Chapter 986

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Damascus, over.

Taking a bombardier crj700 standard regional airliner, Gao Yang said that they had reached the airspace of Damascus. After reaching the landing area over Damascus airport, the co pilot came out of the cabin and said to Gao Yang, "Sir, the tower commander asked us to report our identity."

Gao Yang walked into the cockpit, took the phone and said in a deep voice, "this is the charter flight of special mission. Please land."

After a while, the voice from the tower controller of Damascus International Airport rang and said, "special protection mission charter, please wait a moment. You will talk to others."

After a while, a low voice sounded and said, "special mission, our plan has some problems temporarily. Please transfer to mezze military airport according to the instructions. Someone is waiting for you."

The pilot will land according to the guidance of the airport. Gao Yang withdrew from the cockpit, returned to his seat and said to the crowd: "there are some small problems. We won't land at the civil airport. It's time to go to the military airport. Someone is waiting for us."

Hearing that they were going to the military airport, jaklan and four other pilots from Israel were uncomfortable and twisted in their seats.

A man with gray hair and looking at least 60 years old said, "I am very familiar with Syrian airports, but they are all our targets. It makes me feel very wonderful to hear that we are going to land on Syrian military airports."

The four pilots who followed jaklan were 62 years old and 55 years old. They were all retired from active service. No one came when they were younger.

Gao Yang has a headache. He is in urgent need of pilots, but time is tight and he can't recruit enough pilots quickly. However, he can only find four retired pilots with great age through distin and jaklan. Needless to say, their technology and experience are the top, but the problem is that they come from Israel.

Israel and Syria are sworn enemies. When Israeli pilots arrive in Syria, God knows what will happen, so Gao Yang has to laugh again and say, "I must say again, everyone, you all know where we are going. Please keep your secret."

An old pilot with gray hair snapped his fingers and said indifferently, "don't worry, we're not stupid. Don't worry about us."

The plane turned, guided by the ground, and finally landed on the runway of a military airport.

When the plane stopped, Gao Yang was the first to go out of the cabin door. Then he saw an officer with the rank of Captain saluting him with an excited face and extending his hand.

The first time I came to Syria was to accept bolovich's employment. Then Satan fought a war in Syria and met Lieutenant Jihad, Lieutenant Faisal who fought side by side, and lieutenant Farouk.

At the moment, Gao Yang looks like Farouk to meet them under the plane, but he is not sure. After a long time, Farouk is somewhat different from his impression.

Gao Yang returned a military salute, then shook his hand with the captain and said hesitantly, "sorry, are you Lieutenant Farouk? Oh, no, Captain Farouk?"

"Yes, it's me, Mr. ram. We haven't seen each other for a long time. Thanks to you, now I'm a captain, ha ha."

Gao Yang knew that after a big victory, several officers who fought side by side with them were expected to be promoted. Sure enough, Farouk had changed from a lieutenant to a captain in a short time, but Lieutenant Colonel Jihad, who led troops to rescue at that time, was even worse, because he had become a brigadier general.

From lieutenant to captain, it is very rare to jump two levels within a year. However, it is too rare to jump two levels from lieutenant colonel to brigadier general. It is more than difficult for a school officer to rise to general, that is, during the war, otherwise you don't want to think about this kind of thing.

Gao Yang smiled, shook Farouk's hand and said, "Congratulations, Captain!"

Farouk smiled and whispered in his ear: "if there is no accident, I will soon become a major. In addition, Lieutenant Faisal is now a major, he will soon be a lieutenant colonel, and general Jihad, he is already a major general!"

Gao Yang was surprised and said, "so fast?"

Farouk smiled and said, "general Jihad fought well. He was rewarded last week and awarded the rank of major general."

A big victory, Gao Yang, they just cleared the obstacles to go home, but for Jihad, they became a ladder to success.

Gao Yang is sincerely happy, because the higher the rank of his allies, the more favorable it is for him.

Gao Yang was about to speak, but one of the two men in suits standing behind Farouk coughed, stood forward and whispered, "Mr. ram, I'm from the military intelligence agency. We need to know something first. Please come with me."

