Chapter 1082

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
After saying to the 13th, Gao Yang waved his hand, ran down quickly, returned to Li Yunzhe, signaled that the second floor had been cleaned up, Gao Yang said in a hurry, "look where you need support, go."

Red feather is inconvenient to move. He has a huge wound on his leg, so red feather sits on the ground and is tying his leg with a tie to avoid losing blood too fast,.

Gao Yang has first-aid supplies. Of course, it's just a personal first-aid kit.

For people like Gao Yang, some basic first aid knowledge must be available. Although there are military doctors, in some cases, the military doctors are not around, so self-help is necessary. Apart from others, it is also good to be able to stop bleeding, so personal first aid kit must be prepared.

What Gao Yang can do is to temporarily stop bleeding with strapping. There is nothing he can do about Li Yunzhe's injury.

Standing beside Li Yunzhe, he raised his voice and said, "Dragon Knight, can you come? Yellow Peril is very dangerous!"

"Right away!"

How can Andy come? Gao Yang was a little relieved. After filling m686 with bullets, he pulled out M1911 again, resumed his double guns in his hand, and then said in a hurry: "toad, skunk and little fly, you three go to help the worker bee and big bird block the enemy behind. Postman, you come with me!"

The indoor battle is still going on, but only Tommy and Jason are resisting the enemies from the back. After Andy ho is transferred away, the strength behind the defense is too weak.

There are too many points to attack. The establishment has been completely disrupted. There are groups of three or five groups fighting on their own everywhere. After looking around, Gao Yang just saw Farouk rush to a house with four people.

Farouk should have just won a house. He is completing the second attack, and Farouk's performance is really brave.

The number of Farouk's team is a little less, a total of five people. For the inexperienced special brigade, this is not a number that can ensure the full number, but Farouk obviously doesn't care about this. After throwing two grenades into the door with the people around him, the first one rushed in.

Gao Yang waved his hand and said loudly, "where are you going!"

Gao Yang wants to support Farouk, and just then, he sees Ludwig rushing out of a house that has just been cleaned up.

Ludwig was left with only seven people, and there were only seven in a team of thirty.

The enemy will not wait to die. They are rushing into the house, and the enemies in the house also rush out. The scene is very chaotic. After Ludwig shot down two enemies, he suddenly shook his arms and shouted, "machete! Machete! Machete! Machete! Machete!"

Ludwig looked crazy. He had gone crazy, but his crazy roar was very demoralizing. Several people around him shouted machetes and rushed into a house.

Ludwig's practice caused others to follow suit, or someone was unwilling to let Ludwig and his machete team specialize in the front. Yak shouted angrily, "shadow! Kill!"


"I will win! Kill!"

No one in the special brigade took the lead in shouting slogans, but the scattered people did not know who was the first to roar. After that, one after another screams rang out alternately.

The war was defeated like a mountain.

The morale of one side was greatly boosted, and the other side panicked because of badadi's attack.

The stalemate quickly disintegrated. Although there are still casualties, the situation is much better.

Gao Yang, who wanted to support Farouk, didn't follow up. It seems that Farouk doesn't need his help. Gao Yang stuck to the wall and stopped. He shouted in the walkie talkie: "night devil 4, how are you there?"

Irene said loudly, "the queen bee has been picked up. We are suppressing the enemy's reinforcements. The enemy has a lot of reinforcements. Boss, you have to hurry up. The big dog's ammunition is about to run out!"

Gao Yang was a little helpless. He immediately said loudly in the walkie talkie: "all departments should step up action to solve the enemy as soon as possible, occupy favorable terrain, establish a defense line and prevent the enemy's reinforcements from approaching."

Gao Yang had to play the role of a commander again. He waved to Taylor, went behind Taylor, grabbed the wireless phone on Taylor's back, and said in a hurry: "I'm the punisher. The air rescue team is ready to land and pick up the wounded to leave. Stand by!"

Put down the radio, Gao Yang took out the phone again. If he used the radio to contact the airport, it was too far away.

After dialing the phone, Gao Yang hurriedly said, "has the sea eagle returned?"

Gilanor answered the phone. He was responsible for contacting Gao Yang.

"The two sea eagles have returned and are reloading. They are expected to take off again in 20 minutes!"

He shouted loudly: "too slow! Give you ten minutes to reload and let the sea eagle come back as soon as possible. Now tell me the people in the army! Put in all the reserves and launch a general attack on the enemy. We have successfully dug out the enemy's nest. Now the enemy is in a mess."

Gao Yang doesn't know the extent of the army's attack on AIS, but he can't miss it when the enemy launches an attack in chaos. What he needs to do now is to send back the news that the enemy headquarters has been taken out. He doesn't have to care what to do with the rest.

After hanging up the phone, Gao Yang took a look. The exchange of fire has roughly stopped. Only a few scattered houses are still exchanging fire. It won't take long for the remaining enemy to be eliminated.

He shouted loudly and said in a deep voice, "those who have no combat mission, seize the time to concentrate the wounded in the center of the open space and send the seriously wounded first."

The casualties were great. Gao Yang found that he was short of manpower. Some soldiers were still attacking the recalcitrant enemy, and some soldiers had opened fire on the enemy's reinforcements on the other side of the building. Only less than ten people could squeeze out to carry the wounded.

Gao Yang put the pistol back into the holster and said to Taylor, "come with me. We'll stop the enemy's reinforcements. With me, we can spare more hands."

Just then, Farouk suddenly said loudly, "I've caught some prisoners, I've caught them! How to deal with them!"

At this time, yak also said in a hurry: "I have a large number of enemies gathered here. They are willing to surrender if they want to ensure their safety. How to deal with it?"

Gao Yang thought and said, "how many people are there?"

Farouk whispered, "I have four here. It seems to have a certain value."

Yak said, "a group of small soldiers, more than 30 people, shout to us in the house, will you stay?"

Gao Yang thought for a moment and said, "stay, disarm them, and then let the prisoners carry the wounded. Search carefully and keep an eye on the prisoners."

After that, Gao Yang said to Taylor, "call the helicopter. The helicopter can come down to pick up the wounded."