Chapter 700

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
The suitcase was not very big, but it was heavy. Gao Yang opened the suitcase and found that it was full of documents.

Gao Yang took out a document nailed together and looked through it. He found that there were information and maps of Rwanda on it.

Pick up the second document nailed together. The Syrian flag is printed on the front page. The line below the flag is: market prospect analysis of security work in Syria.

Looking down, there are many maps of various countries, the relationship between this country and its neighboring countries, and the information of various weapons.

Helicopters, transport aircraft, tanks, armored vehicles, boxes and boxes of light weapons and ammunition, all kinds of weapons have pictures and text introduction, but the most important thing is that the photos of these weapons are actually taken, and there is a line of small characters in the picture data of any kind of weapons. Most of the contents are the origin of this article is innocent, and a small part is written that this article can be washed white.

Gao Yang raised his head, looked at big Ivan and said, "what do you mean by these?"

Big Ivan smiled and said, "I thought about it. It doesn't seem very appropriate for you to give you shares in the shipping company or an oil field. These are not your areas of expertise, so I think being a security provider is the best choice for you."

Gao Yang said, "safety dealer?"

Big Ivan nodded and said, "security providers, large multinational security providers like South African EO or armor group!"

After that, big Ivan waved his hand and said with a smile, "I asked people to prepare these materials in these two days. I'll send you all the equipment, including aircraft, helicopters, tanks and artillery. For business, I can help you pull a part. You can establish your headquarters or branch in any country in those materials to carry out business."

Gao Yang opened his mouth. He has information about 12 countries in his hand, that is, he can carry out business in 12 countries. In addition, he did not accurately count in his mind just now. If the weapons in the information are to be sent by big Ivan, he will have an il76 large transport aircraft, a C130 transport aircraft, five Mi-24 helicopters and three Mi-35 helicopters, Four S-70 helicopters, six T-72 tanks, four m109a4155mm self-propelled howitzers, eight 2s31 120mm self-propelled howitzers, 23 BMP-2 armored vehicles, nine BMP-3 armored vehicles, 12 M113 armored vehicles, 2000 AK47 rifles, 3000 AK74, 1400 M16, and a list of light weapons such as rifles, grenades and mortars, How much you need at any time, unlimited, unlimited time, unlimited place, want to speak.

The total value of these weapons, Gao Yang's first feeling, is definitely more than $200 million. It costs tens of millions for an IL 76 and tens of millions for a C130.

Gao Yang only feels that his heart is beating hard. These equipment are enough to arm a super large security team. Moreover, this force can not only guard the house, but also fight a national war in Africa.

In those days, the equipment of EO company in South Africa was just like this. It was even worse than the equipment that Gaoyang could have. As for what Blackwater company, compared with the equipment power on Gaoyang's paper, it was a slag, pure slag.

Gao Yang didn't dare to answer again. It's not that he was timid. There are too many things thrown by big Ivan.

Gao Yang is just the head of a super small mercenary regiment with a total of only ten people. Now, big Ivan told him to stop being a mercenary and start a large company. The number is over 10000, the equipment is complete, and the global delivery capacity is available. He can open the sub base at will. If he doesn't like what he sees in Africa, he will be scared to death by a military exercise.

This is not a shotgun for a gun. Well, this is a shotgun for an atomic bomb.

Gao Yang happily accepted the change, but Gao Yang was afraid that he would be killed by the atomic bomb instead of the shotgun.

After swallowing the saliva hard, Gao Yang shook his head and said in a trembling voice: "thank you, but no, big Ivan, really no, you give too much, I can't take it."

Big Ivan waved his hand and said with a smile, "you're welcome. You may think it's the most economical and labor-saving for me to give you these. You have to find out that others need to spend a lot of money to buy these things, but I sell this. I just take the inventory as a favor."

After that, big Ivan smiled: "Don't think how difficult it is to start a super large security company. I know you have friends with an American, right? You can register a company and then take over the work in the hands of the Americans. You have a lot of work to do in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. The United States urgently needs civil security companies with enough ability to help them."