Farouk shrugged, let go of his high hand, smiled and said, "some necessary processes will end soon."

After reaching out and making a sign of invitation, Gao Yang followed them into the car and then went to a cabin next to the main building of an airport.

Gao Yang is not too worried. The military intelligence agency has no hostility. As the largest intelligence agency in Syria, if the military intelligence agency is hostile to them, it will not be three people waiting to meet them at the airport, but a team of armed soldiers.

Without the meaning of escort, two people in suits got out of the car, walked in front of Gao Yang, knocked on the door of one of the huts in a row, pushed the door open and motioned for Gao Yang to enter.

Gao Yang walked into the cabin. There was a desk in the room. Behind the desk stood a middle-aged man in his forties.

"Hello, I'm a staff member of the military intelligence bureau. You can call me Dani. There are some problems that need your cooperation. Please sit down."

Gao Yang sat in front of Dani. Dani reached out to open the folder on the table, took out a pen, stared at Gao Yang and said in a deep voice: "general Jihad said that a foreign volunteer army was happy to help us fight the rebels. He highly praised you and advocated to provide you with all necessary help. I want to know what your identity is."

To be honest, the capability of the Syrian military intelligence agency is very limited. It belongs to an intelligence agency that is not very good on the ground in the Middle East. It must be far worse than mosad. As a big country in the Middle East, it is not much better than the intelligence agency in Yemen, but they have a very famous victory, Is to catch Yili Cohen, the most famous spy in Mossad history.

It is normal for the Syrian military intelligence agency to find out the origin of Gao Yang.

After thinking for a moment, Gao Yang looked up at Dani and whispered, "the rebels have many sympathizers and many supporters from abroad, right?"

"I have to admit that it is."

Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "then don't ask who we are and don't check our background. You just need to know that we are your supporters. We are allies and we have a common enemy. What you said just now is very correct. We are volunteers."

Dani smiled bitterly and said, "I can't write this into the conversation record. As an intelligence officer, I understand every word you say very well, but this report should be submitted to the senior military level, so you have to give me a formal reply."

Gao Yang heaved his breath and said, "isn't that ok? What do you think I should say?"

Dani looked at Gao Yang and said indifferently, "for example, you are entrusted by a country to help us, Russia or China?"

Gao Yang immediately shook his head and said, "no, no, we are allies, but don't let us bear the burden we shouldn't have, sir. It's not good."

Dani was silent and Gao Yang continued: "Sir, we have strong combat power. I think general Jihad should have told you this. I'm not bragging. We don't have many people, but we can bring the vertical strike capability that Syria lacks most at present, so don't worry about our origin. Isn't it good to have multiple allies?"

Dani breathed out and said: "Well, you are volunteers, but you have to give me a convincing reason? Mr. Gongyang, you are from abroad. Although general Jihad tried to guarantee that you are friends, we represent a country. From the military to the government to meet all your requirements, you have to give me a reason to convince others that you are here to help us, not pregnant Some vicious idea, you see, the way I'm sitting down and talking to you should prove our sincerity. "

Gao Yang thought for a moment and said, "well, we have a personal grudge against an armed group of the rebels, which is also a fact. Moreover, we happen to be very strong, so we have become allies. You need to fight the rebels, and we also need it. It's that simple."

Dani nodded and said, "well, it's very simple, but it's also a persuasive reason. Then I think you're volunteers. We have to publicize it like this whether you like it or not. Of course, your image and name will be absolutely confidential. Since we are allies, we won't do anything to hurt you."

Gao Yang nodded and said, "thank you."

"How many people are there in all? Is that what you have now?"

Gao Yang shrugged his shoulders and said, "no, there are many more. We are just the first troops. There are people behind us. They will arrive tomorrow. The specific number will be known tomorrow."

After Dani quickly wrote a lot on the folder, he closed the folder and said with a smile: "well, we need to maintain smooth contact, so some of us will stay here. By the way, I haven't told you that from now on, this airport will be your base in Syria, and this room will be your office in the future."

After that, Dani stood up, smiled at Gao Yang and said, "Syria needs friends, Mr. ram. Thank you for joining our just war as a volunteer army!"