Chapter 1159

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Gaoyang's ultimate goal now is to open a large private force service company.

For a truly large PMC company, the scale of Blackwater is not enough. At least it has to be comparable with large companies such as armor group and Deyang international.

Of course, you have to eat your food one mouthful at a time. You can't be a fat man in one mouthful. If you want to become a big company, you must do it step by step. If you just rely on Satan's own strength to build a company from scratch, it's hard to say how many years you can reach the scale of Blackwater.

However, if big Ivan appears again and still intends to fulfill his promise, it will be different. Just what big Ivan sends in return for saving lives, he can arm a super large private military company every minute and make them one of the PMC giants in the world.

However, to establish a PMC company, although equipment is important, equipment alone will not work. In the final analysis, talents are the most important.

If you want to grow from nothing, and then from being to being excellent, excellent talents are the most important. You will not miss any opportunity to attract people. Those people he once hired are the talent pool when starting the company in the future, such as Ludwig, yak, red feather and Li Qiu. These are the talents who will be directly attracted when setting up the company in the future.

In addition to the most basic infantry, the company Satan wants to establish needs more advanced technical arms such as pilots.

Like infantry, pilots or drivers of tanks and armored vehicles must have different abilities. The four pilots who raised them this time are not the best Mi 24 pilots. After the establishment of the company in the future, the most available armed helicopter is mi 24.

It's better to have a group of well-equipped people who can join at any time in advance than when the company can be established. However, it's not known when the company can be established. Gao Yang starts pulling people now and thinks a little too long. Therefore, he can't answer what he said to pave the way in the future when he was seriously asked.

The pilot who asked about the treatment must be serious. Although Gao Yang is also serious, he certainly can't give someone a definite answer now. After all, the salaries of mercenaries and PMC follow the market. The prices are different, and the salaries are different. How can he give a clear answer now.

Satan employs people to carry out the current team combat mode. As long as Gao Yang is willing, he can offer as much salary as he wants. However, if a large company is established, there must be a clear rules and regulations. There are too many things to pay attention to. He can open his mouth.

Gao Yang certainly can't give a clear answer now, but after thinking for a moment, he said in a deep voice: "our company has not been established yet, so I can't give you a particularly clear answer in terms of treatment, but our company, like most branch PMC companies, has nothing special."

After that, Gao Yang shrugged and said, "I can't give a clear salary right now, but I can say that as long as you are willing to come, your salary is definitely the highest level in the industry. I reiterate that I am very happy to offer the best salary to the best people."

The pilot smiled and said, "that's what they say, but the highest treatment. Hehe, is it the highest treatment of Russians or everyone?"

The pilot asked the key question, because now in PMC, although they are all pilots, the treatment is different.

Pilots retired from countries such as the United States and Britain, if they work in a PMC company, their basic salary is more than $10000, basically in the range of $10000 to $13000, while retired pilots from Russia and Eastern European countries can only get a salary of $6000 to $8000. The gap is still very obvious, Moreover, there is not only a gap in the basic salary, but also the danger allowance during Lien Chan. If British and American pilots can get $1000 for the same risky task, central and Eastern European pilots represented by Russia can only get $500.

Even flying the same model has obvious treatment differences. To put it bluntly, this is discrimination, but there is no way. Too many pilots came out after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, which suddenly impacted the market at that time.

In addition, after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the economy of Russia and those central and Eastern European countries has been poor, the treatment of the army is poor, and it is difficult to find jobs after retirement. Therefore, there have been a lot of pilots working as mercenaries and PMC, which also led to the fact that the market of pilots from these countries can not rise at all. More than 20 years have passed since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, And Britain and the United States as representatives, the treatment gap between pilots in these countries has not narrowed, but has a tendency to expand.

Today's mercenaries are all small-scale. No mercenary regiment can afford aircraft and pilots. Those who can afford aircraft and recruit pilots in large numbers must also be formal large-scale private military companies, which are in the hands of Westerners. Basically, the United States accounts for more than half. As long as this situation is not broken, Those who come from Russia and central and Eastern Europe don't want to improve their treatment.

However, the company that Gaoyang wants to open must be different. It can't open up and bring it down, but as long as it does open up, it is to determine the treatment according to its ability.

"In our company, people with high level take more money and those with low level take less money. Everything depends on their strength, not on their nationality. I can assure you this. It's a little early to say these now, but it doesn't matter. When our company is established, you can naturally make an easy judgment."

