Chapter 1437

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Gao Yang has bathed several times, but he still vaguely feels that he has a bad smell, but he knows it's a psychological effect, so he forces himself not to take a bath.

But when he saw Irene washing her pistol, Gao Yang couldn't help but want to take a bath again, and he couldn't help but begin to rejoice that his pistol was placed in the holster under her flank, not in the holster around her waist or thigh like Irene.

Irene is washing her pistol. She really washes it in the water instead of cleaning the gun and oiling it. Because when she is in the sewer, the sewage reaches her waist, so Irene and Li JinFang's guns are soaked.

All the things that can't be thrown away, such as pistols, can only be washed again and again.

Li JinFang and Taylor's pistols were soaked in dirty water, but they just washed them once, unlike Irene.

Gao Yang said to Irene, who looked down and just scrubbed the pistol with a brush under the tap, "OK, don't wash it. It's so dirty. It's already clean."

Irene raised her head, looked disgusted and said loudly: "hate! I finally forgot why I was washing my gun. As soon as you said it, I remembered again. Now I have to not only wash the gun, but also continue to take a bath, hate!"

Gao Yang shrugged and walked out of the bathroom. After a while, he clapped his hands at a group of people sitting in a daze in the living room and said loudly, "Hey, hey, cheer up. This is not the end of the world."

Jason sat on the sofa, looked at the UAV in front of him, sighed and said helplessly, "boss, the camera is still broken, not broken, but damaged by blisters. We can't use anything. We have to spend a lot of money to buy another one. It's really, really, really annoying."

Patted Jason on the shoulder, raised his head and said with a smile, "it's all right. You still have spare ones. Wait until we buy another set. Anyway, Morgan is easy to buy these things. The problem of money is not a problem. Don't cry and lose your face."

He sat down next to Jason and sat between Jason and Cui Bo. Gao Yang knocked Cui Bo with his arm and said loudly, "why, are you still angry?"

Cui Bo waved his hand, pushed away Gao Yang's arm, and said angrily, "I'm bored. Go away."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "rabbit, I didn't say you. You said you were too careful? I've said I'm sorry several times, but I can't do it."

Cui Bo said angrily, "go away! If I hadn't failed to beat you, I would have slapped you in the face. Is there such a trick? Are you such a trick? Can you change a person's pit next time?"

Li JinFang frowned and said, "rabbit, almost got it. Why are you called Keng? Soldiers take obeying orders as their bounden duty. What does it have to do with Keng or not."

Cui Bo gasped for breath and stood up angrily: "I can't tell you! The second Olympic Games, it's not you who shot together! The second Olympic Games, brother Yang is all right at last. Once the gun is fired, once the gun is fired, if brother Yang is killed on the spot, how can I tell his parents, how can I tell xiaomaozi! It's all right. I shot out and buried brother Yang. Do I have a face to live?"

Li JinFang was a little angry. He raised his volume and said loudly: "You're shirking your responsibility! You're a sniper. If you don't shoot, who will? Or if you don't shoot, don't blame it! I tell you, if I'm a sniper, I'll shoot immediately if I command. Even if Yangge asks me to shoot him, I don't hesitate. When I go to the battlefield, what should I do or shouldn't I? Do you want someone to explain why I should shoot OK? As a sniper, you have to take the responsibility of a sniper! Everyone knows what will happen if you do this business. Brother Yang makes a choice and gives orders, so you do it! You fight all the time. Who are you looking at here? Like you, how can you fight in the future! "

Cui Bo was stopped and turned to leave. He stood where he was and said with a depressed face: "I'm not shirking my responsibility, but I'm a little afraid. You said I fired the gun, and the soldiers immediately shot Yang. Where are you, me..."

Li JinFang said with a straight face, "I'm afraid to go home. Don't be blind in the past."

If Gao Yang is dead, Cui Bo, who shot and killed Gao Yang, will never get out of the psychological shadow in his life. Obeying orders does not mean that he can accept the consequences of obeying orders.

Another thing, Gao Yang scolded him. Maybe he could beat Cui Bo in the face. But in this matter, Gao Yang was really embarrassed to scold Cui Bo again. Seeing that Li JinFang was really hot, Cui Bo was soft, and Gao Yang immediately began to make a round.

