Chapter 864

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
If you can rest, rest quickly. Once you fight, God knows when you can have a chance to sleep again.

No matter what environment, when it's time to sleep, it's not really impossible for veterans. Now Gaoyang has this ability. Although the conditions in the cabin are far from comfortable, Gaoyang can still sleep. It may not be very enjoyable, but it's enough to nourish his spirit.

Watching the companions in the cabin put down their information one after another, and then casually find a comfortable position and start to sleep. Jason, one of the recruits, can't sleep at all.

Before going to the battlefield, excitement, tension and even fear are the psychological reactions that normal people should have. Jason can't calmly deal with an upcoming battle.

The whole flight takes a little more than six hours. Before that, Jason had just arrived in New York by plane from Seattle. It was another five hours. Moreover, flying was not the most tiring. The most tiring thing was to book a ticket after receiving an emergency break, and then wait at the airport.

Jason was actually very tired, but his spirit was quite excited. He couldn't sleep until his overly excited brain was finally defeated by fatigue. He fell asleep in a daze. Not long later, he was awakened by a violent tremor.

The plane had landed, and Jason looked at his watch, but he was depressed to find that he had slept for less than an hour.

So far, seventeen hours and four minutes have passed.

When the plane started taxiing on the airport, everyone woke up. No one moved or spoke. When the plane stopped completely, Gao Yang shouted, "take your own equipment and turn around quickly!"

After that, Gao Yang picked up his big bag and said to the friend of nature, "do you want to continue to follow?"

The friend of nature nodded and said with a dull face, "yes, I'll follow."

He shrugged and ran off the plane quickly.

The efficiency of friends of nature is still very high. On a runway not far from the cargo plane, a propeller aircraft that Gao Yang can't recognize is ready.

Friends of nature pointed to the plane and shouted, "there, get on the plane!"

It took off in the early morning. After more than six hours of flight, it was daybreak. Gao Yang looked at the position of the sun. When he trotted to the plane that needed to be transferred with his bag, he found that Jason next to him yawned.

Gao Yang frowned and said, "didn't you sleep well?"

Jason nodded and said, "I didn't sleep well."

Gao Yang was slightly angry and said, "what's going on? Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Jason didn't think it was a big problem that he didn't sleep well, but looking at Gao Yang's face, he said, "I'm sorry, I'm a little too excited and nervous."

Gao Yang said in a deep voice as he walked, "if you are too excited, you should talk to the test tube earlier! Let him give you some drugs that help you sleep. I remember reminding you!"

Jason said embarrassed, "I'm sorry, boss. I think you're all asleep. It's no fun to wake up."

"Don't say sorry, you are irresponsible for your life. You know you want to make an extremely dangerous parachute jump, but you don't let yourself be in the best state. It's stupid! You only need to let the test tube give you drugs that can maintain a good sleep for three to four hours, which can easily solve this problem, but now, the problem is complicated. This is the first time you have made this mistake, and it's also difficult It must be the last time. "

Gao Yang finished talking to Jason and almost ran to the side of the small plane. At this time, a man got off the plane and waited with a briefcase.

Gao Yang ignored the man next to the plane, got on the plane directly, found a place and sat down. After sitting down, Gao Yang immediately said to Bruce, "test tube, big bird can't rest well. Think of some ways."

Knowing where the approximate airborne area was, Bruce knew how long the flight would take. He frowned and said, "it's less than two hours. It's too tight. Moreover, we have to complete the armed work, so we can only use stimulants."

"Give it to him. I don't want him to be dizzy when jumping."

Bruce shook his head at Jason and said, "I said man, you should call me when you find you can't sleep."

Jason said in distress, "I didn't expect the problem to be so serious."

Bruce pointed at Jason with his finger and said, "if we don't need to parachute over the rainforest, the problem is really not serious. If our opponent is not the virgin of steel, there's no need to be so nervous. However, since we are facing great risks and may encounter attacks as soon as we land, you'd better adjust everything to the best in advance."

After that, Bruce took out a few times in his bag, finally took out a pre filled disposable needle, broke the protective sleeve, and whispered to Jason: "Man, this thing works well, but it makes me addicted to drugs... I really don't want you to use it, but I can't help it. Well, I think half of it is enough for you to maintain your good spirit for at least 48 hours."

At this time, groliov suddenly said, "too much? Less. Don't use this kind of thing if you can. If you have to use it, use it as little as possible."

