Chapter 858

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
After the training, Gao Yang and them took Morgan's private plane to the United States. After landing at the New York airport, most people got off the plane in New York, but Gao Yang, Bruce and Lucy took the plane to the east coast and Jason.

Bruce and Lucy are going home, and Bruce and Jason have had a good relationship during this time, so Jason will visit Bruce's house. As for Gao Yang, of course, he is going to meet Morgan.

"This is the income and expenditure details of the diamond mine in the recent period. If there is no problem, I'll put your share into your account. In addition, I have to remind you that Swiss bank may no longer be a tax haven, and the depositor's information may no longer be confidential. Maybe you should consider changing a bank to deposit your money."

At Morgan's home, Gao Yang sat face to face with Morgan. He took a document handed to him by Morgan, but after hearing Morgan's words, Gao Yang was stunned and said, "what's the matter? Is Swiss bank no longer reliable?"

Morgan smiled bitterly and said, "reliability is reliable, but next year, at the latest next year, Swiss bank will certainly hand over the depositor information of its citizens to other countries under pressure. This is the biggest breakthrough in combating tax evasion in the world, especially in the United States, but it is certainly not good news for you and me."

Gao Yang scratched his head and said, "what should I do?"

Morgan smiled bitterly and said, "what can we do? We can only change the bank."

Moreover, Gao Yang doesn't have much concern about tax evasion, because he is stateless now. Anyone who likes to check can do it, but other members of the Satan mercenary regiment, such as Frye and treber, may face the problem of leakage of deposit information.

Gao Yang doesn't know what to do, but he's not too worried, because Morgan has too much money than him. Morgan must have a way, and Morgan has a way, he can follow.

"You have received the positive news so early. There must be a way, right?"

Morgan smiled and said, "there must be some ways. There are many criminal banks. You can find one at will. You just need to transfer your property. Well, let me inform you when I operate. Now let's get down to business. You can look at our income first."

Gao Yang looked down at the income and expenditure of the diamond mine in recent months. The details were very clear. Gao Yang trusted Morgan and didn't have the patience to look carefully. He directly looked at the final figures.

"With an income of more than 16 million US dollars and an expenditure of 1.12 million US dollars, I can get almost 7.5 million US dollars? So much?"

Morgan nodded and whispered, "the more income, the worse! Because this means that we don't invest. The expenditure is only used to maintain the operation of diamond mines and the salary of armed personnel. I'll be happy if I can spend all my income, even the discount."

Gao Yang put down the form and whispered, "what's going on?"

Morgan waved his hand and said helplessly, "I found someone. After careful exploration, the result is not very good."

Gao Yang was disappointed and said, "why, there is no diamond?"

Morgan lowered his voice and said, "I don't know there are no diamonds in the crater, because I haven't explored carefully. Do you know why? Because we found a main mine! It's not a volcano, but a volcanic group! Up the river, the location of a diamond mine has been determined, big mine!"

Gao Yang's heart sank a little, but Morgan was unhappy about the big mine, which means that there is only one problem. The mine is too big for Morgan to eat.

"How big is it?"

Morgan said calmly, "I don't know. According to the analysis of the proven situation, it is larger than the Kimberley mining area."

Gao Yang sighed and said, "what should I do?"

"I'm thinking that once this mine is opened, it will shake the current diamond market. It may even lower the price of diamonds to the level of other gemstones. You know, things with too large output are not worth money."

Gao Yang was stunned for a moment and whispered, "no wonder you have to meet and talk with me. So, are you still going to find a big man to cooperate?"

Morgan stood up, shook his head and said, "I don't know. I really hesitated, because if the current conjecture is confirmed, the mine is not worth billions or even tens of billions of dollars. According to the current price system, it may be a super large mine of hundreds of billions to hundreds of billions of dollars, or a mine group. I don't dare to be explored any more."

After sighing, Morgan looked up and whispered: "First of all, I don't think that if a large number of diamonds flood into the market, the current price level can be maintained. Then, I don't think I may get shares in this super large mine. Even those super families dare not swallow the diamond mine alone, and we can't even count as small fish. If those super families are attracted, our only end is to be kicked Open. "

Gao Yang nodded and said, "yes, too much wealth is a confrontation between national forces. It's not something we can consider. I think it's better to make a small fuss."

