Chapter 1348

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Barristers like Clarence also charge money for talking to people, especially for consulting legal issues like Gao Yang.

Gao Yang didn't want to steal Clarence's advantage. He just had to hurry up his appointment with Kim Jizhe, so he asked Clarence about it.

Seeing Clarence's stunned expression, he shrugged and said, "of course, if you don't have time, I can wait a moment and discuss this issue with the private lawyer you recommended for me."

Clarence shook his head and suddenly said, "which mysterious master are you?"

Gao Yang was stunned and said, "what did you say?"

Clarence stared at Gao Yang carefully and said excitedly, "it's you, it must be you! There's no such coincidence! It must be you! Mr. Gao, it's you who plays in Los Angeles!"

Gao Yang nodded and said with a smile, "yes, it's me, Mr. Marshall. I didn't expect you to pay attention to this."

Clarence excitedly made a throat locking action, and then said with a smile: "being a lawyer is under great pressure. As a successful lawyer, I have always been under great pressure. Each of us needs a channel to reduce pressure for ourselves, and my way of reducing pressure is to watch UFC. Of course, I just watch."

Clarence smiled, waved his hand and shouted, "as long as I have time, I will go to the scene to watch UFC. If I don't have time, I will watch TV. Some people like basketball and others like baseball, and MMA is my favorite. I like to shout wildly when watching the fighting competition on the spot to cheer for the players I support. Of course, I will also loudly scold the players I don't like."

MMA is the abbreviation of comprehensive combat, which is a way of competitive combat, while UFC is the name of a comprehensive combat event, which means the ultimate combat championship.

UFC events have great influence in the United States and the world. It is also the largest MMA event. It is not surprising that Clarence is a fan of UFC.

Clarence said excitedly: "I've been very busy recently, so I haven't been able to watch a fighting competition on the spot for a long time. My assistant knows my hobby. She showed me a video this morning. Mr. Gao, I have to say that your video of kicking is much more exciting than more and more fake UFC! Moreover, you recorded many versions of explanations from different perspectives and languages, which I haven't seen for a long time I was excited, so I watched all those videos! "

After that, Clarence suddenly looked dignified and said to Gao: "Mr. Gao, I especially want to know whether you have agreed to the Korean challenge?"

Gao Yang nodded and said, "yes, I promised, so I asked you if you have any legal problems."

Clarence waved his hand and said loudly, "it's a big problem! If you fight with a Korean in private, it's illegal. Even if the other party agrees, you should, uh, don't need to say this now. Since you asked me, of course I have to help you solve all the legal problems so that your engagement doesn't have any legal risks."

Gao Yang said with a smile, "very good. How to do it?"

"It's a little complicated, but the result is very simple. First of all, you can find a legal organization to help you operate this amateur competition. For example, UFC, and then the second point is the issue of interests. Your engagement has begun to attract the attention of the United States. It's a hot event. No, it should be said to be a global hot time. You don't have to If you find it yourself, many venues will take the initiative to invite you. Moreover, since the event is packaged into a competition and there are professional venues for the competition, you must charge tickets, and it is even possible to have a live broadcast, and the choice of time and place of the event is in your hands. This is a great advantage. I must say first, South Korea I'm a fool. I put such a key decision into your hands, and then continue to get to the point. You can take the opportunity to make a lot of money in this appointment. "

Gao Yang said curiously, "make a lot of money? How?"

Clemens laughed: "It's too simple. You and the Korean have the right to share part of the ticket revenue. In addition, you also have the right to share the TV broadcasting revenue. I don't know how far this matter can ferment. If several major TV operators pay attention and decide to broadcast your game live, the money will be more, ranging from millions to tens of millions , tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars of broadcast dividends are possible! "

Gao Yang said foolishly, "that's ok? So much money? Well, I'm going to fight in three days. What do you think?"

Clarence shouted: "three days? How about three days! The time is too short to ferment this matter to the best state. It still needs to be hyped and let people know. Just wait. Today, as long as you make a statement of agreeing to the fight, I believe that both TV stations and organizations and venues capable of hosting the event should blow up your phone."

