Chapter 1072

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
The big bomb landed. Next, it's meters 24 to clean up the remaining enemy.

The smoke and dust from the explosion shrouded everything, and nothing could be seen without a thermal imager.

"Night demon one, night demon two, free attack, over."

At Gao Yang's command, the attack began immediately. The two Mi 24 gave priority to using machine guns to kill the personnel exposed outside the cover, clearing the last obstacles for the upcoming landing.

Looking at the situation on the battlefield, we can only use Jason's UAV. Gao Yang can see a lot of people emerging from the streets. The sudden attack made them panic, especially in the area covered by smoke and dust. The rebels who can hardly see anything are obviously in a panic. Some are shooting at the sky and some are running crazy.

The smoke can't be floating all the time and will disperse in a few minutes. It's best for the helicopter to land when the enemy completely loses his field of vision, but we have to clean up the enemy left outside first.

When the two Mi 24 opened to kill, Irene's antelope helicopter arrived.

"Punisher, this is night demon four. Please indicate the task. Over."

The attack of armed helicopters was very efficient, and the machine gun positions were cleared first. After realizing that the attack came from the sky, almost all the people who stayed on the street hid nearby to avoid the attack of helicopters.

Seeing that the street was almost cleared, Gao Yang picked up the wireless phone and said in a deep voice: "this is the punisher. Immediately land the machine. The night devil 4 covers the landing. The night devil team and the eagle team land to establish a defensive position to cover the landing of follow-up personnel."

"Night demon four, I see. Over."

"The night devil understands, start landing, over!"

"The eagle understands, start landing, over!"

There is not enough space for helicopters to land. A total of eight M17 helicopters cannot land at the same time. Two M17 helicopters can land at the same time to ensure safety. Three helicopters land at the same time is the limit.

The night devil team with Satan as the backbone is undoubtedly the most powerful part. After landing, they establish a defensive position with the action team of the military intelligence bureau who has had an airborne landing operation experience, and try their best to ensure the safety of the subsequent landing forces.

Three mi-17s approached the ground, and then one fell to the ground at a much faster speed than the other two. It was the most dangerous moment to watch the landing from the monitor.

After the helicopter landed heavily on the ground, many people quickly rushed out of it and scattered around the helicopter.

"Night demon three, land safely, take off again, over!"

Gao Yang's heart is half down. The first plane to land is full of his people. He can't stand the death of one.

Gao Yang wants the people who have landed to do nothing and jump directly at the target building. Unfortunately, he can't do so. He uses more than a dozen people to jump at the defense line of the iron wall mercenary regiment. Obviously, it's better to wait a moment and kill all the personnel after landing. Although it's a little slower, it's undoubtedly safer and more sure.

As for whether badadi will run out of the house and run away, he is not afraid. The reason is very simple. Where are the two Mi 24 and a gazelle in the sky? Why do Mi 24 save fire arrows and bullets without machine guns in order to prevent someone from escaping.

Almost immediately after Satan's men landed, they exchanged fire with the enemy.

All the people on one side were equipped with night vision devices. On the other side, they couldn't see anything. They could only listen to the sound and shoot at the position of the helicopter. The result was disastrous. Satan's first batch of landing people slaughtered the nearby enemies.

Soon, two mi-17s landed on the ground one after another, and people from the action team of the military intelligence bureau swarmed out of the helicopter.

"This is the eagle team. I am the shadow. I have landed safely and established a defensive position."

After yak landed with his men, the exchange of fire had been sporadic, and the first group of people had a firm foothold.

"The reconnaissance brigade will land, the first team of the special brigade will land, and the night devil team will advance to the predetermined area according to the original plan!"

Three more helicopters landed. After the helicopter landed, the people of the third infantry brigade quickly took over and established a defensive position. The Satan mercenary regiment, which has completed the assembly, quickly pushed towards the core area centered on the two buildings.

Satan will not rush over in one breath. The landing area is southwest of the attack area, and there is still about 400 meters. They need to advance 200 meters along a street, pass an intersection, and then advance 180 meters along a narrowed street before they reach an open area near the building and officially reach the attack area.

Gao Yang's most helpless place is that neither members of the special strike force of the Republican Guard division nor members of the third infantry brigade can land by cable landing. Instead, they only let Satan and the action team of the Military Intelligence Bureau land directly in the core area where the iron wall mercenary regiment is most likely to be located. That's really an act of looking for death.

