Chapter 1002

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Gao Yang returned to the interrogation room, but his conversation with the people wasted some time. When he went in, the interrogation was over.

After seeing Gao Yang, Dani looked excited. He looked so excited that he was about to explode.

"Do you know who you arrested? Do you know who you killed! You made great contributions, Falk, I'm a little too excited, ram, I don't know what to say! You made great contributions! We made great contributions!"

Dani was only excited to repeat a few words over and over. Gao Yang looked at No. 13 with questioning eyes, and then said calmly on the 13th: "when you broke the place, ace was at the headquarters in Damascus. The prisoner you brought back, the prisoner who peed his pants, was the military commander and supreme commander of ace in Damascus."

Dani whispered excitedly, "you took away a headquarters! It's the rebel joint headquarters in Damascus! There are four headquarters in total! They will launch an attack tomorrow, but you directly knocked out the headquarters. None of them ran away, ha ha!"

On the 13th, he whispered again: "it's a pity that a united rebel headquarters was destroyed. You caught the man with the highest status in Damascus, but badadi won't go to that headquarters. Because it's a joint operation, badadi won't show up. He will only show up in the separate operation or major operation of AIS."

Gao Yang exhaled and said, "are you sure?"

The 13th nodded and said, "it's basically determined, but abbah hasn't been interrogated yet. Maybe you can get more things after asking him."

Dani said excitedly, "the man you caught is abach. We know this man. We have found him long ago, but I didn't expect that this guy is our great enemy. He planned and commanded almost all the military operations of AIS in Damascus. I didn't expect you to achieve such great results in your first attack. It's great!"

It was a successful beheading operation, but Gao Yang was unable to lift his spirit. For him, the only goal now is to kill badadi.

Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "has abach been tried?"

The 13th shook his head and said, "not yet. The one you caught has the highest status and wants to stay for the last interrogation. However, we have obviously got a lot of information now, which is very helpful to pry open abach's mouth."

Gao Yang nodded, when Dani said excitedly again: "We have made great contributions. The rebels want to change their situation in Damascus, so they planned a big operation. You know, there will be a large-scale attack tomorrow. Four organizations will act at the same time, with a scale of more than 5000 people. There has not been such a large-scale attack in the battle before Damascus. They have prepared everything and will leave at 9 a.m. tomorrow Officially launched the attack, but before they started, you took over the headquarters and completely destroyed the whole command system, because they were caught up by you during a pre war meeting. "

Dani talked endlessly, because for him, the credit was really great. It was so great that the whole military intelligence agency would take credit for the beheading battle.

Hello, I'm good. Hello, everyone. Not only the military intelligence bureau is happy, but the army is the happiest one. Farouk has been busy sorting out his video data. If he is here, he may have jumped up happily.

Gao Yang snapped his fingers and said with a smile, "good. Then go on with the trial and see if you can ask more things from abach."

The excited Dani grabbed Gao Yang's sleeve and said nervously: "Ram, your interrogation is fast, but it will break people down. Can you keep abbah? I mean, we can interrogate him, but let him continue to be interrogated by us again. You know, we need him to speak. Also, I have sent back the report. Well, someone may come here soon, so we need to keep abbah."

Gao Yang thought and said, "big man?"

Dani lowered his voice and said, "of course it's a big man. I won't be surprised no matter who came."

Gao Yang hesitated and said, "in fact, I prefer to pry open abach's mouth and ask badadi's whereabouts as soon as possible. Well, since badadi has peed his pants, it must not be difficult for him to speak. Let him take a breath and let you review it again in front of big people, which is good for us all."

Dani patted Gao Yang's shoulder and showed an tacit smile.

Gao Yang thought for a moment and said, "can you take this opportunity to help us solve some capital problems? You know, I personally invested a lot in our battle. Now I'm a little short of money. What's more, how about solving some more helicopters?"

Dani whispered: "my friend, it's hard to say about the money. Now we are all short of money. However, with this physiological foundation and equipment, it's not a word! I'll make a report with Farouk, and the resources must be poured out to us."

This is not a conspiracy, this is a public conspiracy. This is the attention that will be obtained after making achievements, and the inevitable reflection that Syria will make in order to achieve more war results. Therefore, what can Dani say to Gao Yang.