Several pilots looked at each other and then nodded. Then one pilot shrugged and said: "Frankly speaking, since we come out to earn this money, we certainly want to make a lot of money regardless of risks. Being a PMC can. If it's better to be a mercenary, the mercenary can earn more money. If you have a suitable job and the salary is really reasonable, please contact us."

A pilot smiled and said, "although I earn more for those Americans than in the army, I can't stand being discriminated against, so I'd rather continue to serve."

Gao Yang said in surprise, "are you still in service?"

"Yes, I'm still in service. Hey, it's nothing to be surprised. I can retire at any time. Anyway, it's no use for me to stay in the army. I can't fly several times a year. Of course, the premise of my retirement is to have a long-term and stable high paying job. Otherwise, it's good for us to take over the odd job now."

Gao Yang lamented that Russia's economy has improved somewhat in the past two years, but the army is still half dead, its equipment has not been updated, its personnel treatment has not been improved, and the outflow of senior talents is very serious.

With emotion, Gao Yang was not sentimental, so he immediately said, "well, when our company is established, I will send an invitation to you."

"Mr. bolovitch can contact us and just call us at that time. Oh, if you need many pilots, I'd be happy to introduce some for you. You can have any type of pilot you want, and you can have as many as you want. It's guaranteed to be the best, sir. I'm afraid you don't have so many planes for us to drive, ha ha."

Gao Yang snapped his fingers and said with a smile, "OK, we will contact you at that time. Gentlemen, today or tomorrow, a plane will take us to Beirut. We can go together at that time. Please wait for the notice."

Gao Yang held out his hand again and said that he was going to end the conversation. After shaking hands with the four pilots in turn and sending them away, Gao Yang sat back behind the office table. He had something to do, but the conversation with the four pilots temporarily plunged him into thinking about starting a company.

Companies must be opened, and they are large companies. This will not change.

But when to open, including Gao Yang, they are hesitant.

In fact, it doesn't make much sense to open a small-scale formal company. If it is to make money, it doesn't make sense to open a small company with only dozens of people. It continues to exist in the form of a satanic mercenary regiment and makes more money than a small company. However, for large companies, capital is a problem. In addition, they don't have the experience of establishing and maintaining a large company.

Managing a small team of more than a dozen people is certainly not as difficult as managing a team of thousands of people, let alone thousands or even tens of thousands of people.

Gao Yang has been unable to make up his mind to start the company immediately. He is mainly worried about management. Many things can't be done with a pat on the head. It's OK to do it when excited, but it's difficult to do it.

The conversation with several pilots once again touched Gao Yang. His question now is whether to find someone with experience in operating a large company to help them before the establishment of the company.

Gao Yang already has some experience in commanding large forces, but commanding a large force to fight, establishing and managing a large force with himself, and considering all aspects of the size of matters are completely different.

The country has a huge system to run a large-scale army, top-down management to ensure the normal operation of an army, and a company has to rely on its own.

Satan's people can fight and are really good at fighting, but it's hard to say whether they can manage a company, so the problem facing Satan now is that they are like an investor with a large amount of money and have determined what projects to invest in, but the project belongs to a strange field. In order not to let the money drift, they have to find an excellent professional manager first 。

If you want to start a large company, the control must be firmly in the hands of Satan's team, which is certain. Now Gaoyang feels that they should find a manager who has enough experience and complete control, which is the prerequisite for them to start a large company.

No, they can learn, but before they learn how to run and manage a large team, they must have a suitable person to help them through this learning period, or more simply, find a suitable person to establish a management team to assist Satan's people.

It must be safer to ask a management team to help than to hand over the operation of the whole company to one person. Even if Satan's people have little experience in the early stage, they don't have to worry about the loss of power of the company. The company started by Satan's people must and can only be controlled by Satan's people, and it's better to form a team than to find someone who can support a large company alone In fact, if there are such powerful people, they won't work for Satan.

Gao Yang decided to discuss with Satan. If everyone agrees to leave Syria, he will start looking for suitable candidates to establish their management team.

There are still things to do, so Gao Yang didn't spend much time thinking. He just quickly figured out the key, and then felt that he had to put the things on the agenda. After all, talent is rare, especially in his relatively unfamiliar field. Therefore, finding a suitable candidate for the management team will not be a simple job, It may take a long time to build a basic shelf, but it's not a problem. Just determine the direction and try to do it.