Chapter 1559

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
If he could call for artillery fire, he would not be hurt.

He reached out and pressed the wound behind his left leg. It hurt a little, and then there was not much blood. The shrapnel should have been wiped, not drilled. Gao Yang felt that there was no need to stop bleeding.

At the time of pressing the wound, another shell fell down. Gao Yang didn't know whether to go down from the roof and hide in the house or just stick to the roof.

After thinking about it, Gao Yang felt that even if he died, he would die on the roof. If he didn't step back, he really wouldn't step back. Hiding back in the house was not afraid of mortars, but the enemy spread up, and finally the whole army was destroyed. There was no big difference.

When the mortar exploded again, it was on Gao Yang's right, that is, a position of about 10 meters. Gao Yang was not hurt by mortar fragments, but the falling shells one after another were really frightening.

After a while, several more grenades fell down. This time Gao Yang understood that the enemy had automatic grenade launchers, but more were grenade launchers mounted on rifles.

Just then, Gao Yang found a slip of lights again, so he called quickly, but he didn't hear any reply.

Gao Yang is a little desperate this time.

This time, the team was bigger and more people. Gao Yang was even more desperate when he saw that the team stopped and countless light spots in the night vision began to disperse and then move towards him.

However, when the enemy came more, he gave Gao Yang a breathing time. The enemy no longer fired mortars or gun grenades. The battlefield went into calm.

Gao Yang has a lot of targets to hit. Although he is a little far away, he still has no problem hitting.

The enemy is spreading out, and their intention is very obvious. That is, surround them first, and then push forward slowly. If they can catch them alive, they can catch them alive. If they can't catch them alive, they can also keep several complete bodies.

If the wounded were not completely unable to move, Gao Yang would have run away.

Sighed, Gao Yang started shooting, shot out a magazine in one breath, then replaced it with a new magazine, observed the movement of the enemy again, and found that the enemy didn't mean to stop moving at all, but was more careful when moving forward.

Gao Yang starts shooting again, but this time it is much more difficult than just now. The enemy is very careful. Although Gao Yang has the advantage of height, there are many trees around him, and the terrain is not very flat. The enemy has a lot of hidden terrain to use.

However, the so-called difficult shooting means that the shooting speed is slower. Gao Yang can still shoot without miss.

It seemed inevitable to be surrounded by the enemy. At this time, Gao Yang listened to the people roar on the walkie talkie: "call Peter, I'm newlantova, get the answer!"

It was a great joy, so he immediately shouted, "Peter, copy that! Where are you?"

"It's three kilometers away from your punctuation point. We've controlled the lights and we'll be there in two minutes."

Gao Yang hurriedly said, "attention, I have been half surrounded by the enemy. There are a large number of enemies in the East and North, as well as in the south. The enemy is about to complete the encirclement of me. You choose your own direction to enter. Over!"

"I see. We'll kill it directly. We have doctors and plasma!"

Gao Yangji said excitedly, "great, come quickly. Do you have the strength to break through the enemy's defense line? The enemy mortar, if possible, give priority to solving the enemy's fire. I'll guide the position. Do you have any heavy weapons?"

"We only have guns and grenades, and a few rocket launchers, no guns!"

Gao Yang lowered his head because the enemy had begun to fire at him, but it was a little far away. The machine gun fired first.

Although he felt that Ukraine did not have a very advanced night vision instrument, and the safety could be guaranteed at a distance of 600 meters, in order not to be hit by the enemy's snipers, he began to run back and forth on the roof and shouted, "how many people do you have?"


"Too few. Why are there only so few."

There was no reply from newlantova, so Gao Yang stopped shouting, and then he saw that suddenly several cars turned on their lights.

Newlantova drove directly towards the stopped enemy with his people. It seemed that he wanted to kill the enemy by surprise when the enemy couldn't distinguish between us and the enemy.

It seems that the enemy also has the means to distinguish between the enemy and ourselves. The motorcade in newlantova encountered machine gun fire shortly after walking. Therefore, when they were about a kilometer away from the enemy, they were forced to stop and attack the enemy on foot.

As soon as the reinforcements arrived, the pressure on Gao Yang's side was greatly reduced. The impact speed of the people led by newlantova was very fast. In only two minutes, they were close to a distance of only 500 meters from the enemy, and at this distance, they could effectively attack the enemy.

Sure enough, when the reinforcements approached, the enemy immediately stopped the encirclement speed, and Gao Yang just breathed a sigh of relief, but he heard newlantova say in great frustration: "Boss, the mortar has been solved, but the defense line is difficult to break through. Shall we forcibly join you or put pressure on the enemy here? In addition, the military doctor we brought is dead. If we can bring you plasma in the past, well, there are four bags left. I don't know what blood type."

Gao Yangji said speechless, "why did the military doctor die? Why did he die?"

"One of the casualties of the assault was a military doctor. He was hit at close range by a gun grenade, and most of his blood bags were broken."

Gao Yang sighed and said, "four packs of plasma. Forget it. You continue to attack the enemy on the periphery and put pressure on the enemy. In addition, can you identify the enemy?"

"I can't confirm, but the enemy's combat effectiveness is very strong. If there is no accident, it should be the special forces on 24-hour standby. Recently, Kiev is not very stable. They have a lot of people on 24-hour duty, so they come one step ahead of us."

Gao Yang climbed a few steps and fired the machine gun. He looked at the position of newlantova in a continuous exchange of fire, and the fight was quite fierce. He paused and wanted to observe carefully. After he found that several targets could be shot, he climbed a few steps, then stopped to pick up the gun and fired eight bullets at one go.

If one or two exposed people are killed, the remaining people will inevitably hide. Therefore, Gao Yang does not fire first, but after confirming the enemy's position, he fires continuously and quickly, and solves all the exposed targets at one time. Of course, he is the one who can beat them like this.

Helping newlantova put more pressure on the enemy's defense line. Gao Yang was trying to shift his position, but there was a great buzz in the air. The helicopter finally came, but Gao Yang felt that it was more likely to be the enemy.