Chapter 1302

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Life and death have a destiny and wealth lies in heaven. This sentence is somewhat idealistic, but sometimes it's the same thing. You can't refuse to accept it.

If Gao Yang's three shots are rifle bullets or large caliber pistol bullets with strong stopping effect, he is estimated to be dead, but it is a small bullet that can hit him, so even if he is shot three times, he can't die. There is no way, but his life is hard.

Gao Yang finally fell asleep or fainted, and Albert finally took a breath, stuck a clean gauze on the wound and wrapped it carefully.

"It's over?"

"It's over."

"Why so fast?"

Albert shrugged and said, "that's what the medical guards do. They announce a person's death and save a person quickly."

In the dialogue between Raphael and Albert, Karima couldn't help saying, "don't you sew up his wound?"

Albert shook his head and said, "no, it's good. He's fine."

After announcing the end of Gao Yang's treatment, Albert took off his gloves full of blood, threw them into the fireplace, moved to Raphael and whispered, "let me see your injury."

After looking at the wound on Raphael's back waist, Albert immediately said, "you will suffer for a period of time, but it's not a very serious injury. When the bullet passes through, it just opens a small hole. Raise your ass and look at me."

Raphael said awkwardly, "can't you change your words?"

Albert said with a straight face, "hurry up, you're all in line?"

Rafael reluctantly turned over and lay on the ground. Albert looked carefully at the wound on Rafael's ass and sighed: "man, a very unpleasant news, you have to hold on."

Raphael trembled, "what are you going to say?"

Albert sighed and said, "your injury is easy to deal with, but you don't want to sit or do it in the next month. It's a pun. Do you understand what I mean?"

Rafael gritted his teeth and said, "get out! You disgusting fellow!"

Albert said with a smile, "I'm not a fag. I mean, you can only eat standing and sleep on your stomach. In addition, if you move around, the wound will crack and make you miserable. Therefore, it's best not to bend down and pout your ass for at least a month in the future, ha ha."

He slapped Rafael heavily on his leg. After Rafael cried out in pain, Albert smiled and said, "I can't die if I don't deal with it for the time being. I'll go and see Leonard."

He moved to number 13 and sat down. Albert raised his head and said, "let me see your wound."

The 13th said in a deep voice, "the old wound may have been torn."

On the 13th, Albert lifted up his clothes. After looking at it, he shook his head and said, "it doesn't look very good. You're still bleeding. If it's just a torn edge of the suture, there shouldn't be so much blood. Sorry, man, you have to get a knife again."

The 13th frowned and said, "now? Not now. I must hold on for a while, or who will guard the gate."

Albert shrugged and said, "I'll see about Clooney. Your business will be discussed later."

Clooney immediately released his hand covering the wound and said nervously, "I feel dazed, and I've been bleeding."

Albert just looked at it and didn't let Clooney take off his coat. He said in a deep voice, "you're all right. You can't die if you shed blood for a while."

Clooney said helplessly, "man, can you take a little serious look?"

Albert waved and said, "I don't know how many times I've seen such an injury. If I tell you it's okay, it must be okay. Don't worry, you can't die if you want to."

After seeing Clooney, Albert touched his head and said in a deep voice, "skunk, you just need to stop bleeding. You come first."

Raphael said simply, "OK, hurry up."

As soon as Raphael finished, there was a scream. Then he looked back at Albert and said angrily, "I told you to hurry up and didn't let you kill me. It hurts, asshole!"

Albert said without changing his face, "don't be afraid of pain. Don't be afraid of pain. Don't be fast, man. Be strong. You shout like a woman."

Raphael said angrily, "can you give me an anesthetic?"

"It has been hit, but it hasn't worked yet. Don't worry, you won't hurt much in a while."

Medical soldiers are characterized by their fast, simple and rough actions, whether dressing or hemostasis.

In Raphael's scream, it didn't take two minutes. Albert patted Raphael on his leg and said in a deep voice, "don't cry. It's over. I'll tell you it won't hurt for a while."

Raphael said hard, "you bastard, can't you wait for the anesthetic to take effect?"

Albert ignored Raphael, but waved to Clooney and said loudly, "it's your turn, come here."

