Chapter 1139

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Leaving sedev alone to continue his unpromising shooting, Gao Yang left. He still has very important things to do.

Although trapped in Aleppo prison, Gao Yang did not interrupt contact with the outside world. With a telephone and a solar charger, he could know what had happened to the outside world in time.

Ukraine, which Gao Yang has been paying attention to, finally began to develop towards chaos.

On December 21, 2013, on the same day that Irene was angry with Gao Yang, Gao Yang received a call from Morgan and learned that Ukraine announced to suspend the negotiations on joining the EU, and the chaos began to show signs from that moment.

By the beginning of January 14, that is, January 19, Kiev finally had its first riot.

Today, on January 30, the situation is rapidly sliding in a more chaotic direction. Just two days ago, on January 28, the Ukrainian general office announced its resignation.

Gao Yang knew that Ukraine was going to be chaotic, and he knew that many people had arrived in Ukraine early to prepare for disrupting Ukraine. He always thought it would be a long-term process, but he didn't expect that Ukraine would be chaotic at once, and the speed was amazing.

Reality is often more exaggerated than novels. Although he knows that someone is behind it, Gao Yang still can't imagine that Ukraine, which is backed by Russia and used to be a powerful country, has fallen so thoroughly. Driven by people with intentions, three or two moves smashed the whole government system of Ukraine.

Gao Yang wants to go to Ukraine to get gold, so the situation in Ukraine is chaotic too fast, which also disrupts his plans. The troubled times in Ukraine are inevitable and will come in a short time, but he is still trapped in Aleppo prison, so he naturally can't get to Ukraine to start his gold plan.

Although he always wanted to leave Aleppo prison, Gaoyang was undoubtedly worried during this period, so he made frequent contacts with the outside world and tried to leave as soon as possible by all means.

The safest way, of course, is to wait until the government forces break the siege of the rebels, so that they can leave Aleppo prison in the safest way. The problem is that the government forces trying to rescue Aleppo prison advance and retreat. Recently, they hit a place only three kilometers away from the prison, but they were beaten back by the rebels again when they were the last step.

The government army has been working hard, and the advance is very close to Aleppo prison. The current situation is good. Gao Yang sees the dawn that he can leave, so he plans to wait again.

Gao Yang is waiting for a very important call. He will know that the Syrian government forces will launch an attack on the rebels in the near future. What he needs to know is the exact time.

Finally, Dani called. When Gao Yang got through, Dani said excitedly, "general, at 12 noon tomorrow, 134 Armored Division will attack the rebels surrounding Aleppo prison."

Gao Yang took a long breath, and then whispered, "do you think you can succeed this time?"

Dani low channel: "I am cautiously optimistic. At present, the rebel offensive is not as fierce as it used to be. We are in a stalemate. Although Aleppo is in a fragmented situation, we can launch a counterattack locally. Now Aleppo prison has become our key attack target. We have gathered all active forces to break through the siege of the rebels Circle, I think there is still hope this time. "

"If the 134 division goes well, we can cooperate to launch an offensive of internal and external cooperation," he said in a loud and deep voice

"Yes, but it depends on the situation. Don't take too much risk."

"I understand. It won't be too risky, Dani. Is there any news of badadi now?"

"No, badadi is like someone else evaporated. Badadi has not appeared for a long time since he was injured, and AIS' activities in Syria have decreased significantly. It can be said that AIS has almost stopped its activities in Syria. At present, there are reports that AIS has left Syria and entered Iraq. I think badadi I'm afraid of being beaten. If you think of Iraq, hide first. "

Gao Yang has never forgotten badadi, but recently, badadi has indeed evaporated in the world as Dani said, and the whole senior management of AIS has disappeared together.

I don't know if badadi is afraid of being beaten or there is another conspiracy. After all, even if badadi is injured, he must hide and recover from the injury. It's unreasonable that the whole senior level of AIS has disappeared, and AIS has taken away all the main forces.

In Damascus, Homs and Aleppo, the main fighting areas in Syria, AIS has only retained a small number of people to continue fighting. In addition to reluctantly retaining a name, AIS has no influence in Syria.

Gao Yang is afraid that badadi will hide and never appear again, but when you think about it carefully, badadi will disappear and never appear again. It seems unlikely, so Gao Yang can only think that badadi is accumulating strength and will come back from Iraq once the conditions are ripe.