Therefore, the airborne operation can only land at a certain distance from the core battlefield, but not far away, and then advance slowly, so as to win the enemy at one stroke with dominant forces and firepower. This is not the choice to end the battle as soon as possible, but it must be the safest and safest choice.

The night devil team pushed forward all the way and cleaned up the enemies on both sides. When it was about to reach the intersection, it stopped moving forward.

Push forward and clear the obstacles so that after the follow-up landing people finish assembling, they can rush through as quickly as possible.

When the night devil team stopped advancing, Ludwig had caught up with the people of the reconnaissance brigade of the third infantry brigade.

One by one, the road was opened, and now it was the turn of the third infantry brigade.

All eight helicopters have landed. When the last helicopter landed, Farouk shouted, "report! The special brigade has landed!"

"The Investigation Brigade will advance, establish and consolidate the safety channel, and then the divine eagle team will take over the advance. Over!"

"The Investigation Brigade understands and starts the attack. Also, I ask to change our code name to machete. Over."

After hearing Ludwig's request, Gao Yang immediately said, "OK, you will be the machete army in the future. Over."

"Thank you, machete attack, over!"

In fact, the action plan was formulated in a hurry. Gao Yang didn't have time to give a code to the special strike forces of the third infantry brigade and the Republican Guard division. Although he always opened his mouth when he started the code, the time of this action was too tight, so Gao Yang directly intercepted a paragraph with his original name as the code of the two forces.

Gao Yang thought it didn't matter, but someone couldn't stand it. Who didn't want his code to sound better, so Ludwig put forward a request, and Gao Yang was willing to meet Ludwig's request, because the machete was easier to say than the reconnaissance brigade, and it was not easy to get confused.

Ludwig waved his hand and led people out slowly from both sides of the already safe street. After turning out along the corner, the two teams leaned against the wall and entered the area of the intersection.

Gao Yang can use UAV to monitor the battlefield. It can be seen that there is no one in the four directions of the intersection, but this is the result of observation from the perspective of aerial overlooking. It is hard to say from the ground to the Western Zhou Dynasty, so Gao Yang did not give Ludwig any actual action order to avoid interfering with Ludwig's judgment.

It's very close to the people on the ground. It doesn't need high-power radio. It can also establish contact with walkie talkies. When the machete troops slowly pass through the intersection, they raise their voices and say in a low voice: "prepare for the eagle. After controlling the intersection, the eagle team will advance along the road. It's over."

Ludwig's action was not slow. He personally took people to the intersection for reconnaissance for a moment. After looking at the situation, Ludwig waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "pass quickly, occupy the four corners and establish a defensive position."

More than 20 people opened the distance, ran quickly, and thought about running across the street about ten meters wide. At this time, Gao Yang saw a string of tracer bullets hitting the people who quickly passed the intersection from the horizontal.

Gao Yang's heart tightened. The tracer bullet was fired from a house on the side of the road. The enemy finally opened fire purposefully.

Two of the machetes fell to the ground, and more people opened fire at the position where the enemy opened fire, but the position of the enemy's fire should be hidden. Although the high angle of view can't be seen, the enemy's machine gun has been firing, which has explained the problem.

On the road, some people were pressed by machine guns and could not move on the road. There were a lot of roadblocks on the road. After lying down, the situation was not particularly dangerous, but if the enemy's machine gun firepower was not solved, there would be problems in the promotion of follow-up troops.

"Fire suppression, pass quickly! Bazooka! Kill him!"

Ludwig roared. Two people carried a disposable rpg-26 rocket launcher, and a special rocket launcher was ready to launch the 105mm rpg-27 rocket launcher with larger caliber and greater power.

Ludwig waved his hand, signaled the rocket launcher to prepare, and shouted, "fire suppression!"

The enemy's fire point is very close to the machete team, only about 200 meters away. Rifles can effectively suppress the fire. In a gap between the enemy's machine gun shooting, six rifles burst out and fired at the same time to suppress the enemy.

At the moment of suppressing the enemy, the rpg-27 rocket launcher immediately flashed out from behind the shelter. After a short aiming, the rocket was fired, and then hit the enemy's concealed fire point accurately. The two people using rpg-26 don't have to shoot again.

Ludwig waved his hand and shouted, "go! Go, build defense!"

Seeing that the rocket launcher knocked out the enemy's fire point as soon as he fired, Gao Yang said sincerely: "this rocket launcher is good, very good."

After a sigh of admiration, Gao Yang then said, "the eagle quickly follows up and clears the passage, and be careful of the enemy's hidden fire points."