Chapter 682

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Medusa put a bug on herself and acted as a one-way communication device, while the remaining three were still quiet.

Until half an hour later, Ryan suddenly said loudly: "bugger 4 is on, pay attention to listening!"

Frye then shouted, "I heard a sound, footsteps."

After a while, the voice of Medusa wearing a bug came from her laptop.

"We can't get close to big Ivan, the bug can't be placed, the internal situation has been found out, please record, A1 point S40, A2 point S10, A3 point S20, B1 point IF2, B2 point H2, B4 point H2, the key points can't be confirmed, D, H2, I, unknown, over"

When Medusa said this, Ryan brushed it on the paper. After Medusa said something, Ryan immediately said: "There are 40 South African special forces in the hospital, 20 South African special forces inside and outside the consulate general building. Inside the consulate general building, two people guard with rifles. At the entrance of the corridor on the second floor, two people guard with pistols. Two people guard with pistols at the door of the room where big Ivan is held. The situation in the house is unknown."

After saying it quickly, Frye suddenly shouted, "there's a voice on my side."

Ryan quickly changed the main monitoring bug to number four, that is, the one Frye heard the sound. In this way, a sound will ring directly from the computer, and only Gao Yang can hear the sound for the time being.

After a few footsteps, an impatient man said quickly, "when can the seals arrive?"

"Soon, half an hour at most. They're already on the road. They'll be there soon, sir."

"It's good if the seals come. Damn it, those South Africans have been trying to withdraw their troops. Now the streets outside us are full of fucking Russians. I have no doubt that they will fight in. These damn Russians can do anything, and the South Africans who protect us are unreliable."

"Sir, the Russians shouldn't attack us? Are they crazy?"

"Those damn Russians are crazy. FAK, the situation we face is very bad. The ambassador has been putting pressure on South Africa, but they just refuse to give us the key witness. We have to make sure that we won't be killed by those Russians. That damn Russian has plenty of money, and those who want to make money are not afraid to die and tell our people, Don't relax for a moment! "

"Yes, sir! Sir, I have a question. Are we dragging here? The seal has arrived. Why not transport the goods away immediately?"

"Do you think I'm willing to keep the goods and consume them here? The people above want to live! Do you understand? Do you think the damn old man can move? Hoo, we've done this. As long as we can send the goods back alive, we can get a promotion and a raise. Maybe we can get some light, but if the people in the action team go back dead, it's worthless, There will be no promotion or raise, so we have to send the goods back intact anyway. "

"Sir, have a cigarette?"

"Thank you. I've quit for a long time. Oh, no, give me a root, thank you."

"Sir, the Russian, is he so powerful? Is it possible that his people dare to attack our consulate general?"

"Kevin, think about it. The intelligence team watched him for three and a half years, and the action team made countless plans for him, all of which ended in bankruptcy. This guy is a big man, big man! Understand? Believe me, if his men can't rescue him, they will choose to kill him, and the people who want to kill him also include South Africans, his allies, if any I wouldn't doubt if someone rushed in with a truck and blew us up. "

"Oh, sir, it's really, well, it seems that we've really got a bad job!"

"Fark, thanks to the action team, we have to follow the bad luck in case of an accident. It's really a bad job. Forget it, don't complain, do our things well, don't care about the rest, we can't care. As long as we send the goods away, it's none of our business."

"Sir, but the goods can't be shipped. What should I do?"

"After the seals arrive, they may be able to ship soon. It is too risky for the goods to continue to be stored here. The people of the action team will find a doctor to check the goods again. As long as they can be transported, they will be transported away immediately. Now South Africa is under great pressure, so we have to take risks."

"I hope they can move faster. You haven't slept yet, sir. You should go and have a rest."

"Well, I will. I'll take a nap here. Kevin, I recommended Professor Barnard of grutekul Hospital Affiliated to Cape Town University. You should prepare first. If they confirm that the scheme is feasible, you may need to take someone. Professor Barnard brings it. I think it will be the night as soon as possible. The people of the action team haven't made up their mind, but you'd better prepare. Yes Be prepared. "

"Yes, sir, I'll go now."

As a series of footsteps left, the conversation ended. After the conversation, Ryan immediately said loudly: "this information is too fucking material. We need to control Professor Barnard ahead and inform Ivan to prepare people. I'll check Professor Barnard's phone!"

Extremely surprised, the effect of installing a bug is to see the shadow, and it is extremely useful.

Gao Yang's only feeling is that big Ivan should not die.

Ulyanko called Ivan, and Ryan immediately started checking things on the computer. Soon he picked up a phone. When the phone was connected, Ryan said calmly: "Hello, I have an appointment with Professor Barnard. Yes, I'm McHale. Our appointment time is 3 p.m., but I didn't receive a call. I'm afraid Professor Barnard changed the meeting time. Oh, that's good, thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Ryan said anxiously: "Professor Barnard is in his hospital office. He has an appointment at 3 p.m. and he will be in the office until 6 p.m. to go to grutekul hospital and control Professor Barnard. It will be of great use."

Ulyanko said with a distressed face: "kidnapping? If kidnapping, we are not professional. I'm afraid we'll leak."

They said they were anxious to send big Ivan away. Can we start on the road

Ryan said, "yes, be ready to start on the road, but anyway, we must be around Professor Barnard and control him if anything happens!"