Chapter 634

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
All the people on the beach became prisoners except the 26 who were killed.

Seeing the fighting on the beach, the landing ship retreated at the first time. When the war was over, the landing ship was far away from the coast. At this time, the landing ship's task of sending equipment and prisoners to the skeleton gang was successfully completed. The captain can go back to Deyo mather for a reward.

After the battle, things began to increase. We should gather the prisoners together and take care of them. We should also seize the time to use the things that have been transported ashore.

The soldiers of the skeleton gang were asked to do all these things. As soon as the battle was over, Justin took all his people to a place where there was no one to rest. Although he had torn his face with the British, it was best not to face each other. In this way, everyone still had room to maneuver in the future. If he rushed directly to the front and fought with the British, I guess the British don't have a chance to stop.

Ulyanko seemed very excited. He didn't get the four armed helicopters easily, which was at least tens of millions of dollars. Moreover, the money he made didn't have to be handed over to big Ivan. He could share it equally with polovich.

Gao Yang didn't meet the prisoners either. He had to meet with Justin to discuss what to do next.

After seeing Justin, Gao Yang first said, "how's it going? Are our people all right?"

Distin smiled, waved his hand and said, "an unlucky man let the cartridge case fall into his clothes and scalded a big blister. In addition, there was no one injured."

Gao Yang couldn't help laughing. The ambush was really smooth and comfortable.

After laughing, Gao Yang touched his chin and said with an embarrassed face, "this battle is a great victory. Gaisalai can say that he has been won. The problem is that we have captured so many British prisoners. How should we deal with it?"

Distin's was also tangled on his face and said, "it's impossible to kill all these prisoners. The impact is too bad. The British Navy should kill them. It's impossible to close them. Then do the command and let the British send more people to save them. After all, it can only be let go."

Gao Yang smiled bitterly and said, "I can't kill or close them, but I'm not willing to let them go for nothing. Do you think it's ok? In order to make the British have a longer memory, they pay to redeem the prisoners. Well, what's the price of $20000 per person?"

Didin shook his head and said, "the important thing now is to calm down the battle as soon as possible. The ransom is too high. What if the British refuse to pay? It should be lower. Ten thousand dollars a person. Let the skeleton Gang negotiate with the British immediately. We can't delay. Otherwise, we'd better start the negotiation now."

Gao Yang nodded and said, "the skeleton Gang must come forward to negotiate with the British, but it's a little early to start talking now. At least we can't talk until the British in gaisalai become prisoners?"

Distin smiled, pointed to the noisy beach and said with a smile: "the British have sent us tanks and artillery. Do you think the British in gaisalai will be a problem? We will solve the battle tonight, so now we can take the British in gaisalai as prisoners."

Gao Yang laughed and said, "the British Transport captain has done a good job. With the big running guns they sent, we can really save a lot of things."

After laughing with Justin for a few times, Gao Yang thought and said, "you'd better wait. We'll negotiate after gaisalle takes it. There's another thing I must tell you. The British of gaisalle won't be all prisoners, and the people of the homzny mercenary regiment must die."

Distin frowned and said, "there are dozens of people in homzny. They must all be killed?"

Gao Yang said firmly, "they must be killed. They are the sworn enemies!"

After thinking for a moment, distin said in a deep voice, "well, kill all the people of homzny. In this way, I really can't negotiate with the British in a hurry. I'll take people to gaisalai immediately."

"Don't worry, can the people you bring use cannons? Also, can someone drive tanks?"

Dean smiled: "of course, although it's not professional, it's sure to use it. Why, no one in the skeleton gang can use it."

Gao Yang sighed and said, "mortars and 107 mm Rockets have been taught for nearly a year before they can use them. As for large caliber barrel guns, no one can use them. There are tanks. One of us can drive, but only one."

Distin said immediately, "OK, my men took the tanks and artillery, but it seems that the shells of the tanks and artillery are still on the ship and haven't been unloaded in time?"

In order to prevent the British landing from having tanks available, dejo mather's men did a very good job. The most effective tank shells and machine gun shells were all left on the landing ship. In this way, it must be convenient for them to fight, but now there are no shells available when they want to use tanks.

Gao Yang sighed: "yes, there are no shells and machine gun bullets in the tank. Now we have some rockets and machine gun bullets for AH-1 helicopter and many 122mm shells for d30."

Di siding said with a smile: "no problem. There are d30 shells. What are you afraid of? Just flatten the cannons and blast them at close range towards the British. As for tanks, you can have oil. Drag the cannons with tanks and you can get to gaisalai soon."

After discussion, Gao Yang immediately informed the skeleton Gang to take the prisoners away. There was nothing left for them.

Distin sent someone who could drive the tank. After taking over the tank, he tried to tow the d30 gun, loaded as many shells as possible, and used the tank as a tractor, so he transported the three cannons to gaisalai.

Ulyanko flew two helicopters and took Gao Yang to gesale first.

As for the booty, just give it to the soldiers of the skeleton gang.

According to Gao Yang's estimation, the British in gaisalai will certainly know that their reinforcements have been caught and are likely to surrender, but in case, the preparations have to be done.

It doesn't matter if the British who have become a turtle in a jar still refuse to surrender and plan to fight to the end. Just blast his mother with cannon.

When he arrived at the temporary command post in gaisalai, Gao Yang called someone to escort Musa MOI. Without saying anything, he just threw him a walkie talkie and shouted, "tell your people to put down their weapons and surrender immediately and withdraw from the northeast. Give them half an hour. If they don't surrender at the time, they'll wait to be shot."

Musa MOI took the walkie talkie and said, "the British reinforcements have been killed?"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "the British reinforcements have come, but they have become prisoners."

Musa MOI didn't say anything. He began to contact his people with a walkie talkie, but he used Somali and Gao Yang couldn't understand what he was talking about. But now it doesn't matter if Musa MOI wants to play any tricks. With a cannon, if anyone wants to die, he will be.