Chapter 867

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
The plane could not hear the explosion from the ground, but only six minutes later, the trees on the ground suddenly fell down, and the area available for landing was more than three times larger.

To open up a landing site, you don't need to blow up many trees, but you just need to blow up a few very large trees to achieve the goal. The small trees under the giant trees have shrubs and vines, which have an impact and danger on skydiving, but there is no fatal risk.

"You can jump! Be careful to avoid the stubble of the branch."

"I see! Start skydiving."

After receiving Raphael's notice, Gao Yang replied and shouted, "jump!"

The lower the altitude of the aircraft, the higher the accuracy of parachuting, but accordingly, the shorter the available parachuting window period, because of the wind direction, you can only jump along the wind rather than against the wind.

Li JinFang was the first to jump out, followed by Lucy card. After waiting for all six people in the first assault group to jump out, the plane had exceeded the parachute area. When the plane spared a circle and came back, Gao Yang just waved his hand and jumped out first.

Gao Yang landed freely for a long time, controlling the direction and waiting for almost parallel to the canopy of the forest. He also just entered the open landing site and stretched out his hand. When the parachute suddenly opened and slowed down to a safe range, Gao Yang's feet had touched the ground.

He rolled on the spot to relieve his strength. After standing up, Gao Yang quickly separated the parachute from him, and then shouted, "RAM landed safely. The second group approached me, and the first group reported your situation!"

Raphael has followed the first assault group and rushed to the fighting area of the people of friends of nature first. Soon, a report came back. All the people of the first group landed safely, and no one was injured in skydiving. Now they have gathered and rushed towards the enemy.

Looking up at the sky, he could not feel the wind inside the rain forest, but he felt a strong crosswind in the process of falling from the sky.

Umbrella flowers are opened one after another. In order to ensure accurate entry into the airborne field, almost everyone adopts the method of opening an umbrella at ultra-low altitude.

Groliov has landed. His parachuting skills are the best. He is completely safe. There are two umbrella flowers in the air. They are TREB and Tommy. The last group and the last person is Jason.

Jason is still descending freely. Gao Yang can only see a small black dot. When Jason's umbrella flower suddenly opens, Gao Yang is relieved. It seems that Jason can also land to the safest center.

The parachute jump was very successful. Jason was the last one to get up from the ground and shouted, "land safely!"

Gao Yang immediately raised his arm and whispered in the walkie talkie, "catch up with the assault group!"

There is still a distance from the friends of nature. Gao Yang estimates that it is about 1500 to 2000 meters. Almost 12 minutes have passed since he lost contact with the friends of nature. Anything may happen during this period, so the commando team must hurry as soon as possible.

Although we have to rush as soon as possible, the enemy's position is not clear, and the assault group is likely to encounter the enemy. Therefore, it is inevitable that the search and warning advance. In this way, the advance speed of the assault group will be affected, and the subsequent support group will move much faster with the people of the front assault group, It is entirely possible to catch up with the assault team that set out first before the battle.

Holding the blade of Satan, Gao Yang turned on the thermal imager on the gun and ran quickly along the road opened by the assault group.

The sound absorption effect of the rainforest is too strong. Gao Yang can't hear the gunshot at all. The direction of the assault team is determined according to the GPS coordinates, but the people of friends of nature may change their position, so it's best to contact them.

"Friends of nature! Are you in touch?"

Gao Yang's radio frequency was used by friends of nature before. Although people who knew friends of nature would have heard the call if they turned on the radio, Gao Yang couldn't help asking.


"I'm an oil bucket. I fainted just now. What's the matter?"

After the friend of nature said no, a strange voice suddenly appeared in the walkie talkie.

Hearing the sudden sound from the walkie talkie, he raised his heart and said in a hurry, "I'm here to meet you. Now I've landed and passed towards you, man, tell your people to turn on the radio!"

Just a moment later, a voice full of surprise and joy rang in the walkie talkie.

"I'm jackal. Are you coming down?"

"Don't talk nonsense, didn't you hear the explosion? The Jackal indicates the direction, and we'll get there right away!"

It's good news to get in touch with friends of nature. Gao Yang speeds up his pace, and his speed is getting faster and faster, so that the following people can't keep up.

Juan reported the coordinates and pointed out the possible direction of the enemy. Basically, they were surrounded by each other.

Although there were only ten enemies, they were all familiar with the jungle. Therefore, only ten people dared to encircle, and they did complete the encirclement.

