a maid doing chores at home. Judging from what she said, she does act as a maid at poloneschenko's house.

He dragged the three into the room and said on the walkie talkie, "who's coming this time?"

"I don't know, but they must be going in. The car stopped at the door."

Before the voice fell on the 13th, little Donny smiled bitterly on the high phone and said, "it's really lively today. There are four of them. One of them is opening the door. The door is open. Well, they're going in. They took out their guns! It's strange. Who are these people?"

Gao Yang said anxiously, "can the images be saved? These people are the best substitutes for the dead. Oh, no, are we or these three people exposed?"

After that, Gao Yang whispered to several people around him, "get ready to fight. This time the other party has a gun, it must not be just to go home."

Just then, little Downey said strangely, "it seems that the two people are going to the security room, but they are back. What do you mean? If they are going to catch you, there are too few of them. If they break in like us, they should at least solve the security."

The door opened and four people quietly entered the General Assembly living room on the first floor.

Gao Yang can't use the Taser this time, because he has used up all the electric shock bullets, and Taylor has one left. If he doesn't do it this time, it's done. If he does, non lethal weapons won't work.

Gao Yang pulled out his pistol again and waited quietly to see what the next four people would do.

At this time, Gao Yang said loudly after listening to a man's breath: "Look, I told you it would be fine. It's easy to come in. The housekeeper Walker Paul transferred everyone away. The security guards were sent to maintain order and the servants helped arrange the celebration party. There may be no security guards left here. Even if there are, there are few people, and they must be watching TV. I know these security guards are very lazy. If someone is there Staring at the surveillance, we can't get in the door. "

After talking a lot, the speaker smiled and said, "well, let's find out and take the things away, and we'll get two million dollars."

A slightly nervous tone whispered, "why not solve the security guard? It's too dangerous now."

"It's okay, it's okay. Don't worry. There won't be anyone here. I'm very sure."

"No, Jerry, Suker, you two go and search to ensure safety."

"Search? This house is very large, at least dozens of rooms. You must check all of it? Of course, you has the final say, but my suggestion is that at this time we have taken things away, and I know everything, and it is in the bedroom of the two floor owner. We can get something to hurry up and go faster than you carefully search it again."

Just then, a voice said hurriedly, "OK, listen to him. Take something and hurry away! We don't have much time to waste."

"By the way, we don't have time to waste. In a few minutes, we'll get $2 million. Believe me, guys, I've never been bad."

Gao Yang winked at Taylor, but Taylor said with his mouth, "English!"

Gao Yang nodded, slightly moved his shoulder, and twisted his right foot back and forth on the ground when he raised the gun.

With the rapid footsteps, a voice said, "the bedroom is here, and the safe is hidden in his bedroom. I have found out. This job is very simple. It's easy to make money, isn't it? Oh!"

With a scream, Gao yangpa kicked out, kicked down the person who opened the door, and then looked at three people who looked frightened and looked like ghosts.

A man with a gun in his hand wanted to shoot, but Taylor hit him in the face with an electric shock gun. At the same time, Taylor suddenly jumped and punched a man who had a relaxed face and didn't open the pistol insurance.

Gao Yang kicked down one, then explored his left hand, suddenly grabbed the gun in a man's hand, and kicked out with his right leg silently.

The man with the pistol was suddenly attacked, but he was not flustered. He immediately gave up the gun in his hand. While his left hand extended to Gao Yang's eyes, his empty right hand hit Gao Yang hard.

However, Gao Yang's feet are fast.

Under the training of Li JinFang and Peter, Gao Yang's leg technique has become great. Even if he is an expert, he also has the strength of a positive fight, not to mention a sneak attack.

There was no sound. Gao Yang lifted his Yin leg and made a successful blow. The man in front of him was originally an eye digging hand. After feebly touching the silk stockings on Gao Yang's face, he turned his white eyes and fell to the ground.

This is a master of fighting. Although he was knocked down by Gao Yang's foot, he is still a master. The master's fight is a hit, so although he fell down at once, it doesn't prevent him from being a master.

It was much worse to fight with Taylor. After being punched in the face by Taylor, he was hit on the back of the head by Taylor, and then fell to the ground and fainted.

Now, there are four more fainters in the room.

Gao Yang shook his neck and Taylor made a gesture, which meant whether to leave someone to ask. Gao Yang thought for a moment, pointed to the most advanced person, and then began to fill the heads of the other three people. Whether they were really dizzy or fake dizzy, they had to be completely dizzy.

It's not good to fall into the hands of mercenaries. They will never be treated as prisoners of war. They are ruthless. The most direct thing is to kill without leaving a living. Even if they are lucky enough to leave a life, they have to be ruthless first.

Completely confused several people, Taylor and Gao Yang began to squat down and search carefully. They had to make sure that they didn't have communication equipment. Otherwise, it wouldn't be good to spread their voice.

Confirming that there was nothing dangerous on the four people, Gao Yang breathed a sigh of relief and whispered, "there is nothing that can prove their identity. Two 1911 and one Glock 17 in three guns, plus their American accent, I think they are Americans."

Antonio shrugged and said, "look at their clothes, shoes and their smell. It can't be wrong that they are Americans."

Gao Yang scratched his head with a headache, looked at the people lying on the ground and said helplessly, "these people are Russian and these are American. They all come to look for something? Falk! What's good here?"