Chapter 761

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
In extreme surprise, Gao Yang turned his head and looked at the place where he made a sound. Next to a big tree only more than ten meters away from him, he didn't know when there was another little girl, but he knew the little girl.

"MPa! You are MPa, I am a white child, I am a white child!"

The girl named MPa was topless, holding a tortoise in one hand and a tree in the other hand. She looked at Gao Yang timidly, but after hearing Gao Yang's words, MPA shouted in surprise and immediately ran to Gao Yang.

Gao Yang hugged the girl named MPa, but after a short hug, Gao Yang immediately pushed away MPa. Then he grabbed MPa's shoulder and said in a hurry: "where are kumtom? Where are they? Who are the two girls? Where is Kali? Where is she?"

MPA turned and pointed to the forest behind him: "Kali is at home. She is cooking. Her father is not here. He and his brothers have been away for many days. They are from the kayson tribe. There are several more people in our tribe. They are their brothers and their wives."

While MPa was talking to Gao Yang, Gao Yang heard a woman at the other end shouting, "MPa, where are you? You're back."

Gao Yang could hear who was talking. He immediately shouted, "kalizze, kalizze, I'm a white child. I'm back. I'm here!"

When Gao Yang spoke, he must be speaking in the language of the akuri tribe. Catherine and Adele couldn't understand anything. They could only stand and smile on one side. Seeing the ecstatic expression on Gao Yang's face, Adele whispered, "I've never seen Gao so happy as today. Now I'm also happy."

Catherine smiled, "yes, it's a day to celebrate."

Gao Yang ran and jumped in the direction of the sound. Without taking a few steps, four or five women came from the woods. When they saw Gao Yang, they all laughed and shouted.

Gao Yang ran to a woman and shouted, "kalizze, I'm back!"

Kali is kumtom's wife and the oldest woman in the tribe. Among the women around her, one is the wife of chief kumtom, and the rest are all kumtom's daughters. Among the older women, there is a little boy of five or six years old and a child held in his arms.

After three years of living together day and night, both Gaoyang and akuri tribes regard each other as their relatives. After a long separation and reunion, those women naturally clapped their hands and sang and danced around Gaoyang.

After a moment of excitement, Kali took Gao Yang's hand and smiled very happily. After looking at Gao Yang up and down for a long time, he said with a happy face: "my white child, who are those two strange white women? Are they your women?"

In the language system of akuri tribe, there is no word "friend". They have relatives and their own people, as well as people of the same ethnic group but belonging to other tribes. These relationships have corresponding words, but the concept of friend does not exist in the concept of akuri tribe at all.

Gao Yang thought for a long time and didn't know how to introduce Catherine and them. The most appropriate statement seemed to be his woman. After nodding, Gao Yang smiled and said, "yes, they are my women."

Gao Yang has two more people he doesn't know from the akuri tribe. In the akuri tribe, Gao Yang sees four women he doesn't know, and one of them still has a child in his arms. Gao Yang also points to the woman holding the child and says, "who are they?"

Kali smiled and said, "after you left, we met a tribe. We exchanged women in the tribe. Her name is totori, a woman of little Baal. She has given birth to a child for little Baal."

When Gao Yang was there, he didn't deal with other tribes. The reason is very simple. The ethnic group of akuri tribe is on the verge of extinction. It's not easy to meet the same ethnic group as akuri tribe on the grassland.

The so-called exchange of women actually means that two tribes intermarry men and women of marriageable age with each other. Because there are too few objects that can be intermarried, they basically marry all the girls who have reached the age and remarry all the girls of the other party. The problem of equal number is not considered, because for the primitive tribes of patriarchal society, Polygamy is not a problem.

The akuri tribe married four girls this time, but six came back, so Gao Yang knew more than half of the girls at once, but there were many more girls he didn't know. Big Baal, little Baal and kusto also had two wives each, and little Baal already had children, Since then, the akuri tribe has the possibility to continue.

