Chapter 978

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Gao Yang is a little strange, but also a little wary, because he doesn't know what information Jack leaked to whom.

"Who? What did you say?"

Jack sighed and said, "well, Bruce was out of the army, so he still has friends in the army."

"Yes, and then?"

"Bruce has a comrade in arms who is still serving in the army, and you know I have a very good relationship with Bruce. My career and specialty are almost inseparable for soldiers. Therefore, one day Bruce brought one of his comrade in arms to me, and then I customized a mk23 for his comrade in arms."

"And then?"

"That man, he and Bruce are not in the same army, but they have a very good relationship because Bruce saved his life."

Gao Yang sighed and said, "Bruce has saved a lot of people's lives."

Jack also sighed, "but that man is different, because if Bruce hadn't spared his life to save him, he would have died."

"Others will die without Bruce."

"That man is different. Bruce used stimulants for the first time to save him."

Gao Yang was stunned and said, "what's his name?"

"Sanel Taylor."

"Go on."

Jack breathed and said, "Bruce used to call him Taylor. Taylor, he's not from the Marine Corps or the Navy. He's from CCT."

Gao Yang thought for a moment and said, "Air Force combat control group?"


Gao Yang smiled bitterly and said, "Bruce is from the Navy system. He was sent to the Marine Corps as a medical escort, and he saved a CCT man. Bruce fought in Iraq. In this case, Bruce saved him in Iraq."

"Yes, that's right. When Taylor was on a combat mission in LAC, he served as a coordinator of a MEU marine expedition of the Marine Corps for a long time, but his friendship with Bruce began after he was saved by Bruce. At that time, Taylor was hit in the rib by a bullet from a sniper, and he lost too much blood. Bruce spent a lot of effort, a long time and a hard time to get there Saved him. "

Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "say the point."

Jack tilted his mouth and whispered, "the day before yesterday, Taylor called me and hoped I could make him a gun. Then he asked me about Bruce. He knew Bruce had become a mercenary, but he didn't know how Bruce was recently."

Jack looked up and whispered, "then I told him Bruce was dead."

"Later," he said in a deep voice

"Later, Taylor hung up the phone, but before long, he choked and asked me how Bruce died. I told him Bruce died of a conspiracy. Then, just yesterday, Taylor called me and said he wanted to avenge Bruce. He hoped I could help him connect with Bruce's mercenary group."

Gao Yang patted his thigh gently and said, "he is a person who attaches great importance to friendship."

Jack nodded and said, "yes, it's very kind. I didn't tell him about Satan or where Bruce died, but I told him someone was going to take revenge for Bruce's death. Taylor said he hoped to contact Bruce's boss, that is, he hoped to participate."

"CCT, air force battle control group, is exactly what I need," he said softly

The Air Force combat control group, or CCT for short, was born for multi service coordinated operations. The birth of the U.S. Air Force combat control group can be traced back to the army Pathfinder program at the end of World War II. Its main role is to drop in before large-scale airborne operations, then select airborne sites, and guide airborne forces.

The Air Force combat control group is a special operations force. In Iraq, as the coordinator of various forces, the Air Force combat control group has long been stationed in the liaison forces of various services. It is mainly responsible for the liaison between the ground forces such as the army or Marine Corps and the air force in combat, as well as reporting the intelligence collected by various services.

In addition to its role as a liaison, CCT also provides tactical communication support for special team operations, and when necessary, the Air Force combat control group also acts as a fighter.

The personnel of the Air Force combat control group are excellent fighters themselves, and they are also pilots. They can fly multiple types of aircraft under various climatic conditions, conduct parachute operations as airborne troops, and have the guidance ability to guide aircraft to attack ground targets.

Needless to say, the air force battle control group is the top part of the U.S. military. In Gao Yang's plan, Taylor, a member of the air force battle control group, is needed to fight in Syria.

Taylor is a talent, and he is a talent in urgent need. He is also a talent that can't be met and can't basically appear in the mercenary world.