During the run, Gao Yang took out the GPS, and the coordinates had already been lost. After fine-tuning according to the new coordinates given by the friends of nature, he found that his direction was roughly correct, but slightly deviated.

The assault team will also adjust the direction, so Gao Yang only needs to follow the original route, but it is more than 700 meters away from the coordinate point, and it is impossible to fight too far in the jungle.

While Gao Yang was running, he suddenly heard Lucy card whispering in the walkie talkie: "The enemy may hear the explosion when opening up the landing site, or even close enough to hear what the friends of nature are saying, so they are likely to know that we have arrived. They must avoid being ambushed by the enemy and be vigilant. According to our speed, they have entered the dangerous area 400 meters away from the target point and be vigilant."

Gao Yang speeded up again. When he was 500 meters away from the target point, he caught up with Bruce who fell last.

After passing Bruce and Andy Ho, and then Raphael and Irene, Gao Yang approached Lucy, Li JinFang and Frye.

Li JinFang is a pacesetter. He takes a machete and cleans up the branches and vines that hinder him all the way. He still travels very fast.

According to the custom, Gao Yang loaded the push bullet but didn't open the safe Satan's blade back to his back, took the shotgun in his hand and followed Li JinFang. When he saw Gao Yang's action, lucika said in a deep voice: "Boss, don't use a shotgun. It's enough to have toad and me at close range. Your night vision is far away. Use your Satan blade to search for heat."

In the jungle, lucika is the supreme commander.

Without saying anything, Gao Yang immediately carried the shotgun back and took the Satan blade back into his hand.

Lucika has been marching sideways, just like bantuna in battle. They both seem to be used to finding the enemy by listening rather than looking, so their nicknames are similar. One is called bat and the other is called radar.

Having entered the dangerous area, Li JinFang's speed decreased slightly. When she was nearly 300 meters away from the coordinate point, lucika suddenly whispered, "grenade explosion!"

Gao Yang confirmed that he didn't hear anything, but he trusted Lucy card. Li JinFang slowed down a little and looked at Lucy card.

Lucy card gently waved her hand and whispered, "I'll open the way. Be careful and try not to make a noise."

Lucy Ka took Li JinFang's machete, listened and continued to walk forward, but she tried not to cut the branches, but could walk around.

After walking forward for a while, Lucy card made a gesture to Gao Yang and whispered, "boss, you don't have to worry about the ground. Pay more attention to the trees at medium and low heights. The enemy has snipers. If he wants to snipe from a long distance, he can only go up the trees."

Gao Yang immediately raised the muzzle too high and observed at a height of three or four meters or even higher from the ground.

Lucy card walked a lot slower. She couldn't hurry in the jungle. When she walked fast, she made a big noise, but didn't hear the noise of her opponent. It's likely to usher in a hail of bullets.

Many people who have not entered the jungle do not know the horror of jungle war. For example, as long as they have entered the corn field and think about how far they can see another person without making a sound in the corn field, they will know what jungle war is.

After lucika explained, she continued to move forward. Gao Yang, who had been observing the progress, was slower, and he could not quickly deal with the threat from close range. Irene and Raphael immediately crossed Gao Yang and bent down in front of him to cover Gao Yang and serve as his meat shield.

After walking thirty or forty meters forward, Gao Yang suddenly raised his left fist, and then whispered, "stop!"

Everyone immediately stopped moving and squatted down. Only Gao Yang stood in place. After careful observation, he whispered, "heat source, can't distinguish the type of heat source. It's 60 meters away and about 6 to 10 meters high. I don't know whether it's an animal or a human."

Lucy card whispered, "single heat source or multiple heat sources, have they moved?"

"Single stationary target."

Lucy card immediately said, "enemy! Monkeys are in groups, and they move higher. In addition, when they hear the explosion, the monkeys can't stop. Shoot him before he finds us."

There are a large number of various branches and other disturbances. The distance of 60 meters is actually a little far. Looking at the light and shadow in the sight with different depths, Gao Yang doesn't know whether he can hit the enemy after aiming at the heat source.

It's only 60 meters. If it weren't for the obstruction of branches, just one shot could solve the enemy, but if it was blocked by branches, it wouldn't be good.

Gao Yang went aside to avoid the interference of particularly obvious branches and aimed at the heat source.

Although it was only 60 meters, it was an ultra long-range shooting, because it was in the Amazon rainforest. Therefore, Gao Yang prayed before shooting, hoping that he could have good luck. Whether the heat source was the enemy or not, he could kill the target with one shot.