Chapter 570

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
After greeting several people with his father for a while, Jack came to Gao Yang's side. He first gave a bitter smile and said, "I didn't expect that my father invited so many people. It seems that he really hates people with guns, and he has great confidence in you."

Irene shrugged and said, "someone is coming again. Do you see the man with the camera? It's from gun world magazine. I see his logo. Hey, look, IPSC people are also coming, but I don't know what position that person is."

Jack looked at it and said, "that's the president of the California Chapter."

He raised his eyebrows and said, "what's the matter? It's both a camera and a camera. It's too exaggerated. Do you think I should cover my face later?"

Bruce smiled, "there's no need. No one knows you anyway."

Just then, Jack smiled and said, "many people are asking my father who will fight for us. My father was going to introduce you to them, so he asked me to come and ask you if you would like to."

Gao Yang shook his head and said, "forget it, forget it. Being too famous is not a good thing for me. If I need to play later, I'd better cover my face, so as not to be recognized in other places after leaving the image."

Jack said with a smile, "no need. Put on your hat. The shooting eyes I prepared for you can cover half of your face. You can't see the inside from the outside."

Gao Yang is used to wearing bulletproof glasses, or shooting glasses. He wears them both during combat and when practicing shooting. When he played wargame in the early years, he couldn't live without bulletproof glasses. Although the current bulletproof glasses can't prevent the direct shooting of bullets, they can prevent the attack of some explosive fragments and even shotguns, which is very useful.

Gao Yang has his own bulletproof glasses, but the color is too light. At this time, Jack took out the dark bulletproof glasses prepared for Gao Yang from his bag and asked Gao Yang to try them. After Gao Yang tried, Gao Yang nodded with great satisfaction and said, "yes, it's appropriate. It's thoughtful of you. I didn't think of it."

Jack said with a smile, "you didn't expect so many people. In fact, although I was prepared, I was shocked to see today's scene."

While talking, Jack suddenly pointed to the group and said with a smile, "look, the shooter is coming."

More than 20 people from the gunfire studio have also come. Now there are more than 100 people in the shooting range. Although it is not an open competition and there is no ordinary audience, if some professionals are the audience, there are enough people for a small competition.

After seeing the shooter, Jack smiled and said, "put on your sunglasses and hat. It's time for us to go. We have to say hello to our opponent before the game."

Surrounded by several people, Gao Yang came to arilan. At this time, a middle-aged man who looked more than 40 years old in the gunfire laughed and said: "I'm really sorry, everyone, I've kept you waiting."

Jack whispered, "that's him, the owner of the gun, Dave buddy."

The middle-aged man doesn't look very arrogant. He is tall and thin. He is in a decent suit and has a confident smile on his face. He doesn't look very annoying.

Jack, they were very confident and invited a lot of people to watch the war. The people in the gunfire studio were also very confident that they would win. Many people came with them. Suddenly, a large group of people arrived. It was a waste of time just to greet and shake hands.

However, after Dave buddy said hello to the big people in front of him, he opened his mouth to arilan and immediately made Gao Yang feel that he was very ungrateful.

"Hello, Mr. Morson, I didn't expect you to come here in person. Is this a small one? Ha ha, old man, you really should come today to see how you failed."

After Dave was arrogant, Irene shook her fist and said, "this man is really flat."

Not wanting to be outdone, he said faintly, "I'm here to take away the victory, so before we start, let's reiterate the bet in front of all the witnesses."

Dave buddy put his head up, put his chin towards arilan Mosen, raised his hands and said loudly, "everyone, please be quiet, please listen to me."

After turning around and waiting for the crowd that seemed a little chaotic because of the greeting to calm down, Dave buddy shouted: "All of you here are famous people. I personally thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to watch the match between gunfire studio and arilan Mosen studio. At the same time, you are also a witness. Now let me reiterate our gambling agreement. According to the agreement between me and Mr. Jack Mosen, the losing Party of our two families in the three gun competition is in the United States In any competition and gun exhibition held by China, as long as the other party appears, it must disappear without a deadline until one party's studio does not exist and completely disappears. "

Hearing Dave's announcement, the scene was in an uproar.