After hanging up with Dani, Gao Yang then called Justin.

Justin made an own dragon incident, but Justin's remedial measures are very effective, so Gao Yang will continue to buy intelligence from Justin. After all, an intelligence dealer who has proved that he has professional ethics is more trusted.

I haven't contacted Justin for a few days. After I got through the phone, I said loudly: "man, is there any valuable information in Ukraine?"

Justin said lazily: "no, there are too many and messy intelligence now, and it's too troublesome to find out what valuable intelligence will become. I already know what Ukraine will become, so there's no need to pick out what is valuable from the massive intelligence. In my opinion, Ukraine is worthless to me unless it's some specific type of intelligence."

Also, Ukraine is doomed to chaos and chaos. Everyone who is ready to rob by fire is eyeing it. Just choose an appropriate time to enter. It is already obvious that there is no need to buy intelligence for early judgment. Now everyone is at the starting line. It depends on when they can start, Just rush into Ukraine and take a few bites.

Making national wealth is, of course, making Ukraine's national wealth. In fact, we can't be urgent. The situation develops step by step. Bottles and cans are broken bit by bit. Taking advantage of the fire to rob, we can't rush in and rob just when the fire is on. We have to wait until the fire is big and it's completely chaotic.

After all, a few pieces of meat are needed from a country, even if it's a small fight. If you want to make a big fortune, you must compete with others. Moreover, competitors have their own sources. They are strong people everywhere. Gao Yang wants to take advantage of the chaos in Ukraine to make a fortune. It also depends on whether he has good enough teeth. Therefore, Gao Yang wants to ask Justin, Is whether there is a goal suitable for him.

"Man, I'm not looking for you to predict the future of Ukraine. What I need is specific types of intelligence, so you still have business to do. I'm going to go to Ukraine to get a ticket. Any kind of business is OK. You're the boss of the intelligence press. Man, do you have any suitable targets to introduce?"

After hearing Gao Yang's plan, Justin smiled and said: "Why, you can't sit still? Well, making a country's national wealth is faster than being a mercenary. Well, there must be business. I've focused on some valuable projects. If I tell you that the opportunity is right and you can start, you can start, but not yet. It's not chaotic enough, do you understand?"

"Yes, that means you don't have any suitable goals now, do you?"

Justin laughs: "Don't worry, man, don't worry. Where can we go now? The bigger the business, the more time it is to start when the time is ripe. Some people are very anxious and go to Ukraine to start operation early, but what's the use? When the conditions are ripe and the business can be done, how many people who are watching closely will do it. Who can grab it at that time? It's different to start first It will work. "

Gao Yang said with a smile, "well, what I want is this effect. It's ok if there's no suitable opportunity now, but if there's a suitable opportunity, don't forget to inform me. You know my habits. It's easy to say how much you want."

Justin smiled and said, "of course, don't worry. You are my old customer, and you have your own strong force. If you need to rob, I am most optimistic about you, so don't worry. I will inform you in time when there is an appropriate opportunity."

Gao Yang is preparing to go to Ukraine, and the intelligence channel is very important, so he has to say hello to Justin first and announce that he is going to Ukraine. Otherwise, Justin has some good business intelligence, but he doesn't want to inform him. Isn't it wrong.

After saying hello and explaining his main purpose, Gao Yang did not forget to ask badadi's whereabouts.

"Another thing, have you heard from badadi?"

Badadi has become Justin's heart disease. Speaking of badadi, the biggest stain maker in Justin's career, Justin is full of anger.

"That bastard, he ran away and was scared by you. He was always stared at and beaten by you. Badadi felt he couldn't stay in Syria, so he now went to Iraq. For more than a month recently, ACE's forces in Syria have been transferred to Iraq. Unfortunately, I don't know where badadi is."

Gao Yang sighed. Even Justin said so. It seems that badadi really ran to Iraq, so he said helplessly: "well, if you go to Iraq, you can't find his trouble for the time being, but if you have the exact news of badadi, remember to inform me in time."

"Of course, does that matter? I want to kill badadi now more than you do. Oh, by the way, one more thing, I got a clear picture of the camel and send it to you later. This man is a key figure. If you can, kill him."