Chapter 1488

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
It was Irene's shouting that pulled him out of his unconscious trance.

Is Gao Yang dead? Of course not. In fact, he wasn't even hurt. He was just frightened and his brain was short circuited.

Three shots are fired in front of people. Who dares to say he's not afraid? It's definitely fooling a fool. However, Gao Yang is not completely scared. He's in a trance. He didn't expect that Nate would really shoot him. He couldn't turn this corner in his mind.

Gao Yang was not scared silly, but Irene was completely scared silly. Looking at Gao Yang, she didn't move. Although she didn't see blood, she still collapsed and shouted.

"Stop shouting, you're not dead."

Gao Yang said a hard word and was dragged out of the stairwell by Li JinFang and Frye. Just a few steps. How long can it be used.

"Let go of me, let go."

After lying on the ground and letting Li JinFang and Frye let go, Gao Yang sat up on his own.

While Gao Yang was breathing heavily, Irene slapped him on the helmet from behind Gao Yang, and then shouted angrily, "if you're not dead, you pretend to be dead!"

Gao Yang didn't answer Irene. He looked at the bullet hole in his chest, put his finger into the bullet hole, touched it, and said to himself, "finally, I'll show mercy."

Gao Yang didn't die, just because Nate didn't hit him on the head, but on the chest.

How can we not wear bulletproof vests to fight this kind of indoor war, and we must also wear heavy bulletproof vests with bulletproof plates. Knight is not a fool. How can he not know where to fight? With Knight's shooting method, he wants Gao Yang's life. At most, he can shoot Gao Yang in the head by moving the muzzle a little, so as to ensure that Gao Yang can be killed until he can't die again.

Since Knight didn't hit Gao Yang's head, naturally, he didn't really want to kill him. Moreover, Knight still used M1911 pistol. The 11.43mm bullet was powerful enough, but the penetration was very poor. Knight hit the trunk position protected by bulletproof clothing. Even if he knocked out a magazine, Gao Yang was painless.

After all, Nate is merciful.

As soon as Knight's gun rang, Satan was in chaos. When he found that Gao Yang was all right, he scolded one by one.

Gao Yang stood up from the ground with his hand, and then yelled as soon as he stood up.

"Knight! Fark oil! Fark oil! You crazy bastard, go to hell!"

"Fakto! Idiot, go back to your mother, you idiot."

Li JinFang was also very angry. He yelled at the stairwell, "Nate, I'm o'neima. Are you a fucking idiot! I'll just blow you up, asshole! Idiot!"

As soon as Li JinFang scolded, Sirte quit. He immediately shouted, "toad, you son of a bitch idiot, go to hell. Next time, I'll directly blow your head and die."

Sirte didn't just scold, but immediately threw a grenade into the stairwell.

Gao Yang was very grateful that Nate didn't really kill him, but he was also very angry. Nate would shoot him. After the grenade exploded, he shouted angrily, "Nate! You stupid pig, I'll kill you!"

After a roar, he shouted to Raphael, "kill them with a bomb."

Rafael whispered, "boss, do you really want to put the elevator?"

Knight didn't kill him in the end, and Sirte and the chain saw really couldn't get down and didn't shoot him. He really wanted to use the elevator to pull up the directional thunder and blow it up again, but Gao Yang couldn't get down. After a little hesitation, he waved his hand angrily.

Gao Yang shouted at the stairs, "Nate, give you ten seconds to surrender, or I'll blow you up."

Knight disdained: "you blow it up, idiot."

He shouted loudly, "if it weren't for their face, I would have thrown a bomb. Your mind is full of shit idiots, mad dogs and white pigs!"

"Yellow monkey, if it weren't for the face of the can opener, I'd blow your head with one shot, fool! Get out of here before you die!"

At this time, Pavlovich said angrily on the walkie talkie: "what's the matter, what's the mess?"

"I met an acquaintance. It's hard to start."

Pavlovic said angrily, "are you an idiot? What human feelings can be said on the battlefield? Kill them!"

Gao Yang is a very affectionate person. He is really embarrassed at the moment.

Those who speak of friendship and encounter those who refuse to recognize their relatives, what else can they do except suffer losses.

Gao Yangji is a contradiction. Just now Nate killed him, there is no need to say anything, but Nate really left affection for his men, but he can't let Bisley go anyway. Either fight, kill Bisley after killing the angel, or withdraw, don't fight with the angel, and then let Bisley go.

Gao Yang couldn't let Beasley go. He roared helplessly, "Nate, I can't withdraw. You can't run. I forgive you now. I don't want you to surrender. Go by yourself. I'll solve the rest. I won't leave any alive. I promise I won't make it difficult for you."