Clooney's face changed again and again. Finally, he shook his head and said, "I'll forget it. I'd better wait until I get to the foot of the mountain. Are you sure there will be no problem with my wound?"

Albert nodded, "no problem. You can't die without bleeding. You can't die in two hours. Stay."

Albert looked at number 13, rubbed his chin and said, "your wound is in some trouble. It's the most troublesome for the stitched wound to be opened. Come on, you can't wait any longer."

On the 13th, he hesitated. He knew his own situation. His body was already weak and very weak. If he didn't deal with it, he might have serious problems.

Clooney couldn't help saying, "are you going to operate on him here? Man, you said you were just a medic. Are you sure you want to do this?"

Albert looked at Clooney contemptuously and said, "who says the medical guard can't do surgery? I'm a special medical guard. Can you? Well, you can call me the king of medical guards."

The duties of medical guards are different from those of military doctors, but people who came from medical guards may not only know the set of medical guards, and their skills can be further studied. At the beginning, Raphael preferred more military doctors, while Albert preferred more medical guards, but they all have one characteristic, that is, they can do first aid in the battlefield and complex surgery.

Gao Yang spent a lot of money to find someone. How can he only bandage to stop blood, and the rest have to be sent to the hospital.

After hesitating for a moment, the 13th finally nodded and said, "I insist or wait. Now the most important thing is to let the ram survive, and now is not the time to reduce staff at will."

Albert smiled and said, "if you don't count, I'll count. I'm a medical soldier. If you're a wounded man, you have to listen to me. If the ram faints, he's still awake. If you don't save, I won't care about you, but you can still save, and if you drag on, you won't save, so you have to listen to me!"

No. 13 stared at Albert, and Albert stared at No. 13 without flinching. He said word by word: "no, the damn man is dead. In front of me, this kind of thing will never happen! Unless I die first!"

Karima couldn't help saying, "Alfred!"

Raphael also said in a deep voice: "I think it's better for you to listen to the villain. The boss doesn't want to see your body. I promise he will go crazy if he sees you as a body. Besides, we can keep it!"

The 13th finally nodded and said, "well, hurry up."

Albert smiled and said, "what do you say? Move over here."

At this time, someone outside roared with grief and anger: "listen, bastards inside, you're dead, you're definitely dead!"

Albert roared without showing weakness: "go to hell, you incompetent and idiot losers! Go to hell!"

"Go to the fire prison, you damn bastards, no one wants to live!"

Raphael suddenly patted his head, looked at Karima and said, "you are familiar with the situation here, right? How many people are there outside? What weapons do they have? Do they have heavy firepower?"

Karima is the person who is most familiar with the resort, but in a busy situation, no one wants to ask Karima.

In the messy scolding outside, Karima thought carefully, but she shook her head helplessly: "Sorry, I don't know. I have no chance to contact any man except suharitan. I only know that there are twelve maids here. In addition, just today, two women left with money. According to the Convention, at least two women will come here today."

After that, Karima suddenly remembered something and said in a hurry: "I must remind you that people here are people who protect suharitan. If suharitan is dead, none of them can live!"

Raphael said with a wry smile, "no one can live? Are you sure? What era is this? Will it happen again?"

Karima sighed and said helplessly, "the consequences of their dereliction of duty are not necessarily going to die, but if they survive, the end will be worse than death. It's better to die here directly. Dying in duty is much better than dereliction of duty."

Albert frowned and said, "if they say so, they will work hard? But it doesn't matter. They are a bunch of waste anyway and can't do anything."

The people outside are still scolding, mixed with English and Arabic. Everyone is scolding desperately, as if they were going to scold the people in the house.

On the 13th, when he took off his coat and lay flat on the ground, he frowned and said, "the people outside are crying and shouting. It sounds very desperate."

Albert put on his gloves and said, "so what? They can't rush in anyway."

Just then, there was a sudden bang on the wooden door, and then Cui Bo screamed in the walkie talkie, "burning bottle! They're going to set fire!"

Albert exclaimed, "they want to set fire? How is it possible! Suharitan's body is still here. How dare they set fire? Their teachings don't allow it!"

Clooney screamed, "they're all dying. Will they care about this? They're going to die with us! Get out! We have to get out!"