Gao Yang smiled and said to Jack, "I thought you were going to say something. So you wanted to introduce me a talent. I very much welcome Taylor to join us in our revenge for Bruce."

Jack smiled bitterly and said, "Taylor is really good, but there's a problem."

Gao Yang said curiously, "what's the problem? Well, I'm willing to pay as much as Taylor is willing to join us. I'm short of someone like him."

Jack opened his hand and said, "he's still in service."

Gao Yang was stunned and said, "Taylor is an active soldier?"

Jack said with a wry smile, "that's the problem. Taylor is still an active soldier, and he is still on duty. I don't know where he is. Because it's a military secret, I don't dare to tell him too much about you, so I need to find out what you mean first."

Gao Yang also smiled bitterly and said, "a member of the active Air Force combat control team, and he is still on duty. Well, it's a pity that Taylor can't catch up."

Jack thought and said: "Not necessarily. Taylor is really a man of great friendship, and he owes Bruce a life. He said that if he can act with you, he will join you. If not, he will do it alone. I think he is serious. If it is not because the possibility of successful revenge is too small, maybe he has started to do it alone now. He said, he can do it alone On retirement, oh, and he hopes that if you don't let him join, at least you can tell him who the enemy is. "

Gao Yang immediately said, "well, call him and let me talk to him. Maybe he can catch up."

Jack then took out his cell phone, reached out and dialed a few numbers, and soon faced the humanitarian in the phone: "Hi, Taylor, I'm Jack. I'm with the person you're looking for. He wants to talk to you."

After that, Jack immediately handed the phone to Gao Yang. After Gao Yang picked up the phone, he apologized to Ye Lianna, who looked bleak but forced to smile, and left Jack's lounge with the phone.

After going out, Gao Yang whispered to the phone, "hello."

"Hello, I'm Taylor. You can also call me postman according to the habit of mercenaries. This is my nickname. This gentleman, I think Jack has told you all I need. Now I urgently ask you a favor. Can you tell me how Bruce died?"

Gao Yang thought and said, "he died to save us. We live and he dies."

After a moment's silence, Taylor said in a deep voice, "I guess so."

Gao Yang took a breath and said, "you can call me ram. I think we have a common identity, that is, we are all friends of Bruce. As Bruce's leader, I'm glad that someone besides us is willing to avenge Bruce at all costs. However, Taylor, it seems that you are still in active service, and we will take revenge soon."

"How soon?"

"A week."

After a moment of silence, Taylor said, "I will retire as soon as possible. You said I will do whatever it takes, and I really intend to do so. I will retire within a week or a month."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "then you can catch up with our retaliation. Also, I'd like to participate in more forces."

"Well, it seems that you agreed to my request. Then can you tell me who the enemy is and where you're going? I can't tell you where I am, but I hope I can go directly to you."

"There are many enemies. There are three parts," he said in a loud and deep voice. "One of the main enemies has been killed, but there are some small roles left under him. At present, one part we want to deal with is ACE ACE, so we are going to Syria immediately. The other part is a mercenary group called the virgin of steel."

Taylor said helplessly: "it sounds like there are really many enemies. I want to know how bad your popularity is to attract so many enemies, but it doesn't matter who he is. Just kill them all."

After laughing, Gao Yang said, "Taylor, I now know you want to avenge Bruce, and you're going to join us. Now I have a request. If you can do it, I'll let you participate."


"It's very simple. Obeying orders is my only request."

"Mr. Gongyang, I am a professional soldier. If I join you, I mean I recognize your leadership, so of course I will obey orders. You don't have to worry about this. If I think there is something wrong with your command or your people, I will leave at the right time, at least after informing you in peacetime rather than wartime."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "well, according to the rules, it's time for you to make conditions to me."

"I have no conditions."

"For the sake of mutual friendship, I must remind you that we are mercenaries, and I am paying to recruit people to help us fight Bruce, so you can ask how much commission you want."

"Oh, I just want revenge. I'm satisfied that you're willing to avenge Bruce, so I don't want money, not a penny. I owe Bruce this, so you don't have to pay me, and I don't want it for me."