Chapter 945

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Bruce was taken to the airport.

Morgan's face was grim. He stood by his plane with a bunch of white flowers. When he saw Bruce's body, Morgan put the flowers on Bruce's coffin cover.

After Bruce was sent to the plane, Morgan sighed: "this is the second time my plane carried the body. The last time it was Moses. No matter who it is, I hate this feeling very much. I have seen many people die, but I still can't calmly face the death of a person I know, especially he sang with me not long ago."

After shaking his head helplessly, Morgan whispered, "get on the plane, I have something for you."

Morgan's private plane can carry out intercontinental flight, which is very large. Although there will be no distinction between first class and economy class like civil aircraft, Morgan's plane still has a small compartment with good privacy, but Morgan doesn't use it very much at ordinary times.

Take Gao Yang into a well sealed compartment. After Gao Yang sits down, morgan gets up and takes two cups and a bottle of whisky on the bar in the plane. He puts the cup in front of Gao Yang and pours both cups. Morgan whispers, "you need this one. It can make you feel better."

Gao Yang picked up the glass and drank the whisky in one gulp.

After watching Gao Yang drink the wine, Morgan said slowly, "I introduced tomler to you. I am responsible for this."

Gao Yang shook his head and said, "it has nothing to do with you. It has nothing to do with you."

Morgan whispered, "don't comfort me. I'm not blaming myself. I just think I need to explain to you. I know who you are and what you will do. Therefore, I introduced tomler to you, so I have the responsibility to let you know more about him."

Morgan handed Gao Yang a folder and whispered, "look at the data I've collected these two days."

Gao Yang opens the folder and roughly turns it over.

Tomler's information is very clear. How many employees and assets his consulting company has, what security companies are closely related to tomler, and most importantly, where tomler's home is, what are the children's names, and photos of his wife and children.

There are a lot of materials, so Gao Yang can't finish it right away, so he just picked up the important ones and looked at them first. When Gao Yang looked at the materials, Morgan whispered: "The nature of tomler's work makes him some military friends. He is also a major provider of campaign funds for representatives, so he has a certain voice in politics, but he is still a small man. Compared with politics, tomler has a deeper foundation in the military."

Gao Yang looked up at Morgan and said, "how deep is it?"

"If you kill him, the military will not stop. It is inevitable to promote the investigation. It is impossible to make tomler die quietly like an ordinary person."

Gao Yang sighed and said, "in other words, if we want to kill tomler, we must be prepared that we will never come to the United States again, right?"

Morgan nodded with a gloomy face and said, "yes, tomler has little influence in politics, but he still has influence. For such people, I can't intervene. It's taboo for people like us to solve a person with positive influence by force."

Gao Yang nodded and said, "I understand, really understand."

Morgan said solemnly: "I'm sorry, if you want to attack tomler, I can't intervene, either to provide you with direct help or to divert your attention afterwards. I can't have any involvement in this matter, so I can't use any influence to intervene in the investigation from any department, so once you are exposed, I won't be able to provide any help."

Gao Yang knows Morgan's difficulties. He knows that Morgan is not shirking, but really can't be involved in their resentment with tomler. Morgan can provide him with information and is willing to use his private plane to help him deliver Bruce. Gao Yang is already very grateful.

After thinking for a moment, he said in a low voice, "I'm going to find a cleaner."

Morgan thought for a moment and whispered, "it's a good choice, but there's a problem. The cleaner can help you eliminate the criminal evidence, but you have to understand that some things only need doubt."

Gao Yang breathed out and said, "try your best. Try your best not to let others doubt us. That's the only way. If we still can't, we'll have to stay away from the United States. I think we'll have no problem running away after killing tomler."

After that, Gao Yang waved his hand, looked at Morgan and said, "I want to know if we are watched, will our family be in danger?"

Morgan said seriously, "it depends on what you do."

"What do you mean?"

"I gave you the family information of tomler. If you choose to kill all the people of tomler, then what you do, others can do to you, which means that your family will be in the same danger. If you just kill tomler, then you don't need to worry about the danger of your family."

"Tomler must die, but I didn't want to kill his family. After all, this is the United States. I don't want to lose the opportunity of revenge on tomler's family."

