Chapter 786

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
"Jason, go to guard, radar, hurry up and ask more things from the prisoner. It's too slow to take him. If that guy doesn't speak, kill him."

Time is pressing, and the danger is not far away. After letting Jason and bantuna work separately, Gao Yang said to several labourers around him, "well, now tell me, how many more bad guys are there, and is their camp far from here?"

The labourer who took the lead in giving Gaoyang diamonds pointed to the northeast and said, "where is the camp? It's not very close to here. We look for diamonds along the river. After scouring the upstream river, we gradually approached here. Many people left yesterday, and about half of the bad guys left in the camp."

The information obtained from the hard worker confirmed that the prisoner didn't lie. There were still about 50 people left in the camp, but Gao Yang didn't know how far away from the camp.

"Then how far is it? If someone comes, how long will it take to catch up with us."

Gao Yang's problem made the hard worker a little afraid, because after seeing that Gao Yang had only three of them, they were bound to worry that they would fall into the hands of those bad guys again.

"Fast, half an hour."

Bantuna was interrogating the prisoner because he didn't want to slow down. The prisoner was carried by two hard workers. Bantuna asked as he walked, but their speed inevitably slowed down and fell behind the team.

Gao Yang stopped and shouted to bantuna, "did you ask anything?"

Bantuna shook his head and said, "it's nothing too valuable, boss. We have to speed up. We'll be caught up."

Gao Yang waved his hand, and then bantuna cut the prisoner's neck with a knife.

Bantuna cut off most of the prisoner's neck with a knife. After sideways avoiding the blood mist from the prisoner, bantuna quickly ran to Gao Yang and whispered, "boss, there is a radio station in the camp. They will certainly inform Sadik. Your goal has been achieved. What are you going to do next? Are you really going to take some people away?"

Gao Yang looked at the people around him. After hesitating for a moment, he motioned bantuna and him to one side and whispered, "there are more than 100 human lives. I can't really leave them alone? Let's say, I really can't bear to see their situation."

Bantuna disapproved and said, "if there is no danger, I am happy to help them, but I think maybe you should consider your own problems. First, if it is only us, the remaining enemies are not a big problem, but if you take these people, it will be troublesome. First, we lose the possibility of concealment."

Gao Yang heaved his breath and said, "I understand, but I promised them. I can't really leave them alone. Well, you and Jason escort them to a safe area and hide them. I'll go to the enemy's camp and make some news myself. Those people pose no threat to me. I can kill them one by one like hunting. It's no big deal..."

"Enemy attack!"

Before Gao Yang finished, he suddenly heard Jason's hoarse roar, followed by a gunshot, and a hard worker with a gun fell down in response.

Many of those labourers picked up the rifles on the bodyguard's body, and a labourer with a gun became the target of the enemy.

"Sniper! Sniper! Lie down!"

Jason roared again, and then another of the already chaotic laborers fell to the ground.

Gao Yang immediately fell to the ground and shouted, "get down, get down on the ground."

Bantuna also roared, and the team of hard workers did not break up. After the chaos at the beginning, more than 100 people fell on the ground one after another.

Gao Yang and bantuna were on the right side of the team, and the bullets came from the left. After Gao Yang quickly climbed through the crowd, he looked up and looked around, but he didn't see anyone.

Gao Yang picked up the walkie talkie and shouted, "shoot there? Shoot there!"

Jason also said in a hurry: "the East, from the East, I saw two people, but now I can't see them. They hid up to 100 meters away."

Gao Yang looked east. After lying down, the bushes blocked his sight. Coupled with the heavy trees, he couldn't see anyone.

Carefully raised his head, Gao Yang saw several figures, then quickly pushed forward under the cover of trees, and then hid in the trees, but no one shot.

Gao Yang looked at his watch. It has been nearly 20 minutes since they attacked the guards along the river. If the enemy's reinforcements came, it means that they heard the gunshot or received the notice. They were moving this way when the battle happened, and now they have caught up with them.

After thinking for a moment, he said in a loud and deep voice, "knock off the pursuers before you go, Jason, be careful."

After that, Gao Yang knelt on one knee and raised his gun. After waiting for a while, a man in a black robe suddenly flashed out from behind the tree. Gao Yang was quick in eyes and hands, and shot the man in a black robe in the stomach.

After the man in black fell, no one moved. He held up his gun and waited for five minutes, but no one showed up.

