Chapter 593

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
When Gao Yang and his men arrived at dabososa, it was already the early morning of the next day. The speed of the merchant ship was slow. When they got off the merchant ship, they didn't get on the fishing boat of the skeleton Gang very fast, so they didn't set foot on land until 5 a.m.

Although it was five o'clock in the morning, there were still many people waiting to meet them at the port. All the leading figures of the skeleton Gang came as long as they were in bossosa.

After hugging mayd with only one arm, Gao Yang didn't care to say anything else. The first sentence was: "how's it? Have all Banda's people withdrawn?"

Mayd nodded and said, "they all withdrew safely to gandala, including the original villagers of Banda."

In fact, mayd didn't intend to withdraw from Banda. He and Abu discussed to urgently send more personnel to Banda. However, Gao Yang, who trusted Jiang Yun's judgment, advised them to give up Banda, a place of little strategic significance, and mayd responded almost without hesitation.

He heaved a sigh and said, "just withdraw. If you lose your place, you can call back. There is a saying that is good, save the land and lose people, lose people and land, save people and lose land, and win people and land."

Mayd laughed and said, "that's what you want. Banda will let those harpies take it first. I'll call him back in a few days. You've come and lost Banda's hammer."

Mayd was stunned when he listened to Gao Yang's Sichuan tone Mandarin. Mayd laughed and said, "I'm glad to see my old friends. I'm glad to learn what I learned when studying abroad."

Gao Yang laughed and stood aside with him. Abu hugged him with a serious face.

Abramovich was still wearing the dazzling military dress that ulyanko got him. He stood upright. After hugging Gao Yang, Abramovich said with a disappointed look on his face: "you've finally come. You know, I've lost a big battle this time. When you come, I'm relieved."

Gao Yang also became serious and said, "don't worry about it. Who dares to say that he will win a war."

Abu nodded and said, "one more thing, someone sent your things last night. They asked to take care of your things themselves, so I arranged for them to have a rest."

Distin's action was very fast, so he sent the things. The Sicilian princess was closer to bossosa than the Sicilian prince, so under the urgent arrangement, the things arrived before Gao Yang.

Jiang Yun and Zhou Zhou were also there. Li JinFang had a happy chat with them, while Gao Yang said hello to them, motioned for a while, and then talked to mayd. First, he introduced them to some new Satans, and then greeted the acquaintances of the skeleton gang. Surrounded by the crowd, he came to the headquarters of the skeleton gang in bososa.

The skeleton Gang directly occupied the buildings left by the original mokdi faction, and the conditions were fairly good, but this was the office place. The residences of the top leaders mayd and Abu did not receive the luxury house left by mokdi. The place they lived was very ordinary. From this point of view alone, it can be seen that mayd was a big man.

After leaving the port, Gao Yang led them to visit bossosa's current appearance. After seeing the military camp and other places, they went to the headquarters of the skeleton gang. The people sent by distin to deliver the equipment lived here. Gao Yang didn't care to rest, arranged for Cui Bo to take people to receive the equipment, and then directly proposed to start the discussion immediately.

In a small conference room, Gao Yang and groliov were present at the Satan mercenary regiment, while there were four people at the skeleton gang. In addition to mayd and Abu, there was also the company commander of the teaching company, who was originally a company commander and now an officer who has been promoted to battalion commander. In addition, Jiang Yun was present.

After sitting down, Gao Yang ignored greetings and said, "we are all old acquaintances. If you have anything to say, we are here to collect money for war, but you all know that the maritime security company has our shares. Frankly, the maritime security company has also benefited a lot from the skeleton Gang during this period, so our security company will do it when necessary."

Mayd nodded and smiled, "thank you, but I think we should be able to do it ourselves."

Gao Yang gently knocked on the table twice and said, "I think so, but at present, those British people are a problem, especially when they get tanks. Our people lack anti tank equipment and experience, which is a problem."

Abu said with regret on his face, "we developed well some time ago and laid down a lot of places, so we just bought a batch of arms for army expansion and a large number of other daily necessities. Unfortunately, we didn't buy anti tank weapons. Ram, do you think we can buy them now?"

Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "it's time to fight tanks. You don't necessarily need big ones. Anti tank missiles and anti tank guns are OK. It's really not OK. Heavy anti tank rockets can also deal with those old tanks. As long as you have money, it's not a problem."

Mayd's face showed embarrassment. Abu also looked embarrassed. He raised his eyebrows and said, "why, you have no money?"