Ivan also said with a smile: "if you think it's too eye-catching to open a super large security company, you can also split it up and register more. Some formal security companies work for Americans and some black households. It's not up to you where you go to war and earn money as mercenaries."

Big Ivan said with a smile: "you can open a company in the United States, one in Africa and one in Asia. The key is not equipment, but whether you can get business. You can rest assured that the countries included in your information have business for you, and you can also set up a residence. At least in Africa, you have enough business."

Ulyanko also said anxiously, "do it, Gao, do it, your friend, the big man in the United States, he can certainly help you get the contract from the U.S. Army. You can make a profit without losing."

Gao Yang frowned and said, "but I can't just have equipment and business. I have to find someone. Moreover, raising these equipment requires a lot of money. Planes need airports, pilots and helicopters. How can I have the money to do this?"

Big Ivan said with a smile, "I can't help you with the problem of people, but the staff is nothing more than paying salaries, hiring people when there is business, and giving money after work. Money is not a big problem. The most important thing is that you have to find people."

Gao Yang is really excited. He is still very familiar with being a security company. He can find enough people slowly, and he doesn't have to spread the stall too large at once. He can come step by step. The key is that the equipment costs the most. If big Ivan gives so many equipment at once, the rest will be small money.

Gao Yang nodded and said, "I'll think about it. I have to think about it. I don't know if I can handle such a big scene."

Big Ivan said in a deep voice: "don't worry too much. These equipment are yours. Put them here first. You can save money for maintenance. When you need it, call and send it to you, so that you can take your time and don't spread the stall too big at once."

Big Ivan thought very carefully and thought of all Gao Yang's concerns, and this is not over. He continued: "in addition, you may be strange when you start a big business. I will give you two people. They are both experts in this field. They will help you with negotiations with those countries and preliminary work."

Gao Yang knows that it's not so easy to do one thing, but big Ivan paved the way for him. In addition, he has a good relationship with Morgan. Big Ivan is right. It's not impossible to take two big jobs from Americans as long as he asks Morgan for help.

Gao Yang's heart began to tremble.

The weather, the place and the people are harmonious. Let's do it!

For example, compared with getting some shares and waiting for dividends, or giving him an oil field, Gaoyang still wants to open a security company, a large one!

"OK! I've done it, big Ivan. What else do you think I need to do? What do I need to prepare for the preliminary work?"

Big Ivan said without hurry: "there are a lot of preliminary work to do, such as registering the company. You must do it yourself to avoid being connected with me. In addition, the preliminary work also needs money. You have to have start-up capital."

Gao Yang nodded and said, "I'll start to make preparations. I'll do the preparatory work first and solve whatever problems I encounter."

Big Ivan voiced: "I won't participate in anything you do. On the contrary, I have to keep a distance from you and give you a suggestion. You can find someone to work together and find a partner with deep background and contacts. In this way, it will not only help you find business, but also help you take risks. Of course, you have to control the partner's shares and ensure that your company is absolutely controlled by you."

Gao Yang nodded immediately and said, "no problem, I have the right person."

Big Ivan smiled: "well, it seems that you have decided to set up a security company. Then I just need to continue to pay attention to it. My staff will be in place soon. The work of handing over equipment to you will be ready in the last three months. The specific progress depends on yourself."

Gao Yang still doesn't dare to believe that with just a few words, he can be upgraded from a mercenary to a big boss, which is much more exaggerated than pie falling from the sky, so that he always has a feeling that all this is not true and is a dream.

Just when Gao Yang wanted to speak, the door was suddenly knocked, and the voice was still very urgent. Big Ivan said and came in. His entourage looked very calm, but Gao Yang always felt that there was something wrong.

Gao Yang feels that something big has happened. He has no evidence. He just feels it.

Sure enough, waiting for the attendant to bend over and say a few words, big Ivan's eyebrows immediately frowned, and then he immediately said in a loud voice, "Gao, I'm sorry you have to leave."

After that, big Ivan stood up and said solemnly, "URI, Ivan, leave with me. We need to leave South Africa. Gao, the cleaning Union will send you away. No matter what happens, you don't have to take care of it. The cleaner is responsible for everything. The situation is urgent. I don't have time to explain too much to you. Now let's leave, hurry!"