Chapter 1446

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Satan did nothing, and depending on the situation, they still didn't seem to do anything.

The black devil turned and killed back towards the dock. At this time, Taylor approached Gao Yang and whispered, "boss, something's wrong. Gruu's people didn't find the Englishman."

Gao Yang frowned and said in a deep voice, "didn't you find the Englishman?"

"Yes, gruu has reached the designated location, but the British indicated in the intelligence are not there."

Gao Yang rubbed his chin and said in a deep voice, "what did they find?"

Taylor whispered, "would you like to talk to them in person?"

Gao Yang shook his head, pointed to the dock and whispered, "keep up with the black devil. We'll talk about gruu later. We'll talk as we go."

Gao Yang waved his hand, and all Satan's members ran again. After running, Gao Yang pointed to his headphones, and Taylor with a large radio on his back immediately connected gruu's frequency.

"I'm a ram. What's the matter with you?"

"We didn't find the intended target. We caught four people alive and tried them immediately."

"I see. Let me know what's going on. Over."

After that, Gao Yang waved his hand again and said to Taylor, "ask about the progress of several other troops, especially the airport."

The tasks of the people in gruu are different from those of other forces, because the people in gruu are more trustworthy. These people have cooperated with Andre before and belong to the most trustworthy force of big Ivan in Ukraine. Therefore, Gao Yang entrusted them with the tasks that are not the most critical but need to be kept secret.

Somaliland was once a British colony, so Britain has a great influence on Somaliland. In addition, some Britons have provided considerable help for Berbera's defense during the holidays between the skeleton gang and the British maritime security company. Britons have appeared in the previous two battles when the skeleton Gang attacked Berbera.

The intelligence work of the skeleton Gang is still awesome, and it is not difficult to get information from Berbera, so before attacking Berbera, it has already known what is the key position that must be taken.

Gruu failed to find the Britons according to the intelligence. This may be due to the intelligence error, or the Britons temporarily changed their residence. Of course, it is also possible that the Britons have left.

The existence of the British is not too critical for Gao Yang's raid. It is not a big problem that gruu failed to complete the combat goal. Gao Yang whispered to Taylor, "ask about the progress of several other teams, and ask the airport first."

After calling several times, Taylor quickly said to Gao Yang: "the airport gun path has been cleaned up, the terminal has been taken down, and the remaining enemies guarding the airport are being cleared. The aircraft is landing. Two aircraft have landed successfully. There is no problem in all landing before the fuel runs out."

Gao Yang looked at his watch and said in surprise, "so fast!"

Only ten minutes have passed, and Berbera's airport has basically arrived.

After talking a few words again, Taylor said to Gao Yang: "it's reported from the airport that the defensive force is stronger than expected, and the enemy seems to have signs of rapid reinforcement."

"I can't find those British people. Let gruu's people support the airport. Be sure to keep our people here."

After Taylor conveyed Gao Yang's order to gruu, he immediately continued to ask about the progress of several other teams. The signal flag and alpha had begun to exchange fire, and the progress was very smooth, but the results could not be evaluated for a while.

After quickly asking about the progress of several other troops, the black devil has reached the wharf first, and this time they have reached the other side of the wharf, that is, the side where the ship is parked.

Gao Yang saw a row of large and small gunboats, and the black devil was running towards the gunboat.

All the boats didn't move, the cables didn't untie, and there was no anchor. There was no light on the boat. As expected, there was no one left on those gunboats.

Irene laughed. After a slight smile, she whispered, "it's too easy to fight in Africa."

Gao Yang looked forward along the gunboat, and then he found a large ship with a displacement of more than 1000 tons docked on one side of the gunboat. There were many people running on the ship, and there was no light on the ship, but the ship was busy raising anchor and loosening the cable.

The black devil's people didn't find the situation on the big ship. They didn't have a night vision, and the big ship was not only far away, but also kept the lights off.

Li JinFang exclaimed, "English! They are here!"

"Black devil, be careful! There is an enemy 500 meters to your left!"

Cui Bo raised his gun and observed it with the sight on the gun for a moment. Then he shouted, "old friend, that's the British escort ship! Why did they come here?"

Gao Yang raised his gun and shouted, "suppress!"

The black devil army has no night vision instrument. They can't find the situation 500 meters away. Su rian has a night vision sight on their gun, but the sight distance is very close and the field of vision is narrow. It's OK to shoot, but it can't be used as an auxiliary observation means for traveling.

The black devil is a short-range raid force. Their equipment can't deal with long-distance enemies. Even if they can see it, their guns can't reach it.

Gao Yang fired a shot and shouted, "don't kill those Englishmen! Suppress them and let them retreat on their own initiative. If they don't know what to do, kill them again."

The British came to the dock, and they came in an escort ship in the Gulf of Aden. Although any normal country does not allow foreign ships carrying weapons to enter its own ports, Berbera and those British must be special cases.

The ship is too big to sink, so the British escort ship is destined to escape. In addition, now the skeleton Gang attacks Somaliland, Britain has no special reason to intervene, and Britain will not bother about the troubles in the horn of Africa, but it will be different if many British people die in Berbera, So Gao Yang doesn't want to kill the British.

Some things can be done, as long as no one says or no living person can speak. Gao Yang can let gruu beat the British in Berbera, because all the British can be killed on land, but not in port. That's the difference.

Gao Yang picked up his gun and fired several shots at the British ship, but he didn't hurt anyone. At the same time, he shouted, "skunk, go and blow up those ships! It's ok if they don't sink, at least destroy the weapons and operating system on the ship."