If the enemy calms down, it's Gao Yang's turn. If the enemy can drag on, he can't drag on. Now I don't know when a large number of reinforcements will arrive. If he is surrounded, it's over. Maybe he can run away, but none of the hard workers want to run.

After waiting for another two minutes, the enemy still didn't move. Gao Yang felt he couldn't wait any longer. He whispered to bantuna, "radar, you take people first. You can't be dragged here. I'll keep an eye on the enemy. Come on."

Bantuna nodded and whispered to the people around him, "follow me, be careful, don't stand up and walk away."

After bantuna finished, he crawled forward when driving. The people around him were OK and could crawl with him. However, it was inconvenient to climb on the ground naked. In addition, the crawling speed was slow. Only after more than ten meters, someone couldn't help standing up and ran forward when driving.

Seeing a man standing up, most of them stood up with him. Bantuna roared, "get down, don't stand up, do you want to die."

Bantuna said it was too late. People just stood up. A man suddenly flashed out behind the tree opposite and fired three shots at the crowd.

When the gun rang, the enemy didn't lose a bullet. Although the people who had just stood up immediately fell to the ground, three more people were shot and fell to the ground.

It was hot and Gao Yang was sweating all over, but his sweat was not hot, but cold sweat from fear.

Just now the enemy shot, but Gao yangleng didn't have a chance to hit one of them, because he saw his own shadow on the enemy.

The super fast firing speed was less than two seconds from dodging out to hiding back in the tree. The super accurate shooting method and fast shooting still accurately hit the target. When Gao Yang pointed the muzzle at the shooting enemy, he had lost his shooting opportunity.

When the man was knocked down, Jason's shouts rang out.

"Sniper! Be careful!"

Gao Yang instinctively feels the danger. The enemy is very strong, really strong.

After hearing Jason's words, Gao Yang muttered to himself, "no, it's not a sniper, he's a precision shooter."

After muttering to himself, another man in black flashed behind the tree and immediately retracted behind the tree when he found that everyone was lying down.

There was no chance to shoot, but Gao Yang saw the black robed man's dress. After an inspiration, Gao Yang shouted, "Tuareg! They are Tuareg!"

He was dressed in black and covered his face. He was familiar with the dress of those people. He had dealt with people with the same dress for a long time.

After shouting, Gao Yang shouted to the laborers behind him, "are they Tuareg?"

A labourer shook his head and said, "I don't know. I don't know what Tuareg are."

At this time, a man who spoke a language that Gao Yang couldn't understand said a few words loudly, and the hard worker around Gao Yang said anxiously: "Yes, they are Tuareg. The one who speaks is Malian. Those Tuareg are also from Mali. They said that there are more than 30 Tuareg. Some of them left yesterday. Also, they are not all from Mali or a tribe."

Gao Yang took a few breaths and said to bantuna, "radar, take people away. I resist the enemy. Hurry up."

Bantuna climbed to Gao Yang's side and said solemnly, "are those Tuareg people novices or veterans?"

Gao Yang said hard: "veteran, do you need to ask? The Tuareg people opposite are definitely veteran who can hit the target with their fucking eyes closed. FAK, they are not rookies."

Bantuna murmured to himself, "trouble, it's really trouble, FAK. How did you meet Tuareg here?"

Gao Yang shook his fist and said in a deep voice, "no matter who it is, we have to fight to the end."

Bantuna stared at Gao Yang and said, "your plan doesn't include meeting Tuareg people. If those Tuareg people are rookies, I won't say anything, but they are old hands! Man, it's not stupid cannon fodder, it's not only very powerful but also very cunning old men, Tuareg old men!"

Gao Yang looked at bantuna and said, "I know who they are, and I know who Tuareg's old men are, but what do you say? The three of us leave and leave these people behind?"

Bantuna immediately nodded and said, "yes, that's what I think."

Gao Yang sighed and said with annoyance on his face, "Falk, Falk! My sense of justice and compassion come at a fucking bad time, but I have promised them that I will let them go home alive. I am not a good man. When I am a man of my word, what can I do? I can't fucking throw these unlucky people to those Tuareg people."

Gao Yang is really annoyed. If he doesn't make a commitment, he may really leave those hard workers behind, but if he receives diamonds and makes a commitment, Gao Yang has to be responsible to them to the end, because his consistent purpose is that as a man, he can't be a thing, but he can't say nothing.