Morgan nodded and said, "I think so, too. We open it ourselves, on a small scale. Once the secret can't be kept, I'll sell the mine immediately! We must never get too deep in the mine so as not to lose our lives. Do you agree to sell the mine to those super families and sell it for hundreds of millions?"

Gao Yang immediately said, "agree, that's it! Never touch anything you shouldn't touch."

Morgan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I'm afraid you're not willing to give up a large amount of wealth. Since you agree, it's easy to do. We continue to open. In fact, even if we just open the mine according to the current scale, we can get $50 million a year. This is already a big income. Although we're not very willing, we can't be too greedy."

"Will the current mining scale be too large?" he said in a loud voice

Morgan shook his head and said: "No, I found a special person to take charge of these diamonds. Our mining volume is not large. Compared with the original Sadik, the mining volume has not increased much, but our selling price is ten times higher than him, so we can earn a lot more than him. Our shipment is actually very small, and there is still a lot of room to increase the output. When our channels are expanded, we can deliver more goods , I can guarantee that by next year, each of us will earn at least 100 million a year, and we can ensure that we are in a safe range. "

"In this way, we have to pay more attention to confidentiality."

Morgan said solemnly: "Yes, it's confidential. If we want to make more money, we have to keep it confidential. When we can't keep it confidential, we can sell the mine. We can't worry now, but I'm already in operation. I'll buy the land in both countries. Even if there is a dispute in the future, no matter which country the land belongs to, it's ours."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "it depends on you. There's nothing I can do and I don't have so much money."

Morgan shook his head and said, "if you agree, don't move the money from the diamond mine. As the funds of our two co registered companies, we buy the land where the mining area is located by selling diamonds. What do you think? If you agree, we'll do it. If you disagree, I'll give you your share of the money, and then I'll buy the land myself."

Gaoyang didn't care much about the money he couldn't get. In addition, Gaoyang's vision was also long-term, so he just thought about it a little and immediately said, "OK, I agree. You don't have to give me money. All the money in the diamond mine is used for reinvestment."

Morgan nodded: "Well, after you sign a document later, our company will be established, and then it will start to operate in the name of this company. We need time, at least three years. I expect that the output of the diamond mine in three years will be enough to buy the land twice. Although it costs more money, it is more secure. However, in other words, we may not be able to obtain income within three years, but we may also buy it The land has less money than I expected, so we can enjoy the income of the diamond mine earlier. "

Gao Yang scratched his head and said, "how long do you think we can keep this secret?"

Morgan thought for a moment and said with a smile, "I don't know, but I think it's more certain in five years. In addition, if we really can't keep the secret and need to sell the mining area, it's impossible to only sell the cost price. In fact, this is a gamble. After we can make hundreds of millions in this mine, we can sell the mine at a sky high price."

Gao Yang also sighed and said, "this is really a big bet!"

Morgan said with a heavy face: "yes, the real gamble! If we win, we are super rich. We have at least a billion dollars. If we lose, we may earn tens of millions of dollars or even hundreds of millions from the mining area, but we may not earn a penny."

Gao Yang said with a smile, "at least you won't lose money, will you?"

Morgan also smiled and said, "this is true. At least we won't lose money."

Gao Yang said with a smile, "that's a gamble! If we won't lose all our family, we'll be billionaires. If we lose, we won't become poor. Las Vegas doesn't have such a good gambling project, so why don't we gamble?"

Morgan raised his thumb and said: "I have a fortune of hundreds of millions now. According to my ability, I can't earn more money. In fact, it doesn't make much difference to earn hundreds of millions on the basis of hundreds of millions. Therefore, I can either become a super rich with a fortune of billions or even tens of billions, or maintain my current state. Unlike you, you could have become a billionaire safely But you chose to gamble. At your age, I'm not as brave as you, and you're braver than me. "

Gao Yang laughed and said: "In fact, I don't have the courage. I just think which mine is too big for us to intervene. Since I just intend to withdraw with a sum of money, of course, it is the maximization of interests. There are the most important reasons. In fact, I think tens of millions of dollars is enough. It's not necessary to become a billionaire, just like you don't need to earn hundreds of millions of dollars Like. "