Morgan whispered, "then I can ensure the safety of your family. I know what you're worried about. I can ensure their safety."

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome."

Gao Yang had to thank him, and Morgan accepted his thanks impolitely.

She breathed loudly and said, "in this way, Yelena can finish her studies. At least I don't have to worry about her safety. You know, if our revenge succeeds well, if it fails, we seem to be in great trouble. By the way, I have to tell you, tomler is the first head of the virgin of steel. He created the virgin of steel."

Morgan was suddenly stunned and said, "what did you say?"

"I said that tomler was the founder of the virgin of steel. He created the virgin of steel and served as the head of the virgin of steel until 1997."

Morgan suddenly laughed and said, "are you sure? Is there any concrete evidence?"

"The information is worth 10 million dollars. Although I only bought it for 450000 dollars, I can confirm the authenticity of the news. The evidence is not conclusive, but there are some evidence. It's not here now, but I think little Donny should have received it."

Morgan smiled and said, "you should have told me this earlier. If tomler had been the head of the virgin of steel, things would be easier."

Gao Yang came to some spirit and said, "what's the matter?"

Morgan spread his hand and said with a smile, "you see, the name of the mercenary regiment is often just a code. Many people in the world know the existence of Satan mercenary regiment. However, who are the people of Satan mercenary regiment and who are they? There will be a lot fewer people who know this, right?"

"Yes, we have to think about safety. Otherwise, after retirement, we have to worry about being approached by our enemies all day."

Morgan smiled: "the problem is here. The name is just a code. In the eyes of those who know it, you are the head ram of Satan, while in the eyes of those who don't know it, you may be a ram, and I may also be a ram. Of course, this situation also applies to the virgin of steel."

"You mean the virgin of steel has enemies?"

Morgan shrugged and said with a smile, "we know the existence of the virgin of steel, but where is their residence? No one knows who they are. Who are the members of the virgin of steel? We know nicknames and pseudonyms, but we just don't know their true identity. Oh, I'm talking about the great virgin of steel in the past, not the virgin of steel now."

Gao Yang was interested and said, "the great virgin of steel? What kind of mercenary regiment can be called great?"

Morgan said: "As far as a mercenary regiment is concerned, the lady of steel has achieved the best. Many big events that are not sure who did them have the shadow of the lady of steel behind them. They may use other names to do things. However, after investigation, people found that it is just a team of the lady of steel. For many countries, the lady of steel is a devil of great evil, but Simply from the perspective of the mercenary regiment, their achievements can be called brilliant. "

"For example?"

Morgan said slowly: "at the beginning of the Munich tragedy in 1972, the name of the virgin of steel appeared for the first time. There is evidence that the of September in black was trained by the virgin of steel.

In 1978, Italian Prime Minister Molo was assassinated in the street. Yes, the virgin of steel was involved with the Italian red brigade.

Throughout the 1970s, the number of the virgin of steel increased from more than 20 to nearly 100. In the 1980s, the virgin of steel began to appear frequently, but it is worth mentioning that only in the Iran Iraq war, the virgin of steel stood on the side of Iraq, and they were active in the Iran Iraq war for two years.

In the 1990s, Notre Dame of steel not only had frequent activities, but also began to participate more directly in the war. The first was the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The independence of Notre Dame of steel in Croatia played a very important role. Their role was very, very big!

Then came the Rwanda massacre. A mercenary regiment called desert Cobra was very active in the massacre and played an extremely disgraceful role. According to the investigation, it is very possible that desert cobra is the virgin of steel.

In 1996, Chechnya and the virgin of steel joined the war, first serving the Chechens, and then fighting with the Chechens for unknown reasons. The credible news should be that there was a problem with the Commission, and the senior level of Chechnya lost several important people.

In 1997, after an internal split, the virgin of steel disappeared for a period of time until it reappeared in 1999. "

Gao Yang was stunned, but Morgan said seriously: "What I'm talking about is just big events. They are all big events that have caused a sensation in the world. Then, do you know why I am so familiar with the virgin of steel? Because the nature of my work sometimes needs to deal with mercenaries. In the 1990s, the name of the virgin of steel must be known by anyone who mixed in this circle!"