In an uproar, arilan raised her hand, motioned for silence, and then said to Dave faintly: "I fully agree with what Mr. buddy said, but I still have some questions. What does the so-called one party studio mean until it does not exist? If you change your name, will it no longer be restricted by gambling, or will it appear not in the name of the studio, but in your personal identity or in the name of a gunner?"

Dave said without hesitation: "of course not. Let's put it this way, Mr. Morson. It's a bet between the buddy family and the Morson family. Change your name or any identity. As long as the winner is in, the loser in today's game will disappear automatically. Of course, it's better not to appear at all. This is a family war and a war of reputation. I think you won't shrink back?"

As a studio, a gunner, or a gun factory, as long as they live on guns and can't appear in any gun exhibitions and competitions in the United States, they have almost sentenced the merchant to death. The gambling agreement between arilan Mosen's studio and guns has bet on their future. Even if the loser doesn't go bankrupt completely, But there will never be any future.

It was amazing to hear Dave's announcement of the bet. It could be said that it decided the survival of the two famous studios. There was another uproar. Some people with high status thought they could speak also began to make things right for both sides.

As the most influential Association in the United States, the president of the National Rifle Association frowned and said, "Mr. buddy, Mr. Morson, it's just a game. Is your bet too heavy? I don't think it's necessary."

The president of IDPA association also casually echoed: "yes, I think it's too rash to bet the future of your studio and even the future of your family on a game."

In a voice of persuasion, Dave said with a smile: "what you said is actually very reasonable, so if Mr. Morson dare not accept this bet, I have no opinion, but personally, I should fulfill my promise better, at least behave like a real man."

Ariland waved his hand and said loudly, "well, that's it. Everyone has heard our bet. All the people present are witnesses. You are all fair people. There will be no problem in fairness for today's game. I announce that we accept the bet."

Dave smiled, stretched out his hand, shook hands with Morson, and said loudly, "very good. Even if Mr. Morson will fail in the end, you will lose very much."

After shaking hands and reaching a final agreement, no one will persuade them. They have done their best. Since both sides insist on competition, it's better to see a big play.

Dave raised his hand again and said, "before the game, let me introduce the shooter who represents the gun. I think everyone is familiar with him. Please come out, Mr. David Brown!"

Hearing the name David Brown, there was another uproar. When I saw a middle-aged man with big sunglasses coming out of the gunfire crowd, taking off his sunglasses and waving to the crowd, I was surprised.

Gao Yang saw that arilan's face obviously changed when he drank jack, and Bruce's face also changed greatly. He whispered, "Falk, how could it be him!"

No matter who came, Gao Yang didn't know him anyway, so he didn't feel anything at all, but looking at the people's extremely surprised appearance, Gao Yang couldn't help saying, "is this man very powerful? What's the origin?"

Bruce looked up and stopped talking. After hesitating for a while, he whispered, "it's nothing. This is a master, but I know you can beat him."

Gao Yang shrugged and said, "test tube, you should know I have a big heart. In order to let me know my opponent, you should tell everything. If you hide like this, I will be nervous, okay?"

Before Bruce could speak, arilan came to Gao Yang, pointed to Gao Yang and said, "this is Mr. Gao Xiang. He will fight on behalf of us."

Arilan said Gao Yang's pseudonym, which was all on Gao Yang's false evidence.

Gao Yang raised his hand, didn't take off his sunglasses, turned around the crowd, smiled and motioned to the people.

There was another exclamation in the crowd, but the exclamation of gunfire was because their gunman was too famous, and the exclamation of Gao Yang was that he was too unknown.

Gao Xiang? Who is this? Where did it come from? Arielan Mosen's studio even found such a nobody to fight, and it seems that he is an oriental. Can he do it?

People present don't have to guess what they think, because the voice of whispering has clearly spread to Gao Yang's ears.

After showing his face and waving to the people, Gao Yang continued to say to Bruce: "now you can tell me what my opponent is?"

Bruce looked helpless and said with a bitter smile: "A former Marine and sniper, after his retirement, he devoted himself to various shooting competitions and achieved extraordinary achievements. As for the three gun competition, he is the champion of the four national shooting competitions. In 2009, 10, 11 and 12 years, yes, he has won the championship in the last four years. As for the champions of those small competitions, well, don't mention it."