After a few simple words, Gao Yang said nervously, "where are they, kumtom? Where have they gone?"

Kali's smile disappeared. After pointing to the north, she said with a sad face: "they went to war, revenge, and fought with tribes we don't know. The white children, MPA's sisters are dead, and the children exchanged by our tribe are dead."

Gao Yang doesn't know how old MPa is, and Kali, as a mother, doesn't know. Now it seems that MPa should look like 11-2 Suide, and the girls older than her have married to another tribe.

MPA's sisters are dead, that is, four girls of marriageable age married by the akuri tribe are dead.

Hearing kalitzer's words, Gao Yang was stunned as if struck by lightning. He lived together for three years. Of course he knew the four girls.

Kumtom's children are like his brothers and sisters. Suddenly they hear that they have lost four sisters at once. How can Gao Yang not be surprised.

"Carly, tell me what's going on! What's going on and why? Tell me!"

Kali pointed to the two little girls Gao Yang saw at the beginning and said sadly: "Their tribe is in the north of us. It's not too far away. They've been running for almost two days. Their tribe came to the forest before us. The grassland is becoming more and more dangerous. After our two tribes met, they exchanged women, and then we moved here. We agreed to move together if we want to move."

When he spoke, Kali looked sad. Some of the women next to him began to cry and some began to comfort Kali. After tossing and turning like crying and singing for a moment, Kali continued: "We have lived here for a long time. There is no prey nearby. Kumtom wants to migrate, and he also wants to see my daughters. Then he goes to the Kaisen tribe in the north, but he finds that the Kaisen tribe has been destroyed."

After pointing to the two little girls who were still curious and frightened, Kali cried: "A group of people dressed in clothes attacked their tribe with the loud bows and arrows you gave us. All the people died. Those strange people killed all the men, caught all the women, tortured them for a long time, and then killed them. The two were playing outside, so they were not found. They hid for a few days and returned to the tribe It took a long time until kumtom found them and brought them back. "

Gao Yang's heart is dripping blood. He doesn't know what's wrong with the world.

Both the akuri tribe and the Kaisen tribe belonging to the same ethnic group are very primitive. They have no struggle with the world. They can only live by hunting without guarantee. However, these primitive people are very kind. They will never hurt anyone.

However, for these primitive people who have no harm, those semi evolved and more advanced civilizations can't accommodate them, whether they are nomadic Dinka people, Nuer people, or some rebels with killing tools. Anyone who meets these primitive tribes wants to kill, and they never treat people like akuri tribe as similar.

A large part of the reason why the akuri tribe has been migrating is that it needs to avoid those semi civilized barbarians. In some stable countries, primitive tribes like the akuri tribe have a better life. However, in South Sudan, where the war has been going on for a long time and the war has resumed, the primitive tribes can not get the attention of modern society and can only be in the sad state of being slaughtered Miserable.

The akuri tribe was lucky. It was also because they had guns that they did not suffer from extinction.

In places like South Sudan, people of a primitive tribe are killed. No one will pay attention to it or even know it.

Gao Yang has experienced a tragedy in which the whole tribe was exterminated, but before long, he went through it again. This time, among the people killed, there were four girls he regarded as his sister.

After taking a hard breath, Gao Yang clenched his fist tightly. He had a bad fire and didn't spread it anywhere. Now he knows why Cousteau was painted with revenge makeup in the video.

After a long breath, Gao Yang said in a deep voice to Kali: "when did this happen, and where did kumtom go, where did they go for revenge!"

Akuri tribe is very backward in the concept of time. They can only calculate time by sunrise and sunset. The time unit exceeding 20 days is divided into rainy season and dry season.

After thinking for a long time, Kali said loudly: "for a long time, the disappearance of the kayson tribe was in the last dry season, and it has been ten days since kumtom and their revenge."

Looking at Kali's two outstretched palms, he raised his voice and whispered: "I see. I know. Kali, the white child is back, so I will also participate in the tribal revenge war. Do you know where kumtom and them have gone?"