Gao Yang said with a smile: "OK, OK, rabbit, Jin Fang is right. You do it when you give an order. This time I put myself in danger, but next time you are in danger. If I let you shoot, I will let you die. Do you fight?"

Treble muttered, "of course you have to fight."

Gao Yang clapped his hand and said with a smile: "It's over, rabbit. We have to be prepared for this business. Individuals are always behind the team, but for my sake, I have to catch up with everyone in order to protect you. What should I do at this time? Do you think I can feel better if I give you the order to die? You've been in this business for so long, you should have understood this truth , whether you like it or not, you have to bear what you should bear. "

Cui Bo sat down, sighed and said in a deep voice, "I know. I just complain. Whenever you let me fight, I will fight."

Li JinFang said discontentedly, "you can't complain."

Although he is a mercenary and lives an iron and blood life, he can't be tough. Besides, the pressure is great. There's no reason not to complain. It's OK to vent. No matter what happens, he's holding it in his heart all day.

Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "OK, just talk about it. It's really scary. Just complain and feel happy. I said, don't you want to know what's going on?"

Gao Yang and the three of them have been talking in Chinese, and the others can't get in. However, this time, Gao Yang finally used English. As soon as he said this, he immediately attracted everyone's attention and successfully shifted the topic.

Irene raised her head and said loudly, "what's the matter?"

Gao Yang laughed and said, "it's simple. There are two dejo mather. We killed dejo mather's son.

Cui Bo immediately waved his hand and said angrily, "you say that you have a bad habit of naming names. What's my name and what's my son's name? People can't tell clearly. Is it like little Donny that we should kill the one who should be called Deyo mather II or little Deyo mather?"

Gao Yang shrugged and said, "it's not quite the same. This is also called DJO. Malthael, but a word was added in the middle. The full name is DJO. King. Malthael. Well, it's a little complicated. DJO. Malthael's nickname is king, and then he gave his nickname to his favorite eldest son."

Groliov shook his head and said, "dejo mather really likes his son. Add the nickname."

Gao Yang smiled: "Yes, but there is a problem. People can't distinguish between their father and son, but fortunately, when people call old Deyue face to face, they don't call him king, they just call him Mr. mather. When they call old Deyue behind their back, they say that the king refers to old Deyue, and when they call him face to face, they call him king, and when they don't call him face to face, they call him De John Mather, therefore, there is a big difference between the two kings shouting in person and not in person, but this difference is known only to those close to dejo Mather, because his son rarely shows up. "

Andy ho shook his head and said, "what a mess."

Gao Yang shrugged and said, "who says it's not? It's too messy. Don't say we can't figure it out, even many of Deyo mather's men can't figure it out."

Treble frowned and said, "dejo mather's son? Who did I kill? No, you said watching an old man let me fight."

Gao Yang nodded and smiled: "Well, it's a little complicated to say. I thought it was Deyue's man. In fact, he was Deyue's man, Sturridge. He was a very important man, just like Andre to big Ivan. In fact, little Deyue was killed by us as a bodyguard. The human wall was protecting Antoine, but it was protecting little Deyue, but, You killed him with Antoine. Andre has examined the body. He must be right. "

After that, Gao Yang raised his hand and said with a smile: "in addition, Xiao Deyue has a cleanliness mania, a very serious cleanliness mania, but he went into the sewer, so after leaving the sewer, he not only had to clean himself, but also let his bodyguards clean. Therefore, he personally supervised the cleanliness of all bodyguards."

Groliov smiled bitterly and said helplessly, "this time, it's a trouble. We killed dejo mather's son, the most beloved son."

The high smile turned into a bitter smile, and then he sighed: "Who says not? Now Andre is very happy because we killed Sturridge. Sturridge presided over everything for dejo mather in Ukraine. We killed Sturridge and killed little dejo, which helped Andre win a decisive victory. He can at least have more time to prepare, but now we have to pray for dejo Mather, don't take us as the main target of revenge, because dejo Mather will be mad. Maybe he's crazy now. "