Gao yangleng said in a loud voice: "well, the statement of agreeing to Yue Dou should have been issued by now."

Clarence was stunned and said, "what? It's already sent out? Sorry, excuse me."

After that, Clarence got up quickly, went back to his desk, looked at it on the computer, and suddenly said in a hurry, "sure enough! Sure enough, it was sent out. Oh, God, you just made a statement without any preparation?"

After that, Clarence stood up again and said eagerly to Gao Yang: "Mr. Gao, let me be your legal adviser for this event. It's purely because of my interest, but I'll try my best to help you get the best interests."

Gao Yang nodded subconsciously and said, "OK."

Clarence has called Gao Yang's engagement with Kim Jizhe a competition. Gao Yang thinks it's strange, but he doesn't intend to refute it, because Clarence says that since he can turn this engagement into a competition and make a lot of money, what can he object to.

Clarence stood up and hurriedly said: "It's unwise to make a statement now, because you'd better wait a few more days to make a statement when everyone is anxious. This can attract people's attention to the greatest extent, but it's no problem. Now there is still room for remedy. At least you haven't blocked all the operational space. The statement is relatively simple, and we can do a lot of things."

Gao Yang was stunned and said, "Er, my man, I mean, the person who published the video may soon publish a new video in response to announce a more specific decision."

Clarence immediately stretched out his hand and said with a frightened face, "stop! Tell them to stop quickly and never make any more statements!"

Gao Yang took out the phone, shook it and said, "is it OK?"

Clarence immediately made a gesture of invitation and said, "please help yourself, please hurry up!"

Gao Yang quickly dialed the phone and waited for the other side to connect. Then he said in a hurry, "Hey! Don't send any more videos and don't respond to anyone. Do you understand? Tell everyone not to send videos and don't respond to anything in the video comments, okay?"

It was Jason who answered the phone. He said in a hurry, "I see. What's the matter?"

"Something must have happened. In a word, just don't make any more noise and wait for my news!" he shouted

After hanging up, Gao Yang said to Clarence, "OK, there will be no new news for the time being."

Clarence looked very excited. After walking back and forth for two steps, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed to Gao Yang: "we need to issue a few more statements, but the new statements must be skillful. In this way, I'll tell you what to do so that we can operate next."

Gao Yang said helplessly, "well, I didn't release those videos. If I want to make a statement with their account, I have to ask their account and password."

Clarence thought for a moment and said in a deep voice, "well, let your people come here. Here, we'll seize the time to take remedial measures. Is it convenient for your people?"

Gao Yang nodded and said, "Er, it's still convenient for people on my side. Is it convenient for them to come here?"

Clarence shook his head and said, "I don't have any problems here. The key is that we have to hurry up. In this way, who among your people has released the video? Let them all come. I'll draft a new statement for them to release."

Gao Yang was embarrassed and said, "Mr. Marshall, I don't mind doing these things, but I have some things to do, and I have to leave the United States, so I want to solve this matter in a short time, and you say three days is too short?"

Clarence nodded: "yes, three days is too short. Many people don't know it. You just finish the rest. How can you do it? You have to hype it and make it known to the whole world."

Gao Yang said with a wry smile: "however, I must not be seen as my identity. I need to keep it secret, and it seems to conflict with what you said about the game and live broadcast."

Clarence smiled, "Mr. Gao, please believe me, your identity will not be exposed to anyone."

After that, Clarence thought for a moment and then said: "In this way, there is too much time in three days, and your identity is not an MMA star. If the time is too long, it will gradually lose the heat this time. I think it is the most appropriate time from seven to ten days. The heat is still there, and it has developed to the peak. However, this one needs to discuss with the people who have organized the competition in the TV station. They are the most experienced and can listen to it Their suggested time. "

After thinking for a moment, Gao Yang nodded and said, "well, listen to you. The time can be postponed. In addition, I'll call the person who released the video now."