Chapter 1165

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Morgan waved his hand and said, "what can I do for you?"

After thinking for a moment, Gao Yang whispered to Morgan, "do you think if we want to set up a company, where should we register the company? Africa or the United States?"

Gao Yang has a lot to ask Morgan about the establishment of the company. The first point is whether this private force company is better to open in the United States or in a chaotic place beyond the control of the king of heaven.

There are many private force companies in the United States, both large and small. As long as they open, they can always find business. They will never die of hunger. If they mix well and have a large scale. In addition, with Morgan's help, they can receive many orders from the Ministry of defense, not to mention the security work in Iraq and Afghanistan.

However, the disadvantages of putting the main body of the company in the United States will not be less. Although the United States has a high tolerance for dead force companies, it has not reached the point of allowing private force companies to be lawless. Everything has to follow the rules. In this way, there will be no less security work, but it is not easy to make a lot of money.

If the company is opened in a chaotic place, such as in Africa, like the EO company in South Africa in those years, it has the strength to intervene in a civil war and fight a real war. The money is much more, but such a company must be punished. It is very unlikely to maintain a large company in the open.

Morgan also frowned and thought for a long time before he said in a deep voice: "In the United States, you have to apply for a company in the United States. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to survive. First, open the company in the United States, and you will have the fundamentals. You can receive a lot of business to maintain the company's survival. I can help receive some business, but if you place the company's registration outside the United States, it is impossible to receive business from the United States."

Gao Yang nodded and said in a deep voice: "Registering in the United States can indeed receive enough business to maintain the company's survival, but in the United States, there is no way to contract some shady business. The United States has strict supervision on PMC. If I want to carry out some shady business in the United States, I have to raise another group of people. Will this cost too much?"

Morgan said with a smile, "there's no way. If you want to do both legitimate and improper business, you have to pay some price. You'll be a security guard in Iraq today and pull the same group of people to Africa as mercenaries tomorrow. How can there be such a good thing?"

Gao Yang smiled helplessly and said, "my idea is to mainly rely on security business to maintain and take mercenary tasks to make a lot of money. These two points are very important. Well, it seems that I must give up. Morgan, which do you think I should choose between the light and dark side of business?"

Morgan shrugged and said, "of course, you need both. You have to focus on something, but don't give up that completely. If you want me to say, I still suggest you set up a company in the United States, wash your identity, and then raise a group of mercenaries in Africa, which can help you deal with your invisible business at any time."

Gao Yang spread his hand and said, "man, raising mercenaries is very expensive, and the pure mercenary model is difficult to have enough business to maintain. Don't forget, what I want is not the cannon fodder mercenary group."

After that, Gao Yang stood up, turned around in the small room for two steps, and whispered to Morgan: "A large company like armored group now has enough financial resources to support a large business that is idle at ordinary times and is specially used to deal with large businesses with high profits but can't see the light. However, it's difficult for our company to support the same dark team. It seems that it can only be possible after we develop and grow.

Or I can take another method, that is to establish a medium mercenary regiment like the virgin of steel, with the number controlled at less than 200 and only engaged in mercenary business. However, this model is a little different from my assumption, because I want to establish a team equipped with helicopters and armor and capable of participating in national war, and a security company and Small and medium mercenaries can't meet my requirements. "

Morgan frowned: "Gao, why do you have to have large companies such as armed helicopters and armored vehicles? You have to understand that just raising these equipment is a lot of money, and the types of combat you can contact don't need these heavy equipment at all."

Gao Yang smiled awkwardly and said, "well, it's a little complicated to say. Well, let me put it this way. The reason why I must use these heavy equipment is that I will have these heavy equipment. I can't use these heavy equipment, whether it's establishing a light security company or a mercenary regiment."

Morgan looked puzzled and said, "you have a lot of heavy equipment? Where did you come from?"

Gao Yang smiled embarrassed again and said, "it's from big Ivan."

Morgan said suddenly, "Oh, I see, so what equipment do you have and how much?"