I have no money, but I can get more support. It's time to be satisfied. I raised my head to the shadow and said, "you hear me, is there a problem?"

The 13th whispered, "I can solve it and let him leave enough spirit and physical strength to cope with the next trial."

The shadow spread his hands. He picked up a towel and wiped the blood on his hands. When he found that it couldn't be cleaned, he said disapprovingly: "give me a cigarette."

Dani immediately took out a cigarette and put it in the mouth of the shadow who was too dirty to pick it up. Then he lit a fire for the shadow. After taking two bites of the cigarette, the shadow raised his bloody hand and shook his index finger: "Leonard, don't rush for work with me. I haven't enjoyed it for a long time. Don't doubt my strength. Just prolong the time. Bring him here. Your requirements are absolutely satisfied."

Abach was brought in by Frye and Li JinFang.

He threw abach to the ground, the shadow stepped on abach's hand, and then twisted the cigarette end on abach's hand. He smiled and said, "are you afraid? Do I look like a pervert? I tell you, you look like a pervert, because I am a pervert. I will torture you slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, and let you know what the real hell is."

Abbah speaks Arabic, so the shadow also speaks Arabic. Gao Yang found that those who have something to do with intelligence work seem to speak several foreign languages.

The shadow said that he would translate on the 13th. Now Gaoyang can listen to Arabic, but at most he can understand half of Lian mengdai's guess. He is already learning and making good progress, because there is this language environment in Syria.

Abach looked very tough. He was weak but determined: "you can kill me, but I will never speak."

The shadow chuckled and said, "kill you? Idiot! What good do you want? Why bring you here if you want to kill you? Don't worry, you can't die. You can't die for a long time. Don't worry. I'm not going to ask you yet. Let's stimulate you first."

The shadow put abach on the chair, tied it firmly, blocked abach's mouth with a cloth, and then began.

Because of the pain, abach is struggling hard, but the shadow has said that abach has no chance to say.

Abbah would not be in danger of life, nor would there be particularly obvious scars. The shadow started very slowly and carefully. He chose the most painful place to start. Within a few minutes, abbah peed his pants again.

The shadow stopped and said helplessly, "maybe it's time to ask."

Took out the towel in abach's mouth. Before the shadow opened his mouth, abach was panting, but said very quickly: "what do you want to know, I said, don't torture me, don't torture me..."

On the 13th, the shadow looked disdainful and said, "it's only ten minutes. Don't worry. It's just for you to breathe. We're not in a hurry."

Abach said with a sad, angry and painful face: "Damn it, you damn demons, let me tell you everything in exchange for giving me pleasure."

The shadow squatted in front of abach and said in a deep voice: "Hey, abbah, I know your name. Won't you be surprised? You must have understood that your partner has told me everything, so, um, you know? I have countless ways to make you speak, and now it's just an appetizer. Now you have a chance. I'll ask you and answer. To tell you the truth, you should know that we have two people's mouths Yes, if I find anything wrong, you know the consequences. "

The shadow waved his head and said, "ask him where badadi is."

Abach said without hesitation: "he's in Damascus, but he has many footholds. He never stays in one place for too long. If we want to meet, we can only contact by telephone, and then determine where to meet. I'll see him or wait for him to come and see me."

Raised his eyebrows and said, "where was he last seen? When?"

"Yesterday afternoon, he was in my headquarters in adala, but he just looked and left soon. I don't know where he went again."

Asked for some new information, Gao Yang breathed out and said, "let him write down all the footholds of badadi, which should be very detailed."

After saying that, Gao Yang felt inappropriate, so he said to the shadow, "how can you be sure that what he said is true, rather than lying to us in order to avoid being punished."

The shadow smiled with the 13th, and then the shadow said, "this is just the beginning. Write down his confession, and then try again. Let him say everything he knows on the edge of collapse, then check it, and then try again, and then record it. Let's say that we will take the trouble to repeat this process at least four to five times, at least."

The 13th then said, "without anti torture training, even if he prepared a hundred false answers, he had to tell the truth in the end. Does this guy look like he had anti torture training?"

Gao Yang understood what life is better than death, and what the end is if he can't live or die, so he smiled and said, "good, then go ahead and ask."