Mayd smiled bitterly and said, "there are more than 3.8 million left. I've collected almost half a million dollars these days, but I'm going to pay your commission with this money."

Before Gao Yang could speak, groliov said, "it doesn't matter. You can owe us how much you have left. We have several new people. Otherwise, you can't give it."

Gao Yang and others are ready to give their own money to help the skeleton gang. Let alone let them owe money first. However, just after groliov finished speaking, mayd immediately said, "it's no good. Your money must be paid immediately. We can't always let our friends suffer."

Gao Yang also waved his hand and said, "don't worry. It's not a problem. Even if it's only 500000 US dollars, it should be enough. Anti tank weapons are not expensive. Let's solve problems one by one. Now I'll call ulyanko to see how much anti tank weapons cost."

When Gao Yang said to call, he immediately dialed to uliyangke. After uliyangke answered, he immediately laughed and said, "man, you finally have time to call me. Why, can you come to South Africa? Big Ivan and Ivan are impatient, but they really want to see you and thank you, but you didn't even call."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "South Africa will go again when it has time. I'll call you now. I have business to talk about. I want anti tank weapons. What goods do you have? I probably need..."

Wuliyangke interrupted Gao Yang's words in a very forthright tone and said, "don't ask what I have, just say what you need. I'll get it for you no matter what you want. In addition, you don't need to ask how much money this time. Big Ivan said that as long as it's what you want, no matter what it is, no matter how much it is, it's free."

Gao Yang was stunned and said, "OK, but what does this mean?"

Ulyanko laughed: "Do you need to ask? Of course, this is one of the ways big Ivan thanks you. Note, it's one. In short, you need to speak directly. Don't care how much money. I'll get it for you. You want to fight a tank? Where is it? If it's convenient, I'll get you two Mi 24, and I'll have it on hand. If you want to use it for a long time, I'll give it to you directly. If you don't use it often, I'll match it with the pilot Just give it back to me. "

Gao Yang swallowed his saliva, smiled absently and said, "well, thank big Ivan for me, but this time it's not for me, it's the skeleton gang."

Big Ivan's kindness will be accepted, but the problem is that he can't transfer the favor given by big Ivan to the skeleton Gang, especially big Ivan's favor is still very big.

"Oh, it's the skeleton gang. It can't be free. Then, tell me what you need."

After Gao Yang said what he needed to face, he said, "do you have anything suitable there? It's best to send it as soon as possible, because it's in a hurry."

Ulyanko laughed: "Anti tank missile? New or old? The new model has at-14, the old model has AT-4, I also have American javelin anti tank missile and Dow heavy anti tuck missile. According to the situation you face, I think AT-4 is enough, coupled with several at-14, so that the delivery time is fast and can be delivered to bososa within two days. The skeleton gang has a large number of rockets, so it is no problem to hit armored vehicles You don't have to buy a bazooka. "

Gao Yang thought for a moment and said, "just Russian goods. AT-4 operation is troublesome. As long as at-14 is good, how much is it for ten?"

"The skeleton Gang is an old friend. It's very cheap. Ten missile launch systems with 20 missiles cost a total of 600000 US dollars. If you need more missiles, you can buy them later, 10000 US dollars each."

The at-14 can be reused. After ulyanko made an offer, Gao Yang thought it was acceptable. Although the skeleton gang may not have a chance to fight tanks after the battle, ten missile launchers are the minimum for a dozen armored vehicles and tanks, and it is difficult to guarantee what will happen on the battlefield.

Fighting is burning money. Gao Yang thought about it and said, "OK, another question, can you accept credit? The skeleton gang has some financial problems. It's best if you can charge, but it doesn't matter."

Uliyangke said happily, "the skeleton Gang needs credit? They keep a big source of money. Well, the skeleton Gang is a high-quality customer. Of course, you can credit. However, if you charge on credit, you must add 100000 US dollars. The payment term can be postponed for one month, and then add 100000 US dollars every month."

Gao Yang looked at mayd and said, "ten missile launchers and twenty missiles, with a total price of 600000 US dollars, can be paid on credit for one month, and each additional month will pay 100000 US dollars, OK?"

Mayd waved his hand and said with a smile, "of course, it's no problem. It's a very good solution, so I can pay your commission in advance. As for ulyanko's arms money, we can pay him soon. It only takes a few days."

Gao Yang nodded and then said on the phone, "we want the missile. In addition, what's the matter with the MI 24 you just said? Tell me in detail. I'm very interested."