Bruce thought about it and said, "the first time big bird uses stimulants, the effect has a bonus. Well, use one-third, no, one-quarter is enough. Forget it, I'd better give you an injection so that you don't use too much."

While Bruce was making plans to give Jason an injection, friends of nature finally got on the plane. He excitedly said to him, "unbelievable, man, look at what I have in my hand. It's the information of those people!"

Gao Yang said in disbelief, "did you really find it?"

"Yes, I did. Justin said to ensure the authenticity of the information! Here you are."

Gao Yang took over a stack of just printed materials and said sincerely, "Justin is too powerful, too powerful!"

Friends of nature closed the cabin door and said to the humanitarian waiting in the cabin fiddling with a pile of communication equipment: "you can take off. Tell them to prepare for landing. We can arrive in two hours at most."

Gao Yang quickly began to look at the latest information found by the powerful Justin. After only two eyes, he said to the friends of nature, "are you sure this is Justin's latest, not that he has been prepared?"

"I'm very sure, Justin said. He bought it for $1.6 million, which is a big price! I can tell you that Justin bought it from the insiders of the steel virgin mercenary regiment fighting in Ukraine, which can absolutely guarantee its authenticity!"

Gao Yang wondered because the information was too detailed for him to believe.

"Got it from our own people of the virgin of steel? Betraying our comrades in arms? Falk, it's fucking good!"

After scolding angrily, he read aloud as he looked and said loudly: "listen to the information of the virgin steel team, Bob Brown, airborne, participated in the Iraq war in 2003, served in the United States theunit from 2004 to 2009, retired in 2009, joined the virgin steel in 2010, fire commando, and received professional jungle warfare training."

"Then the two personal data are relatively simple. Sean, a blasting expert from Northern Ireland, Juan, from Mexico, used to be a member of the Mexican special forces. He first became a robber and then worked for the drug lord until he joined the virgin of steel. The insider who provided information is not familiar with these two people, so there is little data."

After reading, Gao Yang smiled and said to the friend of nature, "man, another Juan, with the same name as your friend."

The friend of nature turned his mouth and said, "this name is too common in the Spanish system. Continue to say it."

"Hey, this is awesome, Mason. He was once a member of the CIA secret service team and came from the special forces, but I don't know which force he was. He was a cold-blooded killer. Because he was too fucking human, he was reformed and sent to prison. After he got out of prison, he killed and set fire immediately, and then went into the virgin of steel. He was a super firepower commando and a super sniper. Ha ha, are you afraid?"

After causing a burst of laughter, Gao Yang continued to read: "Ryan otris, code named glider, retired pilot of the U.S. air force, 33 years old, flew over the B-52, B-1B Lancer, F-117, C-130 Hercules, and even had the honor to fly over the most mysterious B-2 stealth bomber of the U.S. military three months before retirement. He is not a major combatant. He is a logistics role. Well, ignore him."

"Ivan klensky, another Russian, once served in the signal flag and was a heavy fireman, but I don't know what weapon he used this time. As long as he didn't bring a Vulcan machine gun, there's no need to worry. In the jungle, heavy firemen are useless, and this guy can't live without vodka. He's an alcoholic."

"The sniper of the jungle battle team of the virgin of steel, Jero snecker, nicknamed the_end, is an American. He uses an m24sws and green beret. He is considered to have lost his combat ability and retired because he lost his right eye during the mission. After retirement, he joined a small mercenary regiment named Foxhound. The next year he joined the virgin of steel and is good at sniping and jungle concealment. This guy is powerful Ah, if you are blind in your right eye, you can continue to be a sniper and join the virgin of steel. Rabbit, you have an opponent. "

After smiling at Cui Bo, Gao Yang continued, "next, machine gunner Jack Wang, nicknamed the dead man,

Chinese American, oh, it's an ABC. He uses an M249 machine gun and has never changed his gun. The former fire support hand of the US Navy Seal 2 team has eight years of military experience. He is a murderer. He was forced to retire for unknown reasons. After retirement, he became a free mercenary. He likes to kill people. "

After reading everyone's information, he raised his face with a smile and said loudly, "guys, these people sound fierce and powerful, don't they? But I have absolute confidence that I can defeat them. Do you know why?"

Groliov said coldly, "a mercenary regiment out of the devil, a betrayed team, their firepower configuration is no longer a secret. It's strange if they don't die!"