Chapter 1384

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Donetsk suddenly announced the founding of the country, prompting buyers holding money and sellers holding resources to make decisions as soon as possible, so Selin and them decided to agree to Gaoyang's conditions. Then Gaoyang was forced to buy five transport planes in a very short time. Because the transaction was somewhat short, there was no place to put the transport planes he bought, So Gao Yang decided to take down Berbera as soon as possible so that he could take off, land and save the plane.

Several people in Donetsk just announced to the camera that they wanted to establish a country. As a result, a new war will break out in Somalia thousands of miles away. What is the butterfly effect? This is it.

Berbera is very important to Satan, but the progress of the skeleton Gang is very slow. Although more than 40 mercenaries have been recruited to prepare, the situation in Somalia must be controlled by the skeleton Gang after all. Berbera may be too difficult to fight, or mayd thinks Berbera is not worth investing all his troops.

Gao Yang began to consider how to win Berbera. Berbera played a great role in Satan. Although the most urgent demand was to be used as a storage place and airport for materials, in the long run, Berbera played a role mainly as a foothold and bridgehead for Satan to intervene in Yemen, and at present, there is no other place to replace Berbera.

Gao Yang called mayd after he had an abdominal case.

Waiting for mayd to get through, he said in a loud voice, "old horse, how are you doing?"

Mayd said faintly: "Not very good. We are getting more and more attention in the world, and after receiving attention and attention, many things are difficult to do. Our territory borders Somaliland at present, and Berbera is also the key direction of our attack, but Somaliland is protected by Britain. If we forcibly attack, I am afraid we will encounter a strong reaction from Britain."

Somaliland is an unrecognized but actually independent country from Somalia. Compared with Somalia, Somaliland is more stable and its economic situation is much better. Of course, its economy is relatively good. Somaliland is still the poorest country in the world.

Mayd has a big heart. He doesn't want to be a warlord. He wants to unify Somalia, so he doesn't mind attacking Somaliland or fighting with the Somali youth army.

The current skeleton Gang is no longer the original skeleton Gang, but one of the four largest forces in Somalia. Of course, the official name of the skeleton Gang should be called the Alliance for fairness and justice.

After a moment of silence, Gao Yang whispered, "what is the main resistance except for the fear of interference from Britain?"

"Somaliland also has heavy weapons to guard Berbera. They have tanks, artillery and rockets, and we can only use light weapons except for a few artillery shells that have been exhausted."

Gao Yang was lost in thought. To go through Berbera, of course, Gao Yang also had to consider the international form. At his present stage, many major events that he didn't need to think about now have to be considered.

After thinking for a moment, he said in a loud and deep voice: "as for weapons, a batch of weapons are already on board. They are almost on the Suez Canal. After the Suez Canal, they can be delivered to you in less than two days. However, the cargo is mainly missiles and rocket launchers. In this way, I will load another ship of shells and maybe bring some cannons."

Mayd was a little excited and said loudly, "is the ammunition coming soon? Well, we urgently need ammunition. Send more. We need a lot of reserves. Compared with the heavy weapons we are not good at operation, rockets and bullets are what we most need. Moreover, I also need to reserve, a lot of reserves. You know we have fought a lot of wars recently."

It's hard to say how much ammunition you really need. Although ammunition is worthless and takes up a lot of space, you can't earn a lot of money by working hard, but need is the biggest source of power. Gao Yang immediately said, "OK, send another ship right away. No, I'll always send ammunition to you."

If the skeleton Gang hadn't expanded rapidly, their ammunition wouldn't have been consumed so fast. In direct proportion to the speed of the skeleton Gang's ammunition consumption, the skeleton Gang's speed of grabbing territory and winning people's hearts is also very fast, which has a lot to do with the skeleton Gang's policy, but the premise is that if you want to have a chance to buy people's hearts, you have to fight down this place first.

After finishing the ammunition problem, Gao Yang immediately said, "what are the insurmountable difficulties after the ammunition problem is solved?"

Mayd sighed: "Berbera is very difficult to fight. If we can't overcome the difficulty, it is that we occupy too much space now, but the experienced elite soldiers can't be trained quickly. I have to evenly distribute my troops on three fronts, but I can't put all the elite troops into the battle of attacking Berbera. If I don't do so, the other two lines of defense are likely to be Being broken through, and any line of defense being broken through, will lead to disastrous consequences. "

"How many people have devoted themselves to the battle of Berbera?"

"Three battalions are the main force, with more than 2200 people, and there are about 1000 auxiliary forces. For Berbera, there are still a few people who want to completely attack and occupy. I am considering whether to transfer some troops from other defense lines, but at present, it is very difficult."

After thinking for a moment, Gao Yang said in a deep voice: "I think the possibility of British intervention is very small. You don't have to worry too much about British intervention. Since the Black Hawk fall, Somalia is a taboo topic for the United States and Britain. You just need to consider how to beat Berbera and firmly occupy Berbera."

Mayd said with a bitter smile, "but we can't beat Berbera now unless we continue to strengthen our troops, but we don't have any available troops at present."

"Tell me about the specific battle process. How did the battle against Berbera fail?"

"In short, after we can go in and occupy part of the urban area, we have to retreat before the follow-up troops enter, because the number of troops available in Somaliland is far greater than ours. If we don't retreat in time, there is a risk of being surrounded. In terms of combat effectiveness, we are stronger, but in terms of military strength, we are seriously at a disadvantage."

After thinking for a moment, Gao Yang said in a deep voice: "well, I'll contact Jiang Yun to find out the crux of the problem first, and then I'll think of a way. Now Berbera is very critical. We need to fight down as soon as possible. We can't delay any more. Ma, are you willing to attack Berbera with all your strength? If you like, we will fight down soon."

Mayd said in a deep voice, "of course, Berbera is also key to our book. I can accept taking Berbera down at all costs!"