Gao Yang coughed and said: "Well, one il76 large transport aircraft, one C130 transport aircraft, five Mi-24 helicopters, three Mi-35 helicopters, four S-70 helicopters, six T-72 tanks, four m109a4155mm self-propelled howitzers, eight 2s31 120mm self-propelled howitzers, 23 BMP-2 armored vehicles, nine BMP-3 armored vehicles, twelve M113 armored vehicles, and 2000 AK47 rifles and 3000 AK74, 1400 M16, bullets, mortars, grenades, these things are unlimited, unlimited time, unlimited place. Speak if you want. "

Morgan opened his mouth and looked at Gao Yang for a long time without saying a word.

Gao Yang had to wave his hand and whispered, "Hey, Morgan, what are you thinking?"

Morgan closed his mouth, shook his head and whispered, "FAK, big Ivan fruit is really generous. There are hundreds of millions of these things. Wow, no wonder you have to start a big company. FAK, if someone gives me these things for nothing, I have to start a big company."

Gao Yang shrugged his shoulders and said with a bitter smile: "you see, the problem is here. Big Ivan said he would send me back. Although big Ivan lost contact temporarily, the news I got from any channel is that he will definitely reappear, and as long as he appears, I can get these things."

Morgan snapped his fingers and said firmly, "it's better to take the things given by others as soon as possible. Well, as soon as the company starts, it must be large enough and use everything first, so you don't want to open a large security company, but a super large private force company."

Gao Yang's helpless way: "But the problem is that if you register a regular company in the United States, you can't use these things. If you register a company in Africa, you still can't use these things. Now there is no war of sufficient scale. Big Ivan's suggestion to me is to separate the company, one in the United States and one in Africa, but large transport aircraft can be used anywhere, but those offensive heavy weapons, Not in the United States. "

Morgan said with a smile, "then you can open two, one light and one dark."

Gao Yang spread his hand and said, "man, it's easy to do it clearly, and you can maintain the work of the United States, but where is it secretly? Such a large armed force must have a base for resettlement. In addition, the daily consumption and personnel salary of such a large armed force are astronomical and can't afford it."

Morgan sighed: "yes, equipment alone is not enough. There must be someone. You have to have a lot of money to support personnel matching the equipment. Where is the base and business for such an offensive force? Let me think about it."

Gao Yang said with a wry smile, "I just can't think of how to solve this problem."

After thinking for a moment, Morgan suddenly raised his head and said, "why do you have to take money to fight? If you can get other benefits, your company can survive."

Gao Yang stood up and said, "just like the EO in South Africa in those years? In return for receiving mineral exploitation rights?"

Morgan snapped his fingers and said excitedly, "man, if there is such a huge force as guarantee, our diamond mine can be opened by ourselves. There still needs to be sold to others. How about putting the base in South Sudan? We help South Sudan defend the border and prevent Sudan's attack. FAK, our own diamond mine will be enough to support your big company."

Gao Yang was surprised and said, "of course, but can you do it? This is a foreign force on the territory of a sovereign state. Can you handle it?"

Morgan raised his finger and shook it continuously. "It's difficult. It's really difficult, but it's not completely impossible. At least we can take it as a direction."

After thinking for a moment, Morgan said reluctantly: "if South Sudan and Sudan fight, South Sudan has almost no national defense force. If they fight, you can put your base in South Sudan. Unfortunately, if you can't fight, it's hard to say when you can handle the male Sudan."

Gao Yang touched his chin and said, "do you think Somalia has any interests? If so, I think it's OK to put the base in Somalia first. The problem is that there must be interests. Otherwise, it's a pure money burning behavior to pull up a large force to fight in Somalia."

Morgan also touched his chin and said in a deep voice, "yes, your friendship with the Somali skeleton Gang is quite good. If you pull up a large army, it will be invincible in Somalia. However, where are the interests of Somalia?"

"Do you think it's OK for us to fight for the skeleton gang and exchange it for their charging right at sea?"

Morgan shook his head and said, "no, the skeleton Gang still collects money at sea like that. The money they get is not enough to pay you, and it's too noticeable. If you collect money for them, you'll have to offend the most important countries in the world. Well, where are the interests of Somalia?"