"Idiot, either come up and die, or get out!"

Gao Yang angrily said, "you're a fucking stupid pig. Do you really want me to blow you all up? Give you ten seconds, or I'll use a cloud bomb. You think for yourself."

Knight disdained: "fool, you use cloud bombs. Let me see if you have a chance to use them. Come on, if you want to die, everyone die together."

In this kind of confined space, everyone really dies together with cloud bombs. Unless Satan runs outside the hotel and fires on the 12th floor, he can't block the retreat of the angel. It's no use leaving a few people to block the angel's road. Once the cloud bombs are used, the people who block are not the same.

It's OK to change the threat method. Use cloud bombs. It really can't scare Nate.

Gao Yang was helpless. He shouted, "you are really determined to die with your employer, aren't you?"

Knight said coldly, "we are angel mercenaries. Don't ask such silly questions again, fool!"

Gao Yang angrily said, "Falk, your mother! Falk, your family! Falk oil! You idiot with shit in your head, stubborn old bastard, I don't care! Go to hell!"

After scolding angrily, he shouted to Raphael: "blow up these sons of bitches. This is knight's choice. It's a can opener. If you want to blame you, you're an idiot."

Sirte roared, "ram, you son of a bitch idiot, look who dies first!"

Raphael whispered, "boss, do you really want to use it?"

Gao Yang took a few breaths, and then he hit the wall with his fist, but he couldn't give orders.

Cui Bo whispered, "otherwise, let's withdraw. Such a stalemate is not a way, and we can't delay any more."

Gao Yang angrily said, "no, this withdrawal will never have a chance!"

Just then, the 13th whispered in the walkie talkie, "I'm coming up. The speed determines the countermeasure. I can't delay any more."

Pavlovic strode over with three people, looked at Gao Yang angrily, pushed Gao Yang aside and whispered, "ready to attack!"

Since we are ready for a strong attack, we should naturally prepare for a strong attack.

Gao Yang looked at Pavlovic and whispered, "the eleventh floor has been cleaned up?"

Pavlovic said discontentedly, "yes, the battle on the eleventh floor is over. My people are cleaning up again to ensure that there is no living space left. Before they finish cleaning up, you'd better make a decision, either attack or withdraw immediately."

Gao Yang bit his teeth, smashed the wall hard, breathed a breath, and said in a deep voice to the stairwell: "Nate, I'll say it again very seriously. You either leave or die here. You're right. I really can't retreat. I can't retreat. Now in this situation, I really can't afford to retreat."

This time Gao Yang didn't scold. He tried to make a final effort.

Knight said coldly, "the angel will never retreat. No matter what the situation is, there is nothing to say. Attack and see who can stand at the end."

Pavlovich took out an air tank like a small fire extinguisher, which was filled with highly compressed anesthetic gas. They had four air tanks in total, which were not enough to put down the whole 12th floor, but enough to open a road.

Gao Yang waved his hand helplessly and said in a deep voice, "prepare for a strong attack."

After that, Gao Yang added with a hard face: "don't leave a living mouth!"

If we fight again, there will be no room. The battle with the angels will not end if Knight does not die. Once Knight dies, both sides must end up completely. There is no other possibility.

Angel and Satan can only leave one.

Gao Yang is in pain.

Soon, the black devil counted eight people on the battlefield and ran over. An old man whispered to Pavlovic: "all 33 people, confirm that there is no omission and no living mouth."

Pavlovic nodded and said in a deep voice, "prepare for a strong attack and organize your equipment."

The eight old men quickly took out gas masks from their backpacks and began to wear them on their heads. They heaved a sigh and waved, "ready."

Gao Yang also took out his gas mask. They were going to release anesthetic gas into the stairwell. As long as the angel didn't prepare a gas mask with an air tank, he couldn't stop it, but they found it wrong and were sure to run.

The final situation is that the angels must give way, hide in the room and close the door, so they won't lose their combat effectiveness at the first time, but they will all die in battle, because when they are forced into the room and can't come out, it means they are divided.

As long as the angels don't obey, Gao Yang can't charm them all. After the angels lose their combat effectiveness, they will catch them alive and let them go. Therefore, there will be casualties when they start fighting. If there are casualties, there can only be no one alive.

Gao Yang took a deep breath. Before putting on the gas mask and turning on the oxygen supply switch, Gao Yang asked for the last time.

"Nate, don't you really think about your brothers?"

"Idiot, shut up!"

Gao Yang felt very painful in his heart, because he really regarded many people of angels as friends. He was also very angry, because Knight's stubbornness or persistence made him have to kill angels, so he shouted with all his strength: "you stupid pig, die!"